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发布时间:2018-03-26 12:02

  本文选题:国际化 切入点:道德文化 出处:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着经济一体化和信息化的高速发展,国际化已经成为世界各国高等教育发展不可避免的现实境遇和必然趋势。本文旨在国际化这一背景下以及国内外学术界研究道德文化的成果的基础上,诠释国际化及高校道德文化的基本涵义,阐述国际化背景下高校道德文化建设的重要性,并深入分析国际化对高校道德文化建设带来的机遇和挑战,继而对国际化背景下如何更好的建设高校道德文化进行对策思考。 首先,依据研究的理论意义以及实践意义,强调了选题的可行性和必要性。通过对与选题直接相关和间接相关的文献的检索,凸显选题的独特视角,并通过文献法、调查法等研究方法对选题进行了初步的研究。 其次,按照从一般到特殊的逻辑顺序,将与高校道德文化相关的概念分别进行了界定。其中,结合高校道德文化本身的特性,分析了其基本功能,主要包括传承维系功能、导向功能以及创造功能。在此基础上,分析了国际化背景下高校道德文化建设的重要性:一是培养国际化人才的需要。德行是国际化人才必备的素质,而高校道德文化不仅有助于培养大学生健康的人格品质,而且有助于提高大学生的道德素养;二是提高高校国际竞争力的内在动力。 再次,对国际化背景下高校道德文化建设的现实境遇进行了概括分析。具体阐述了国际化背景下高校道德文化建设面临的机遇和挑战。概括起来,主要机遇有:高校道德文化建设环境由封闭走向开放;丰富了高校道德文化建设的文化资源;拓宽了高校道德文化建设的思维空间和方式;提供了高校道德文化建设“人学”转向的契机。而主要挑战包括三个方面:第一是对高校道德文化建设环境的影响,国际化使其文化环境更加多元、信息环境更为复杂、竞争环境更为激烈;第二是对高校道德文化建设内容的影响,异质文化的渗透,不仅产生了中西文化冲突和文化路向的模糊,而且弱化了高校主流道德价值,导致大学生价值选择迷茫;第三是对高校道德文化建设载体的影响,主要是网络的普及,高校道德文化建设如何利用这一新的载体,扩大其影响力和渗透力,是其面临的主要挑战。 最后,为应对国际化的挑战,切实提高高校道德文化建设的时效性,提出了四点建设思路:坚持以社会主义核心价值体系引领高校道德文化建设:优化高校道德文化建设的内容;净化高校道德文化建设的环境;积极探索高校道德文化建设的有效载体。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economic integration and information technology, Internationalization has become an inevitable reality and inevitable trend in the development of higher education in the world. This paper explains the basic meaning of internationalization and university moral culture, expounds the importance of university moral culture construction under the background of internationalization, and analyzes deeply the opportunities and challenges brought by internationalization to the construction of university moral culture. Then how to better construct the university moral culture under the international background carries on the countermeasure thought. First of all, according to the theoretical and practical significance of the study, the feasibility and necessity of the topic selection are emphasized. Through the retrieval of the literature directly and indirectly related to the topic, the unique angle of view of the topic is highlighted, and the literature method is adopted. The investigation method and other research methods have carried on the preliminary research to the topic. Secondly, according to the logic order from general to special, the concepts related to moral culture in colleges and universities are defined separately. Among them, combining with the characteristics of moral culture in colleges and universities, the basic functions are analyzed, including the function of inheritance and maintenance. On the basis of this, this paper analyzes the importance of moral and cultural construction in colleges and universities under the background of internationalization: first, it is necessary to train international talents. The moral culture of colleges and universities is not only conducive to the cultivation of healthy personality quality of college students, but also helps to improve the moral literacy of college students; second, it is the internal motive force to improve the international competitiveness of colleges and universities. Thirdly, this paper generalizes and analyzes the realistic situation of moral culture construction in colleges and universities under the background of internationalization, and expounds the opportunities and challenges facing the construction of moral culture in colleges and universities under the background of internationalization. The main opportunities are as follows: the environment of moral culture construction in colleges and universities is changed from closed to open, the cultural resources of moral culture construction in colleges and universities are enriched, and the thinking space and mode of moral culture construction in colleges and universities are broadened. It provides a turning point for the construction of moral culture in colleges and universities. The main challenges include three aspects: first, the influence on the environment of moral and cultural construction in colleges and universities, the internationalization of which makes the cultural environment more diversified and the information environment more complex. The second is the influence on the content of moral culture construction in colleges and universities. The infiltration of heterogeneous culture not only produces the conflict between Chinese and Western cultures and the ambiguity of cultural direction, but also weakens the mainstream moral value of colleges and universities. The third is the influence on the carrier of moral culture construction in colleges and universities, mainly the popularization of the network, how to make use of this new carrier in the construction of moral culture in colleges and universities, and how to expand its influence and penetration. Is its main challenge. Finally, in order to meet the challenge of internationalization and improve the timeliness of the construction of moral culture in colleges and universities, This paper puts forward four construction ideas: adhere to the socialist core value system to lead the construction of moral culture in colleges and universities, optimize the content of moral culture construction in colleges and universities, purify the environment of moral culture construction in colleges and universities; Actively explore the effective carrier of the construction of moral culture in colleges and universities.


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