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发布时间:2018-03-22 21:24

  本文选题:高校 切入点:教代会 出处:《陕西师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着依法治校理念的不断实践,作为教职工依法参与学校民主管理和监督的基本形式,教职工代表大会(以下简称教代会)在高校内部事务的决策和实施过程中发挥着不可替代的作用,其不仅是完善高校内部治理结构的需要,也是在高校治理实践中有效实现与维护广大教职工队伍合法权益的基本制度设计,尤其是教代会在高校建设现代大学制度中的作用日益凸显。在新形势下,随着高等教育改革的不断深化以及相关法律法规的不断完善,教代会现有运行机制已不能完全适应现行教育管理体制的发展,产生的问题和挑战导致我国高校内部民主监督乏力。因此,高校教代会应准确把握教育发展规律,明确其法律地位,并根据运行过程中存在的问题,在分析其成因的基础上,提出相应的对策,不断实现我国高校教代会运行机制的完善和优化,才能确保高校教代会与时俱进。 基于此,本文以我国高等学校教职工代表大会的法律地位及运行机制研究为题,运用文献分析法和实证分析法对我国高校教代会进行了较为深入而系统的研究,通过明确其法律地位,在分析现状的基础上对它的运行机制进行了重构。具体包括以下几个方面: 首先,运用文献分析法对高校教代会的发展历史及其概念、特点、功能进行了归纳性的分析,认为教代会是高校教职工行使民主管理和监督权利的重要组织机构,具有指导思想明确、代表人员广泛、机构运行完整规范、职权务实和权威等特点,能起到维护教职工合法权益、保障教职工参与民主管理和监督、有效推动校务公开、民主评议领导干部、实现教职工自我管理等作用; 其次,通过理论与实践分析相结合的方式,对高校教代会的法律内涵与特征及法律渊源进行了详实的表述,分析了《学校教职工代表大会规定》对教代会制度的创新,并且从高校教代会的权益配置及其与高校权利主体的法律关系两个方面论述了当前我国高校教代会的法律地位。 再次,运用文献分析法对高校教代会运行机制的概念、基本特征和目标取向进行了分析论述。通过在陕西地区部分高校开展的实证调研,对部分高校工会主席、副主席访谈内容进行总结的基础上,通过查阅所访高校有关教代会的文件资料,指出了我国高校教代会面临的制度不合理、执行力不足、民主监督不成熟等问题,分析出主要原因是法律法规不健全、高校对教代会建设重视度不够、民主监督机制比较滞后、教职工权利意识淡薄等四个方面。 最后,本文通过论述教代会是我国现代大学制度、高校内部治理结构、民主化进程的重要组成部分,同时借鉴国外高校教代会的发展状况,提出了完善我国高校教代会运行机制的对策和建议,以期为实现我国高校教代会的进一步改革和优化、提高高校的管理水平提供必要的理论参考。
[Abstract]:With the continuous practice of the idea of administering schools according to law, as a basic form of participation of teaching staff in democratic management and supervision of schools according to law, The staff Congress (hereinafter referred to as "the Congress") plays an irreplaceable role in the decision-making and implementation of the internal affairs of colleges and universities, which is not only the need to perfect the internal governance structure of colleges and universities. It is also the basic system design to effectively realize and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the teaching staff in the practice of university governance, especially the role of the representative meeting in the construction of modern university system in colleges and universities. With the deepening of the reform of higher education and the continuous improvement of relevant laws and regulations, the existing operating mechanism of the Congress can no longer fully adapt to the development of the current educational management system. The problems and challenges have led to weak democratic supervision in colleges and universities in our country. Therefore, the educational representative meeting in colleges and universities should accurately grasp the law of educational development, clarify its legal status, and analyze the causes of its formation according to the problems existing in the course of operation. This paper puts forward the corresponding countermeasures to realize the perfection and optimization of the running mechanism of the educational representative meeting in colleges and universities in our country continuously, so as to ensure that the university educational representative meeting will keep pace with the times. Based on this, this paper, based on the research of the legal status and the operating mechanism of the staff Congress of colleges and universities in China, makes a deep and systematic study on the conference by using the literature analysis method and the empirical analysis method. By clarifying its legal status, this paper reconstructs its operating mechanism on the basis of analyzing the present situation. First of all, the development history, concept, characteristics and functions of the conference are analyzed by literature analysis, and it is concluded that the conference is an important organization for university staff to exercise the right of democratic management and supervision. It has the characteristics of clear guiding ideology, wide representation, complete and standardized operation of institutions, pragmatic functions and powers, and authority, which can safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of staff and staff, ensure their participation in democratic management and supervision, and effectively promote the openness of school affairs. Democratic evaluation of leading cadres to achieve self-management of teaching staff and so on; Secondly, through the combination of theory and practice, this paper gives a detailed description of the legal connotation, characteristics and legal origin of the university's educational Congress, and analyzes the innovation of the "regulations of the School staff Congress" on the system of the Congress. This paper also discusses the legal status of the university representative conference in China from two aspects: the distribution of its rights and interests and its legal relationship with the subject of university rights. Thirdly, the paper analyzes the concept, basic characteristics and goal orientation of the running mechanism of the university representative meeting by using the literature analysis method. Through the empirical investigation carried out in some colleges and universities in Shaanxi Province, the paper analyzes the union chairmen of some colleges and universities. On the basis of summarizing the contents of the interview by the vice chairman, and by consulting the documents and materials of the educational representative meeting in the universities visited, this paper points out that the system of the conference is unreasonable, the executive power is insufficient, and the democratic supervision is not mature, and so on. The main reasons are that the laws and regulations are not perfect, the colleges and universities pay less attention to the construction of the Congress, the democratic supervision mechanism lags behind, and the staff's consciousness of rights is weak. Finally, this paper discusses that the Congress is an important part of the modern university system, the internal governance structure of colleges and universities, and the process of democratization. At the same time, it draws lessons from the development of foreign universities. This paper puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to perfect the running mechanism of the university representative meeting in our country in order to provide the necessary theoretical reference for the further reform and optimization of the university representative meeting and the improvement of the management level of the university.


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