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发布时间:2018-03-26 01:42

  本文选题:科研评价 切入点:指标体系 出处:《云南大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:云南省教育厅自然科学基金在云南大学内部存在科研人员申报积极性不高,立项数目比较少的现象。通过调研发现,科研人员普遍反映对教育厅自然科学基金感兴趣度不高的原因主要在于教育厅自然科学基金资助额度较少不能满足研究需要、上级部门对于厅级科研项目的绩效奖励力度没有国家级科研项目的奖励力度大等。同时,科研人员希望上级部门提高教育厅自然科学基金资助额度的愿望越来越强烈。高等院校是知识创新和知识传播的主体,在国家自主创新体系中起着生力军的作用,是我国重要的技术创新队伍。开展省教育厅自然科学基金科研活动的科研人员作为这支队伍的一员到底有没有奉献出智慧和力量?云南大学开展教育厅自然科学基金项目研究,在我国科技创新驱动战略中到底有没有贡献度?本文对省教育厅自然科学基金的科研水平进行了一个科学、真实的评价。 本文系统地分析了国内外科研水平评价现状,结合云南大学实际,运用文献查阅法、专家访谈法确立了云南大学教育厅科研基金项目创新水平评价指标,利用专家经验判断法确定权重,构建了云南大学教育厅科研基金项目创新水平评价框架,并以云南大学近五年来教育厅基金项目数据为基础进行评价,并对评价结果进行了科学客观公正的深入分析。通过本文的研究有利于真正树立云南大学创新质量和实际贡献的导向,提升云南大学科研的创新能力和总体水平。 通过分析云南大学教育科研基金在创新水平方面体现的薄弱环节及优势,努力探寻影响制约云南大学科研创新能力发挥的因素,结合实际提出建议,提出提升和培育科研创新水平的总体战略是发挥优势,加强薄弱,盘活资源,综合创新。提出为了提高云南大学科研水平还需更新观念,加强体制、机制、能力、文化、管理等方面的创新,激发勇于创新的积极性,使云南大学始终保持旺盛的科技创新优势。
[Abstract]:Within Yunnan University, the natural science foundation of Yunnan Education Department has the phenomenon that the enthusiasm of scientific research personnel is not high and the number of projects is relatively small. The reason why researchers generally reported that they were not interested in the Natural Science Foundation of the Department of Education was mainly because the amount of funding provided by the Natural Science Foundation of the Department of Education could not meet the research needs. At the same time, the departments at the higher level are not as strong as those at the national level in rewarding the performance of scientific research projects at the departmental level. At the same time, Scientific research personnel hope that the higher authorities will increase the amount of funding from the Natural Science Foundation of the Department of Education. Institutions of higher learning are the main body of knowledge innovation and knowledge dissemination, and play a vital role in the national independent innovation system. It is an important team of technological innovation in China. Did the scientific research personnel of the Natural Science Foundation of the Provincial Education Department, as one of the members of this team, offer wisdom and strength? Does Yunnan University carry out the research of Natural Science Foundation of the Department of Education in China's science and technology innovation drive strategy in the end has the contribution degree? This paper makes a scientific and true evaluation on the scientific research level of the Natural Science Foundation of the Provincial Education Department. This paper systematically analyzes the status quo of scientific research level evaluation at home and abroad, combining with the reality of Yunnan University, using the method of literature review and expert interview, establishes the evaluation index of innovation level of scientific research fund project of Yunnan University Education Department. Using the expert experience judgment method to determine the weight, this paper constructs the evaluation framework of the innovation level of the scientific research fund project of the Department of Education of Yunnan University, and evaluates it on the basis of the project data of the Department of Education Fund of Yunnan University in the past five years. The evaluation results are analyzed scientifically, objectively and impartially. The research in this paper is helpful to set up the orientation of the innovation quality and actual contribution of Yunnan University, and to improve the innovation ability and the overall level of the scientific research of Yunnan University. Based on the analysis of the weak links and advantages of Yunnan University Educational and Scientific Research Foundation in innovation level, this paper tries to find out the factors that restrict Yunnan University's scientific research and innovation ability, and puts forward some suggestions based on the practice. The overall strategy to promote and cultivate the level of scientific research innovation is to give full play to its advantages, strengthen its weakness, invigorate the resources and make comprehensive innovation. It is pointed out that in order to improve the scientific research level of Yunnan University, it is necessary to renew the concept, strengthen the system, mechanism, ability and culture. The innovation in management and so on stimulates the initiative of innovation, and makes Yunnan University keep the strong advantage of scientific and technological innovation all the time.


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