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发布时间:2018-03-22 10:15

  本文选题:大学生 切入点:志愿者活动 出处:《辽宁大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:志愿服务作为一种自愿的、不计物质报酬,,并推动人类发展、社会进步的社会活动,已经成为人类社会生活的重要组成部分,体现着社会的文明进步。近几年我国的志愿者活动有了较快的发展,党和国家高度重视社会志愿服务活动的发展,不断完善社会志愿服务体系。大学生志愿者活动作为社会志愿服务活动的重要组成部分,也是高校开展思想政治教育的重要途径,在思想政治教育中具有重要的作用。本论文运用文献法、访谈法进行研究,立足于大学生志愿者活动的实际发展情况,从思想政治教育工作和大学生自身两个方面,探究大学生志愿者活动在思想政治教育中的作用,并研究如何利用大学生志愿者活动,推动思想政治教育工作的创新。 本文分为四个主要部分:绪论部分介绍了选题目的与意义、论文的研究方法与创新点,通过文献综述,回顾了国内外关于大学生志愿者活动及其思想政治教育作用的基本情况。第一章首先界定了志愿者活动的几个基本概念,然后分析了大学生志愿者活动对思想政治教育工作和大学生自身的重要作用,认为大学生志愿者活动有助于丰富思想政治教育的内容,有助于创新思想政治教育的方式,有助于提升受教育者的主体性,有助于改善思想政治教育的环境。第二章概述了大学生志愿者活动的发展情况。第三章从三个方面提出了在思想政治教育中更好地发挥大学生志愿者活动作用的建议,包括首先要在思想政治教育中倡导志愿者精神,其次以大学生志愿者活动创新思想政治教育的实践平台和教育环境,最后加强大学生志愿者的组织建设。
[Abstract]:Voluntary service as a voluntary, regardless of material reward, and promote human development, social progress of social activities, has become an important part of human social life, In recent years, the volunteer activities in our country have developed rapidly. The Party and the state attach great importance to the development of social voluntary service activities. As an important part of social voluntary service, it is also an important way for colleges and universities to carry out ideological and political education. This paper uses the method of literature and interview to study, based on the actual development of college students' volunteer activities, from two aspects of ideological and political education work and college students themselves. This paper explores the role of college students' volunteer activities in ideological and political education, and studies how to make use of college students' volunteer activities to promote the innovation of ideological and political education. This paper is divided into four main parts: the introduction part introduces the purpose and significance of the topic, the research methods and innovation points of the paper, through the literature review, This paper reviews the basic situation of college students' volunteer activities and their role in ideological and political education at home and abroad. The first chapter defines several basic concepts of volunteer activities. Then it analyzes the important role of college students' volunteer activities in ideological and political education and college students themselves, and thinks that college students' volunteer activities are helpful to enrich the contents of ideological and political education and to innovate the ways of ideological and political education. Help to enhance the subjectivity of the educated, The second chapter summarizes the development of college students' volunteer activities. The third chapter puts forward some suggestions on how to play a better role in ideological and political education. It includes advocating the spirit of volunteers in ideological and political education, innovating the practical platform and educational environment of ideological and political education by volunteer activities of college students, and finally strengthening the organization and construction of university students' volunteers.


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