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发布时间:2018-03-24 11:05

  本文选题:财富 切入点:财富观 出处:《西南财经大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着我国改革开放的深入以及社会主义市场经济制度的确立,我国经济建设取得了举世瞩目的成就,经济总量跃居世界前列,中国的经济发展不仅创造了世界的财富神话,更是从物质生活水平方面给广大人民带来了巨大的实惠。关于财富已不再是人们避而不谈的话题,而是变成了人们生活中津津乐道的话题;人们渴望财富,热议如何创造财富,讨论如何使用财富,可以说,财富话题进入了人们生活的方方面面。当代大学生正是在这样的时代背景下成长起来的一代,更为重要的是大学生作为国家青年群体中的优秀群体,未来国家经济建设的“排头兵”,他们的财富观健康与否不仅关系到个人的顺利成长成才,更会对国家经济发展产生重大影响。 那么,当今大学生对财富的认识如何?他们有哪些具体的财富观?其财富观现状如何?存在哪些问题?问题的原因是什么?我们应该采取哪些措施对其进行健康财富观的培育?这些问题就成为我们思想政治教育工作者好奇并需要回答的问题。 作为思想政治教育工作者,要想回答“如何对大学生进行健康财富观的培育”这个问题,首先要做的就是对当今大学生的财富观现状进行分析与研究,只有在清楚了当今大学生财富观现状、问题及其产生原因的基础上,我们才能为大学生健康财富观的培育提供正确的路径选择。因此,笔者就大学生财富认知观、追求观、支配观三个方面为主要内容编制了“关于当前大学生财富观的调查问卷”对西南财经大学、西南财经大学天府学院两所高校的同学进行了问卷调查,借助统计软件分析,就大学生财富观现状得出了比较真实的数据统计,这些调研结果也构成了文中大学生财富观现状的主要内容。 本文主要由五个部分构成:第一部分是绪论,主要就本文的选题背景、意义、研究现状、基本思路、逻辑结构、研究的方法以及创新与不足进行了介绍,对本文研究的主要内容进行了概述。第二部分,笔者就财富观的基本理论进行了介绍,主要从财富和财富观两个方面进行了阐述,为后文研究大学生健康财富观培育做了理论铺垫。第三部分,对大学生财富观进行理论方面的研究,阐述了大学生财富观的含义、基本内容、特点,为后文的研究奠定基础。第四部分,采用问卷调查的形式,就大学生财富观现状以及问题产生的原因进行了调查研究,概述了大学生财富观现状,分析了导致大学生财富观问题出现的五大原因,为后面的大学生健康财富观培育的路径选择提供了依据。第五部分,对大学生健康财富观培育的路径选择进行了研究,主要对大学生健康财富观的含义、特征、基本原则以及内容做了介绍,并就大学生财富观问题产生的原因提出了有针对性的对策,以望为大学生健康财富观培育贡献一份力量。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of China's reform and opening up and the establishment of the socialist market economy system, China's economic construction has made remarkable achievements, the total economic volume has leapt to the forefront of the world, and China's economic development has not only created the world's wealth myth. In terms of material standard of living, it has brought great benefits to the masses of people. The topic of wealth is no longer a topic that people avoid talking about, but a topic that people enjoy talking about in their lives; people yearn for wealth and talk about how to create it. To discuss how to use wealth, it can be said that the topic of wealth has entered all aspects of people's lives. What is more important is that college students, as an excellent group in the national youth group, will be the "vanguard" of national economic construction in the future. Whether their outlook on wealth is healthy or not is not only related to the smooth growth of individuals. More will have a major impact on the country's economic development. So, what do college students know about wealth today? What are their specific views on wealth? What is the present situation of its view of wealth? What are the problems? What is the cause of the problem? What measures should we take to foster the concept of healthy wealth? These questions become the questions that our ideological and political educators are curious and need to answer. As ideological and political educators, in order to answer the question of "how to cultivate college students' view of healthy wealth", the first thing to do is to analyze and study the present situation of college students' view of wealth. Only on the basis of clear understanding of the present situation, problems and causes of college students' view of wealth, can we provide a correct path choice for the cultivation of college students' view of healthy wealth. Based on the three aspects of dominating view, this paper compiled the questionnaire on the view of college students' wealth, and investigated the students of Southwest University of Finance and Economics and Tianfu College of Southwest University of Finance and Economics by means of statistical software. Based on the present situation of college students' wealth view, the author draws more true statistics, and these results also constitute the main contents of the present situation of college students' wealth view. This paper is composed of five parts: the first part is the introduction, mainly on the background, significance, research status, basic ideas, logical structure, research methods, innovation and deficiency of this paper. In the second part, the author introduces the basic theory of the view of wealth, mainly from the two aspects of wealth and wealth. The third part is the theoretical research on the view of college students' wealth, and expounds the meaning, basic content and characteristics of the view of college students' wealth. The fourth part, by means of questionnaire survey, investigates the present situation of college students' view of wealth and the causes of the problems, and summarizes the present situation of college students' view of wealth. This paper analyzes the five reasons that lead to the problem of college students' view of wealth, and provides the basis for the choice of the way to cultivate the view of healthy wealth of college students. Part five, the research on the path choice of the cultivation of the view of healthy wealth of college students. This paper mainly introduces the meaning, characteristics, basic principles and contents of college students' view of health wealth, and puts forward some countermeasures to solve the problem of university students' view of health wealth, in order to make a contribution to the cultivation of college students' view of health wealth.


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