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发布时间:2018-03-25 21:39

  本文选题:民办高等教育 切入点:投资机制 出处:《武汉理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着世界人才竞争的日益激烈,高等教育需求日趋旺盛,而由于高等教育资源的严重短缺,供不应求,使得高等教育走上私立化发展道路已经成为必然趋势。我国民办高等教育在这样的趋势推动下,经过30多年的发展,办学规模不断扩大,办学水平不断提高,已经成为我国高等教育事业的重要组成部分。但在取得成就的同时,也面临着产权模糊、经费不足、融资渠道狭窄等诸多问题。为了扫除民办高等教育投资发展过程中的障碍,促进民办高等教育的健康发展,本文将中国民办高等教育投资机制与国外私立高等教育投资机制进行比较,分析了国外五国私立高等教育投资机制的共性与差异,结合对我国的适用性分别提出了共性与差异对我国的启示。 全文分为六章:第一章对选题背景与意义、国内外研究现状、研究方法与内容及本文的创新点进行了概述,确定了本文的研究思路和框架。第二章介绍了民办教育、民办高等教育投资、机制与体制等概念,并总结了民办高等教育投资机制的相关理论。第三章梳理了中国民办高等教育投资机制的发展历程,分析了中国民办高等教育投资产权机制、财政资助机制、多渠道筹措机制和法人治理机制的现状,并提出了目前各个部分存在的问题。第四章从私立高等教育投资机制构成的四个部分分别研究了美、日、韩、印、菲五个国家私立高等教育投资机制的现状。第五章通过比较研究法总结出美、日、韩、印、菲五个国家私立高等教育投资机制的共性和异性,并根据使用性原则分别提出了共性与差异对我国的启示。第六章在总结民办(私立)高等教育投资机制的国际比较的基础上,从产权机制、财政资助机制、多渠道筹措机制和法人治理机制四个角度提出了完善中国民办高等教育投资机制的对策。 本文可能存在的创新点有:从主体投入机制,内在动力机制,吸纳机制,和保障机制四个方面构建了一个系统的中国民办高等教育投资机制的理论体系。并基于国际比较的视角,构建了一个“以产权明晰为基本前提,法人治理机制健全为根本保证,政府财政资助推动的,各利益主体共同参与的”民办高等教育投资机制。在财政资助中又引入了“政府购买公共服务”的视角探讨政府资助民办高等教育的创新型模式。
[Abstract]:With the increasingly fierce competition for talents in the world, the demand for higher education is becoming more and more vigorous. However, due to the serious shortage of resources for higher education, the supply is short of supply. It has become an inevitable trend for higher education to take the path of private development. Under the impetus of this trend, after more than 30 years of development, the scale of running schools has been continuously expanded, and the level of running schools has been continuously improved. It has become an important part of higher education in our country. But at the same time, it faces many problems, such as vague property rights, insufficient funds, narrow financing channels, etc. In order to remove the obstacles in the process of investment and development of private higher education, To promote the healthy development of private higher education, this paper compares the investment mechanism of private higher education in China with that of foreign private higher education, and analyzes the commonness and difference of investment mechanism of private higher education in five foreign countries. Combined with the applicability of our country, this paper puts forward the enlightenment of commonness and difference to our country. The thesis is divided into six chapters: the first chapter summarizes the background and significance of the topic, the current research situation at home and abroad, the research methods and contents, and the innovation of this paper, and determines the research ideas and framework of this paper. Chapter two introduces the private education. The concepts of private higher education investment, mechanism and system are summarized, and the related theories of private higher education investment mechanism are summarized. The third chapter combs the development course of private higher education investment mechanism in China. This paper analyzes the present situation of private higher education investment property right mechanism, financial aid mechanism, multi-channel financing mechanism and corporate governance mechanism in China. The fourth chapter studies the United States, Japan, South Korea and India from the four parts of private higher education investment mechanism. The present situation of private higher education investment mechanism in the five countries of the Philippines. Chapter five summarizes the similarities and differences of private higher education investment mechanisms in the United States, Japan, South Korea, India and the Philippines through comparative research. According to the principle of utility, the author puts forward the enlightenment of commonness and difference to our country. Chapter VI summarizes the international comparison of private (private) higher education investment mechanism, from the property rights mechanism, financial aid mechanism, This paper puts forward the countermeasures of perfecting the investment mechanism of private higher education in China from the four angles of multi-channel financing mechanism and corporate governance mechanism. The possible innovations in this paper are as follows: the main input mechanism, the internal dynamic mechanism, the absorption mechanism, Based on the perspective of international comparison, this paper constructs a theoretical system of the investment mechanism of private higher education in China from four aspects of the security mechanism, which is based on the basic premise of the clarity of property rights and the perfection of the governance mechanism of legal persons, which is the fundamental guarantee for the investment mechanism of private higher education in China. The "private higher education investment mechanism" promoted by the government financial support and the participation of all stakeholders. In the financial aid, the "government buys public service" perspective is introduced to explore the innovative mode of government-funded private higher education.


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