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发布时间:2018-03-21 20:51

  本文选题:甘肃省 切入点:高等教育 出处:《兰州大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:合理的高等教育结构体系是一个国家及地区高等教育健康、有序发展的内在需要,是经济、社会发展的必然要求,研究高等教育结构体系是一个具有重大理论和现实意义的选题。分析甘肃省高等教育结构体系现状,找出问题并提出调整对策,可以对甘肃省高等教育事业的良序发展、高等教育功能的充分发挥提供参考性意见,对甘肃省经济、社会、文化、科技等各项事业的发展以及工业强省、人才强省等战略目标的实现具有重要意义。 笔者在对有关高等教育结构研究相关文献进行概括梳理的基础上,从办学体制结构、布局结构、层次结构、形式结构以及本科专业结构五个方面对甘肃省高等教育结构现状进行了统计分析,发现它既取得了很大成绩,又存在一系列问题。成绩主要有:甘肃省公办与民办高等教育均得到很大发展;以兰州、陇东天水和河西高等教育区为主体的布局结构体系进一步形成发展;高等学校办学规模不断扩大,高层次人才比例不断提高;成人高等教育和继续教育得到进一步改革和发展;本科专业结构调整取得新进展等。问题主要有:民办高等教育发展落后;布局结构与地区经济发展水平不相适应;人才培养结构与产业结构、就业结构等脱节,高等职业教育总体发展水平较低;成人高等教育发展偏离正常轨道;高等学校优势特色本科专业较少,专业契合度低,个别专业重复建设等。 最后,针对问题,笔者就甘肃省高等教育结构的优化调整提出了若干对策建议:第一,完善有利于民办高等教育发展的办学体制结构;第二,根据地区发展水平协调高等教育布局结构,包括重点建设一批高水平有特色的大学,逐步增强高等学校布局与地区经济发展、人口分布情况等的适应程度;第三,建立同经济社会发展相适应的层次结构;第四,推进多样化的高等教育形式结构,促进成人高等教育与普通高等教育一体化发展,构建终身学习的公共资源平台;第五,通过政府、高等学校、社会三者的统力合作,努力构建一个结构合理、特色鲜明、与甘肃省经济社会发展相适应的本科专业结构体系。
[Abstract]:The structure of higher education system of higher education is a reasonable health of countries and regions, the inherent needs of the orderly development of the economy, the inevitable requirement of social development, the structure of higher education system is of great theoretical and realistic significance. Analysis of the current situation of higher education structure system of Gansu Province, find out the problems and propose countermeasures. Can the Gansu province higher education enterprise's healthy development, to provide the reference opinion to give full play to the function of higher education in Gansu Province, economic, social, cultural and other undertakings, development of science and technology and industrial province, has important significance to achieve strategic objectives such as strong talent.
The author summarizes the basic of the relevant research literature on the structure of higher education, from school system structure, layout structure, hierarchical structure, form structure and major structure of five aspects of the statistical analysis on the current situation of higher education structure in Gansu Province, found that it has made great achievements, but there are a series of problems result. Mainly include: Gansu province public and private higher education have been great development; in Lanzhou, Tianshui and Hexi Gansu layout system of higher education as the main area of further development; higher education continues to expand the scale of high level talents to continuously improve the proportion of adult higher education and continuing education; further reform and development of undergraduate specialty structure; the adjustment has made new progress. The main issues are: the development of private higher education is backward; the layout structure and regional economic development level Do not suit; structure and industrial structure, personnel training, out of employment structure, the overall development level of higher occupation education is low; the development of adult higher education deviated from the normal track; the characteristics of higher school undergraduate professional advantage is less, low fit, individual professional repeated construction.
Finally, to solve the problem, the optimization and adjustment of higher education structure in Gansu province and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions: first, to improve the school system structure conducive to the development of private higher education; second, according to the coordination of higher education layout structure of the level of regional development, including the focus on building a number of high-level characteristic university, gradually enhance the economic development and layout in high school, to the extent of population distribution; third, to establish a hierarchical structure with economic and social development; fourth, to promote the diversification of the structure of higher education, adult higher education and promote the integration of higher education development, the construction of public resources platform for lifelong learning; fifth, through the government, higher education system the three force cooperation society, and strive to build a rational structure, distinctive characteristics, and economic and social development of Gansu province is suitable for undergraduate Structural system.



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