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发布时间:2018-03-24 08:27

  本文选题:疏导教育法 切入点:社会工作 出处:《陕西师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:疏导教育法是思想政治教育的适用性方法,也是其基本方法。作为一种实用的、有效的思想政治教育方法,疏导教育法以其独特的特征和功能而被广泛运用于高校思想政治教育。传统的疏导教育法采用的是面对面的形式,以说理教育的方式为主,缺乏对于人的关怀,容易形成教育双方的分离和对立,导致思想政治教育效率低下、流于形式。本文在对疏导教育法基本理论进行梳理的基础上,分析其在新时期运用过程中面临的问题和困境,同时立足高校大学生思想政治教育的实践,引入社会工作的方法,重塑疏导教育的理念,转变教育的方式,探索和建立疏导教育法新的机制。 本文共有五个章节组成。 第一章:绪论。从研究的背景、研究的意义、国内外的研究现状、研究的内容、研究的方法以及研究的创新之处等几个方面对疏导教育法进行了概括和介绍。 第二章:疏导教育法的内涵、特征,主要回答“是什么”的问题。笔者分别从“疏”和“导”两个概念入手,通过论证分析厘清了二者之间的辩证关系,总结归纳出疏导教育法较为完整科学的含义和基本特征。 第三章:疏导教育法的基本功能和应用原则,继续回答“是什么”的问题。通过对概念特征的分析,总结论证疏导教育法区别于思想政治教育其他方法的基本作用,即:导向功能、协调功能和育人功能,结合疏导教育在实际中运用的现状,提出疏导教育法在运用过程中应当遵循的基本原则。 第四章:疏导教育法在新时期运用的现状,结合实际回答了“为什么要进行疏导教育法创新”的问题,本章节从两个部分入手分析了方法运用的情况,通过介绍疏导教育法运用的广泛程度、受重视程度和受欢迎程度,指出方法进行创新的必要性;通过疏导教育法运用时理念的滞后性、方法的单一性、形式的局限性、体系的缺陷性等不足的分析,得出方法创新的紧迫性。 第五章:新时期高校疏导教育法的创新,主要回答了“怎么办”的问题。立足高校大学生思想政治教育的实际,同时引入社会工作中的个案方法、团体方法、社区工作等方法,着重从教育理念、教育内容、教育方法、教育载体、教育队伍等五个反面进行深入的思考和研究,以进一步提高疏导教育法的针对性和实效性。 我认为,本文的价值和创新点在于:对疏导教育法基本理论进行了系统的梳理归纳,立足高校思想政治教育实际的同时又不仅仅局限于高校,利用社会工作的相关方法开拓疏导教育的思路,为提高大学生思想政治教育的实效性提供了很好的借鉴。
[Abstract]:As a practical and effective method of ideological and political education, the method of guidance education is the applicable and basic method of ideological and political education. Due to its unique characteristics and functions, grooming education method is widely used in ideological and political education in colleges and universities. It is easy to form the separation and opposition between the two sides of education, which leads to the low efficiency of ideological and political education and the mere formality. On the basis of combing the basic theory of the grooming education method, this paper analyzes the problems and difficulties it faces in the course of its application in the new period. At the same time, based on the practice of college students' ideological and political education, the author introduces the method of social work, reinvents the concept of grooming education, changes the way of education, and explores and establishes the new mechanism of the method of guidance education. This paper consists of five chapters. Chapter one: introduction. From the research background, the significance, the domestic and foreign research status, the research content, the research method and the research innovation and so on several aspects has carried on the summary and the introduction to the grooming education method. The second chapter: the connotation, the characteristic, mainly answers the question of "what". The author starts with the two concepts of "sparse" and "guide", and clarifies the dialectical relationship between them through demonstration and analysis. Summed up the implications and basic characteristics of a more complete and scientific method of grooming education. The third chapter: the basic function and application principle of the guidance education method, and continue to answer the question of "what is it". Through the analysis of the concept characteristics, the author summarizes and demonstrates the basic function of the grooming education method which is different from other methods of ideological and political education. That is, the guiding function, the coordination function and the educating function, combined with the present situation of the practical application of the guidance education, the basic principles that should be followed in the course of the application of the guidance education method are put forward. The fourth chapter: the present situation of the application of the guidance education method in the new period, combined with the actual answer to the question of "why should we carry out the innovation of the guidance education method", this chapter starts with two parts to analyze the situation of the application of the method. By introducing the wide application, attention and popularity of the method, the necessity of innovation is pointed out, and the lag of the idea, the singularity of the method and the limitation of the form are pointed out. The defects of the system are analyzed, and the urgency of method innovation is obtained. Chapter five: the innovation of college guidance education law in the new period, mainly answers the question of "how to do". Based on the reality of college students' ideological and political education, it also introduces the case method and group method in social work. In order to further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of the education law, community work and other methods focus on the following five aspects: educational idea, educational content, educational method, educational carrier, educational team and so on, in order to further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of the education law. In my opinion, the value and innovation of this paper lies in: the basic theory of grooming education method is systematically summarized, based on the reality of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, but not limited to colleges and universities at the same time, Using the relevant methods of social work to open up the ideas of guiding education provides a good reference for improving the effectiveness of ideological and political education of college students.


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