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发布时间:2018-03-21 21:37

  本文选题:变革型领导 切入点:交易型领导 出处:《燕山大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着经济高速发展,众多高校在全球化浪潮的冲击下面临着激烈的竞争,如何有效地提高高校管理水平成为当下高校管理者亟待解决的问题。因此,大力开展高校组织氛围建设是有效提高高校管理水平的途径。而学校组织氛围又与学校领导习惯化了的领导方式有直接关系。这种习惯化就是领导风格的体现。多数学者已经指出掌握更多领导风格的领导者往往会营造出最好的工作氛围从而取得较好的绩效。 本文先阐述了三种领导风格和组织氛围的相关理论,,分析了变革型领导、交易型领导和放任型领导以及高校组织氛围的概念。依据文献研究和实际情况提出了本文的研究假设。并通过文献资料的查找和对高校教师的访谈,设计了调查问卷,包括基本信息、领导风格和高校组织氛围三个部分。 其次,对调查问卷进行了因素分析和信度检验。经过因素分析将高校组织氛围归结为学术氛围、管理氛围、激励氛围、工作氛围和压力氛围五个维度。然后对三种领导风格及高校组织氛围五个方面之间的相关性进行了分析,发现总体上变革型领导风格与高校组织氛围的学术氛围、管理氛围、工作氛围和激励氛围呈显著的正相关关系;但是与压力氛围的相关关系不明显。交易型领导风格与高校组织氛围的学术氛围、管理氛围、工作氛围和激励氛围呈显著的正相关关系;但是与压力氛围的相关关系不明显。放任型领导风格与高校组织氛围的学术氛围、管理氛围、工作氛围和激励氛围呈正相关关系;但是与压力氛围的相关关系不明显。 最后,根据本文的实证结果以及相关理论我们提出改善高校组织氛围的综合管理建议,希望能推动高校组织氛围朝着较好的方向改善。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy, many colleges and universities are facing fierce competition under the impact of globalization. How to effectively improve the management level of colleges and universities has become a problem to be solved urgently. It is an effective way to improve the management level of colleges and universities by vigorously developing the organizational atmosphere of colleges and universities, and the organizational atmosphere of schools is directly related to the customary leadership style of school leaders, which is the embodiment of leadership style. Most scholars have pointed out that leaders with more leadership styles tend to create the best working atmosphere and achieve better performance. This paper first expounds three kinds of leadership styles and organizational atmosphere related theories, analyzes the transformational leadership, The concepts of transactional leadership, laissez-faire leadership and organizational climate in colleges and universities. According to the literature research and the actual situation, this paper puts forward the research hypotheses of this paper. Including basic information, leadership style and university organizational atmosphere three parts. Secondly, the factor analysis and reliability test are carried out on the questionnaire. Through the factor analysis, the organizational atmosphere of colleges and universities is reduced to academic atmosphere, management atmosphere, incentive atmosphere, and so on. The relationship between three kinds of leadership styles and five aspects of organizational atmosphere in colleges and universities is analyzed, and it is found that the academic atmosphere and management atmosphere of the organizational atmosphere of colleges and universities in general are transformational leadership styles. There was a significant positive correlation between the work atmosphere and the incentive atmosphere, but not with the stress atmosphere. The transactional leadership style and the academic atmosphere and management atmosphere of the organizational atmosphere in colleges and universities, There is a significant positive correlation between work atmosphere and incentive atmosphere, but not with stress atmosphere. Laissez-faire leadership style has a positive correlation with academic atmosphere, management atmosphere, work atmosphere and incentive atmosphere of university organization atmosphere. But the correlation with pressure atmosphere is not obvious. Finally, according to the empirical results of this paper and related theories, we put forward comprehensive management suggestions to improve the organizational climate in colleges and universities, hoping to promote the improvement of organizational climate in colleges and universities towards a better direction.


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