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发布时间:2018-03-27 13:28

  本文选题:独立学院 切入点:教师忠诚度 出处:《河北工业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:自1999年以来,独立学院经过十四年的发展壮大,已经成为支持我国高等教育大众化发展的一支重要力量。从兴起到蓬勃发展的独立学院,扮演了平衡社会高等教育需求的角色,扩大了社会效益。2013年,是独立学院面临生死存亡的一年,能否让独立学院在高等教育市场立足并稳步发展,独立学院教师是其生存发展的最重要的因素。但是由于经济因素、个人因素,社会因素等,独立学院教师对事业和学校的忠诚度呈现下降趋势。在夹缝中生存的独立学院如何从聘任制度、组织文化、福利待遇、教师自身发展等方面采取措施,提升教师对工作对学校的忠诚,增加学校教师队伍的凝聚力,激发教师的工作的积极性和创造力,形成一支热情、高效、高素质的坚如磐石的教师队伍,是目前独立学院亟待研究解决的课题。 本文以天津市一所独立学院BD学院为研究对象,从外部环境、学院整体情况、工作与职业发展、人事制度与福利、人际关系、领导力、个人归属与价值七个维度对BD学院教师忠诚度进行了深入研究。依据porter的组织承诺度量表结合BD学院实情,设计调查问卷。通过深度访谈和发放205份问卷调查,经过统计分析,揭示了院教师忠诚度存在的问题。从战略的角度出发,利用SWOT分析法对学院现状进行分析,并结合调查问卷结果,深入剖析影响BD学院教师忠诚度的因素及其原因,针对性提出BD学院教师忠诚度提升的对策和建议。希望给BD学院以及类似独立学院,在教师队伍建设和总体发展规划,起到一定的参考价值。
[Abstract]:Since 1999, after 14 years of development and expansion, independent colleges have become an important force to support the mass development of higher education in China. From the rise to the vigorous development of independent colleges, they have played a role in balancing the needs of social higher education. Expanded social benefits. 2013 is a year of survival for independent colleges. Independent college teachers are the most important factor in their survival and development, but because of economic factors, whether independent colleges can establish themselves in the market for higher education and grow steadily. Personal factors, social factors and so on, the teachers' loyalty to the cause and school is declining. How to take measures in the aspects of employment system, organizational culture, welfare treatment, teachers' own development and so on. To promote the loyalty of teachers to the school, to increase the cohesion of the school teachers, to stimulate the enthusiasm and creativity of the teachers, and to form a team of enthusiastic, efficient and high quality teachers who are as solid as a rock. It is an urgent task for independent colleges to study and solve. In this paper, an independent college in Tianjin BD college as the research object, from the external environment, the overall situation of the college, work and career development, personnel system and welfare, interpersonal relations, leadership, According to the organizational commitment scale of porter and the facts of BD College, the questionnaire was designed. Through in-depth interview and distribution of 205 questionnaires, the questionnaire was analyzed statistically. This paper reveals the problems of teachers' loyalty in our college. From the strategic point of view, this paper analyzes the present situation of the college by using SWOT analysis method, and analyzes the factors influencing the loyalty of teachers in BD college and the causes thereof, combined with the results of the questionnaire. This paper puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions of improving the teachers' loyalty in BD colleges and hopes to provide some reference value to BD colleges and similar independent colleges in the construction of teachers' team and the overall development plan.


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