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发布时间:2018-03-21 02:54

  本文选题:辅导员 切入点:学生冲突 出处:《曲阜师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:当前,高校辅导员与学生冲突问题已成为社会关注的焦点和热点。对高校辅导员与学生冲突问题进行深入细致的研究,既关系到高校思想政治教育和学生管理工作的顺利开展,也关系到学生的成长成才和未来社会的发展。辅导员在高校思想政治教育工作和大学生的健康成长中起着十分重要的作用。 高校辅导员与学生的关系是高校师生关系中较为特殊的一种关系。它的和谐与否,关系到学校日常管理和教学工作的顺利开展、学生的成长成才和校园的稳定。随着我国社会的全面转型,尤其是高等教育的大众化、学生班级的“超大化”、大学生接受高等教育“消费主义”倾向的滋生和蔓延,高校辅导员与学生的关系逐渐淡漠化、功利化和复杂化,高校辅导员与学生的冲突频发,对高校管理工作和学生的健康成长产生了极其不良的影响。因此,关注和正视现实,直面问题与挑战,深入研究高校辅导员与学生冲突问题,探寻解决问题的路径,,成为当前高校学生管理工作所面临的一个紧迫而现实的课题。 本文在充分借鉴和运用前人研究成果的基础上,以高校辅导员与学生冲突问题为研究视角,以冲突管理理论为分析工具,综合运用文献研究法和归纳与演绎相结合的方法,准确界定高校辅导员与学生冲突的内涵,深入分析高校辅导员与学生冲突的类型和成因,并对高校辅导员与学生冲突的管理提出有效对策,为进一步构建高校辅导员与学生的和谐关系提供借鉴意义。 本文共由四部分内容构成: 第一部分是对高校辅导员与学生冲突内涵的理论阐述。首先是对冲突的涵义和特点以及冲突观念的嬗变进行阐述,其次是对辅导员、辅导员与学生冲突的定义、特点和影响进行阐述。这是本文的研究基础。 第二部分分析了高校辅导员与学生冲突的三种类型,即情感冲突、价值观念冲突和利益冲突。这是当前高校辅导员与学生冲突的三种主要表现。 第三部分揭示了高校辅导员与学生冲突的成因。分别从辅导员维度、学生维度、家庭维度、学校维度和社会维度五个方面来阐释高校辅导员与学生冲突的原因,为最终提出高校辅导员与学生冲突管理的有效路径提供依据。 第四部分提出了高校辅导员与学生冲突管理的对策。运用冲突管理理论,从冲突的预防、处理和利用三个层面对高校辅导员与学生冲突进行管理,为更好地开展高校辅导员工作提供借鉴意义。
[Abstract]:At present, the conflict between college counselors and students has become the focus and hotspot of the society. A thorough and detailed study on the conflict between college counselors and students is related to the smooth development of ideological and political education and student management in colleges and universities. Counselors play an important role in the ideological and political education and the healthy growth of college students. The relationship between college counselors and students is a special relationship between teachers and students in colleges and universities. Whether it is harmonious or not is related to the smooth development of school daily management and teaching work. With the overall transformation of our society, especially the popularization of higher education and the "oversize" of students' classes, the tendency of college students to accept higher education "consumerism" is growing and spreading. The relationship between college counselors and students has gradually become indifferent, utilitarian and complicated, and the frequent conflicts between college counselors and students have had an extremely bad effect on the management work of colleges and universities and the healthy growth of students. Therefore, we should pay close attention to and face up to the reality. Facing the problems and challenges, it is an urgent and realistic task to study the conflict between college counselors and students and to explore the ways to solve the problems. Based on the previous research results, this paper takes the conflict between college counselors and students as the research angle, the conflict management theory as the analysis tool, the method of literature research and the combination of induction and deduction. This paper defines exactly the connotation of the conflict between college counselors and students, deeply analyzes the types and causes of conflicts between college counselors and students, and puts forward effective countermeasures to the management of conflicts between college counselors and students. To further construct the harmonious relationship between college counselors and students to provide reference. This paper consists of four parts:. The first part is the theoretical elaboration of the connotation of the conflict between college counselors and students, first of all, the connotation and characteristics of the conflict and the evolution of conflict concepts, and secondly, the definition of the conflict between counselors, counselors and students. This is the basis of this paper. The second part analyzes three types of conflicts between college counselors and students, that is, emotional conflicts, conflicts of values and conflicts of interests, which are the three main manifestations of the conflicts between college counselors and students. The third part reveals the causes of the conflict between college counselors and students. It explains the reasons of the conflict between college counselors and students from five aspects: counselor dimension, student dimension, family dimension, school dimension and social dimension. Finally, it provides the basis for the effective path of conflict management between college counselors and students. Part 4th puts forward the countermeasures of conflict management between college counselors and students. Using the theory of conflict management, it manages the conflicts between college counselors and students from three aspects: conflict prevention, management and utilization. In order to better carry out the work of college counselors to provide reference.


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