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发布时间:2018-03-24 15:26

  本文选题:公立高校 切入点:机制 出处:《沈阳师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着我国高等教育大众化进程的加快,社会对高等教育的需求越来越大。高等教育的迅猛发展和高校规模的不断扩张导致我国高等教育经费短缺问题日益严重。传统的单一依靠政府财政性教育经费支出的状况已经无法适应市场经济条件下高等教育发展的要求,在这种情况下,如何增加高等教育经费,如何完善高等教育筹款机制是国家、社会和高校必须面对和解决的重要问题。高校筹款渠道多元化发展一定程度上满足了我国公立高校良性发展的要求,但高校筹款内部各要素之间缺乏良性互动使高校筹款活动还没有达到预期的效果。 本文以我国公立高校筹款为研究对象,从机制基本理论出发,首先阐述了机制基本理论,进而引入筹款机制、教育机制理论,并按照教育机制理论体系对高校筹款机制含义和类型进行了深入分析,整个理论延伸过程围绕机制各个部分之间的相互联系及其作用方式进行论证;其次,从高校筹款机制基本类型,即层次机制、形式机制和功能机制角度分别分析了我国公立高校筹款机制的现状并对其存在的问题进行了阐述;最后,,将高校筹款机制类型与社会客体相联系,从国家、高校和社会三个角度剖析了我国公立高校筹款机制存在的问题以及完善筹款机制的政策建议。 本文的创新点在于引入机制基本理论。通过机制理论分析衍生出筹款机制、教育机制,最后将着眼点定位在高校筹款机制,整个论证过程始终围绕机制核心理论进行,脉络清晰。另外,坚持高等教育是全社会共同事业的观点,从国家、政府和高校三个角度分别阐述了解决高校教育经费短缺问题的对策。不足之处在于没有找到机制各类型以及高校筹款各主体之间有效的互动形式,有待进一步探索和完善。
[Abstract]:With the acceleration of the process of popularization of higher education in China, With the rapid development of higher education and the continuous expansion of the scale of higher education, the shortage of funds for higher education in our country is becoming more and more serious. The situation has been unable to meet the requirements of the development of higher education under the market economy. Under such circumstances, how to increase funds for higher education and how to improve the mechanism for raising funds for higher education are the state. The society and universities must face and solve the important problems. To some extent, the diversified development of fund-raising channels in colleges and universities has met the requirements of the benign development of public universities in our country. However, the lack of positive interaction among various elements in college fund-raising has not yet achieved the expected results. Based on the basic theory of mechanism, this paper introduces the basic theory of mechanism, and then introduces the mechanism of raising funds and the theory of educational mechanism. And according to the theory system of education mechanism, the meaning and type of fund-raising mechanism in colleges and universities are deeply analyzed. The whole extension process of the theory revolves around the interrelation between the various parts of the mechanism and the mode of action. Secondly, From the basic types of fund-raising mechanism in colleges and universities, that is, hierarchical mechanism, formal mechanism and functional mechanism, this paper analyzes the current situation of the fund-raising mechanism in public universities in China and expounds its existing problems. By connecting the types of fund-raising mechanism with the social object, this paper analyzes the problems existing in the fund-raising mechanism of public colleges and universities in China from the three angles of state, university and society, as well as the policy suggestions for perfecting the fund-raising mechanism. The innovation of this paper lies in the introduction of the basic theory of mechanism. The mechanism of raising funds and the mechanism of education are derived from the analysis of the theory of mechanism. Finally, the focus is placed on the mechanism of raising funds in colleges and universities. The whole process of argumentation always revolves around the core theory of mechanism. The context is clear. In addition, to uphold the view that higher education is a common cause of the whole society, from the point of view of the country, The government and the university separately elaborated the countermeasure which solves the university education fund shortage question, the shortcoming lies in has not found the mechanism each type as well as the university fund-raising each main body effective interaction form, waits for further exploration and consummation.


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