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发布时间:2018-03-18 12:38

  本文选题:西南地区 切入点:地方师范院校 出处:《重庆师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the continuous development of our economy, the quality of education is constantly improving, and teacher education has received great attention. The overall quality of primary school teachers in Southwest China is compared with that of primary school teachers in the central and eastern regions. There is still a big gap. A large part of primary school teacher education in southwest China depends on local teachers' colleges and universities. However, in the process of construction and development of the undergraduate major of primary school education in local normal colleges in southwest China, there are many problems that need to be solved urgently. Therefore, it is very important to construct a reasonable curriculum system with the specialty characteristics of primary education. In order to answer the construction of the curriculum system of primary education in the local normal colleges in southwest China under the new situation, the thesis is based on the comprehensive use of literature method, comparative research method and other research methods. Based on the analysis of the problems existing in the curriculum setup of the undergraduate major in primary school education in local normal colleges in southwest China, This paper is divided into four parts: the first part: introduction. The research results on the guiding ideology and system construction of curriculum setting for primary education specialty are combed out, and the purpose of the research is explained. Meaning and research ideas and methods. Part two: theoretical analysis of curriculum setting for primary education major. Focusing on modern curriculum theory, teachers' professional development theory, teachers'(learning) knowledge theory, Explore the inspiration and inspiration of the curriculum, These shimmering ideas are the theoretical foundation of curriculum setup in primary education. Part three: analysis of the problems and causes of undergraduate courses in primary education in local normal colleges and universities in southwest China. The main problems are as follows: curriculum training. There is a deviation in the positioning of the raising target. The proportion of curriculum structure is unreasonable, the curriculum design lays stress on theory rather than practice, etc. Part 4th: put forward some suggestions for the construction of curriculum system of science primary education specialty: the training goal should pay attention to post-service education, pay attention to the unity of realistic needs and lifelong development, etc. Pay attention to the development of primary school students, attach importance to the all-round improvement of students' ability, balance and coordinate the curriculum structure, integrate general education, subject basic education, professional education and teacher education, classify compulsory courses and elective courses clearly and proportionally, Teaching and practical courses should be coordinated, and practical courses should be applied; curriculum design should pay attention to practical ability; scientific and reasonable curriculum management system should be established; teaching leadership ability of teaching teachers should be improved; classroom teaching should pay attention to exploration and application. Pay attention to the reform of learning style, etc.


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