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发布时间:2018-03-27 08:25

  本文选题:黑龙江省 切入点:科技创新团队 出处:《哈尔滨工业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:高校科技创新团队作为一个复杂的有机体,影响其作用效果发挥的因素有很多,如何让高校科技创新团队高效地发挥其作用,从哪些方面提高其创新能力,是当前科技管理者和研究者们都关心的问题。 本研究首先对高校科技创新团队的研究来源、研究背景和意义进行介绍,介绍国内外相关研究的现状及研究的内容、文章结构和研究中所用的方法等,为整个科技创新团队影响因素的研究搭起框架。其次将对高校科技创新团队的相关概念和研究中具体需要用到的理论依据进行阐述,并针对研究需要给出对科技创新团队的描述性定义。接下来参照现有模型,建立高校科技创新团队发展建设影响因素的模型,整理了影响创新团队发展建设水平的影响因素并将其按照内外之分总结出五大因素,并逐条进行详细解读。在对黑龙江省高校科技创新团队的发展现状进行整理和说明后,根据提出的五大因素提出假设,设计了黑龙江省高校科技创新团队调查问卷,并选择了黑龙江省内高校的科技创新团队成员进行问卷调查,对问卷结果进行数据统计分析,经过对之前提出的五个影响因素及假设进行实证研究,利用信度分析、因子分析和回归分析等方法分析对每个因素与高校科技创新团队建设发展的相关程度和具体因素的影响程度,并根据问卷结果发现目前黑龙江省高校科技创新团队发展建设当中的薄弱环节,,最后,结合理论分析针对性的提出有助于黑龙江省高校科技创新团队发展建设的对策,并通过前一章实证分析的结果,提出具体的意见建议,以期提高黑龙江省高校科技创新团队的发展建设水平。
[Abstract]:As a complex organism, there are many factors that affect the effect of the scientific and technological innovation team in colleges and universities. How to make the scientific and technological innovation team in colleges and universities play its role efficiently, and from what aspects improve its innovation ability, Is the current science and technology administrators and researchers are concerned about the problem. This research first introduces the research source, background and significance of the scientific and technological innovation team in colleges and universities, introduces the current situation and contents of the relevant research at home and abroad, the structure of the article and the methods used in the research, etc. It will set up a framework for the study of the influencing factors of the whole STI team. Secondly, the related concepts of the STI team in colleges and universities and the theoretical basis to be used in the research will be elaborated. According to the needs of the research, the descriptive definition of the STI team is given. Then, according to the existing model, the model of the influencing factors of the development and construction of the STI team in colleges and universities is established. In this paper, the factors influencing the development and construction of innovation team are sorted out, and five factors are summed up according to the difference between inside and outside, and analyzed in detail one by one. After sorting out and explaining the present development situation of scientific and technological innovation team in colleges and universities in Heilongjiang Province, According to the hypothesis put forward by the five major factors, the questionnaire of scientific and technological innovation team in Heilongjiang Province is designed, and the members of the scientific and technological innovation team in Heilongjiang province are selected to carry out the questionnaire survey, and the results of the questionnaire are statistically analyzed. After empirical research on the five influencing factors and hypotheses put forward before, using reliability analysis, Factor analysis and regression analysis are used to analyze the degree of correlation between each factor and the development of scientific and technological innovation team in colleges and universities, as well as the degree of influence of specific factors. According to the results of the questionnaire, we find the weak links in the development and construction of the scientific and technological innovation team in colleges and universities in Heilongjiang Province. Through the results of empirical analysis in the previous chapter, the author puts forward some concrete suggestions in order to improve the level of development and construction of scientific and technological innovation teams in colleges and universities in Heilongjiang Province.


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