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发布时间:2018-03-27 23:09

  本文选题:多元文化 切入点:大学生 出处:《华东交通大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:当代中国社会、经济结构的变化和世界全球化发展,加剧了各种不同文化的融合与碰撞,形成了多元文化的格局。我国目前处在社会主义初级阶段,一些制度还不够健全,西方拜金主义、功利主义、务实观、婚恋自由、性开放等观念不断传入国内。在科学技术不断地更新换代,网络技术迅速普及,各种文化争相占领大学生思想意识的时候,大学生的价值取向和行为选择极易受到不良影响。 本文通过对多元文化背景下大学生的婚恋观现状的了解以及多元文化对大学生婚恋影响,,提出相应对策。本论文除了第一章节绪论外,主要有三个章节的内容。首先是被调查大学生的主要相关信息以及他们对恋爱、婚姻的主要理解。包括:大学生对恋爱、婚姻的认知,大学生对恋爱自由、婚姻幸福的看法、对恋爱、婚姻对象的选择标准和条件以及对婚后住房问题的考虑等内容。其次,论文的主要内容是多元文化对大学生婚恋观的影响分析。主要从多元文化对大学生婚恋认知的影响;对大学生恋爱和婚姻动机的影响;对大学生性观念和忠诚度的影响;对大学生婚恋对象选择标准的影响以及多元文化对大学生婚恋方式和恋人、夫妻双方相处模式的影响等方面出发分析多元文化的影响。最后,主要是帮助大学生树立正确婚恋观的对策。一是从大学生自身出发,提升大学生婚恋道德素养;二是发挥父母对子女的婚恋观教育作用;三是优化校园环境,为大学生提供一个良好的婚恋知识学习条件;四是改善社会环境,尽量减少不良婚恋内容的传播并且合理有效利用影视、网络、图书等工具传播积极的婚恋知识。
[Abstract]:The changes in the social and economic structure of contemporary China and the development of globalization in the world have intensified the integration and collision of various cultures and formed a multicultural pattern. At present, China is in the primary stage of socialism, and some systems are not perfect enough. Western concepts of money worship, utilitarianism, pragmatism, freedom of marriage and sexual openness are constantly introduced into the country. When science and technology are constantly changing, network technology is rapidly popularizing, and various cultures are competing to occupy the ideological consciousness of college students, The value orientation and behavior choice of college students are vulnerable to adverse influence. Based on the understanding of the present situation of college students' views on marriage and love under the multicultural background and the influence of multiculturalism on college students' love and marriage, this paper puts forward corresponding countermeasures. There are three chapters. First of all, the main information about college students and their understanding of love and marriage. They include: college students' cognition of love, marriage, college students' views on love freedom, marriage happiness, To the love, the choice standard and the condition of the marriage object, as well as to the marriage housing question consideration and so on content. Secondly, The main content of the thesis is the analysis of the influence of multiculturalism on college students' view of marriage and love, mainly from the influence of multiculturalism on college students' cognition of marriage and love, on the influence of college students' love and marriage motivation, on the influence of college students' sexual concept and loyalty, This paper analyzes the influence of multiculturalism on college students' marriage and love style and lovers, and on the relationship between husband and wife. Finally, it analyzes the influence of multiculturalism on the choice of students' love and marriage object. Finally, it analyzes the influence of multiculturalism. The main measures are to help college students to set up a correct view of marriage and love. One is to promote the moral literacy of marriage and love among college students from the perspective of college students; the other is to give full play to the role of parents in educating their children about marriage and love; third, to optimize the campus environment. The fourth is to improve the social environment, reduce the spread of bad marriage and love content and make rational and effective use of film, television, network, books and other tools to spread positive love and marriage knowledge.


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3 金乐;;当前高校大学生婚恋观分析与对策[J];长沙大学学报;2008年01期

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