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发布时间:2018-03-19 12:42

  本文选题:生态主义 切入点:师生关系 出处:《西安建筑科技大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:生态学是人类社会发展到一定阶段的产物,随着马克思主义生态理论的逐步发展,生态主义理念更加深入人心,它以一种全新的概念,阐释了人与自然的关系,成为了社会的主流思想,应用于各个研究领域。马克思主义生态思想强调人与自然、人与社会和谐相处,,是互利共生关系,与生态主义教育思想主张师生和谐平等、共享共生的理念是一致的。师生关系自古以来受到国内外学者的重视,师生关系的状况是影响教学质量的直接因素,所以建立生态主义和谐师生关系是人类的共同追求。生态主义思想为师生关系的研究开拓了新视野,也反映了生态文明教育对当代教育的价值诉求。[1] 然而在过去很长一段时间内,受传统教育观念的影响,对师生关系的研究始终停留在“以学生为中心”或“以教师为中心”的二元论思想中,忽视了教师与学生的共同主体性特征,忽视了教师与学生的共生共融关系,异化了师生关系。本文从马克思主义生态视角来研究师生关系,为提高教学质量,丰富教育理论,完善师生关系提供了理论依据。 本文通过对国内外已有研究成果的梳理,综合分析了生态主义师生关系的内涵,探讨了生态师生关系与传统师生关系的区别及特点,阐述了构建生态主义师生关系的理论依据,追溯了生态师生关系的发展历史。研究对陕西省部分高校师生关系现状进行了调查分析。研究结果表明,目前高校师生关系整体呈现良好的状态,师生关系基本和谐。但也存在不和谐的现象:师生地位失衡、师生情感冷漠、师生交往呈功利性倾向。论文分析了师生关系不和谐形成的原因,剖析了建构生态和谐师生关系的必然性,最后论述了构建生态主义师生关系的原则,分别从内部条件和外部条件两个方面提出了生态主义视野下高校和谐师生关系的构建策略。
[Abstract]:Ecology is the product of the development of human society to a certain stage. With the gradual development of Marxist ecological theory, the concept of ecology is more deeply rooted in the people's heart. It explains the relationship between man and nature with a new concept. The Marxist ecological thought emphasizes the harmony between man and nature, man and society, is a symbiotic relationship of mutual benefit, and advocates harmonious equality between teachers and students. The concept of shared symbiosis is consistent. Since ancient times, teacher-student relationship has been valued by scholars both at home and abroad, and the condition of teacher-student relationship is a direct factor affecting the quality of teaching. Therefore, it is the common pursuit of mankind to establish a harmonious teacher-student relationship of ecologicalism, which has opened up a new field of vision for the study of teacher-student relationship and reflected the value demand of ecological civilization education to contemporary education. [1]. However, for a long time in the past, under the influence of traditional educational concepts, the study of teacher-student relationship has always remained in the dualism of "student-centered" or "teacher-centered". In order to improve the teaching quality and enrich the educational theory, this paper ignores the common subjective characteristics of teachers and students, ignores the symbiotic and inclusive relationship between teachers and students, dissimilates the relationship between teachers and students, and studies the relationship between teachers and students from the perspective of Marxism ecology, in order to improve the teaching quality and enrich the educational theory. Improving the relationship between teachers and students provides a theoretical basis. By combing the existing research results at home and abroad, this paper comprehensively analyzes the connotation of ecological teacher-student relationship, and probes into the differences and characteristics between ecological teacher-student relationship and traditional teacher-student relationship. This paper expounds the theoretical basis of constructing ecological teacher-student relationship, traces the development history of ecological teacher-student relationship, investigates and analyzes the present situation of teacher-student relationship in some colleges and universities in Shaanxi Province, and the results show that, At present, the relationship between teachers and students in colleges and universities is in a good state, and the relationship between teachers and students is basically harmonious. The paper analyzes the causes of the disharmony between teachers and students, analyzes the inevitability of constructing ecological harmonious teacher-student relationship, and finally discusses the principles of constructing ecological teacher-student relationship. The construction strategy of harmonious teacher-student relationship in colleges and universities under the view of ecologism is put forward from two aspects of internal and external conditions.


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1 孙家弘,钟先权;浅议新型师生关系的构建[J];江西社会科学;2000年02期

2 徐洁;民主、平等、对话:21世纪师生关系的理性构想[J];教育理论与实践;2000年12期

3 周大平;以学生为中心调整师生关系[J];w挛胖芸




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