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发布时间:2018-03-28 03:36

  本文选题:网络非主流文化 切入点:大学生 出处:《广西师范学院》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:在成长的过程中,大学生会接触到许多不同的事物和现象,并在当中作出相应的价值选择。大学生价值选择的过程,是一个动态的又系统的过程,当中包括对价值客体的选择、价值标准的形成、价值手段的选择以及价值目标的选择等。他们价值选择的正确与否,关系着他们能否顺利成才,又关系着社会主义建设事业能否顺利实现。网络的出现,给大学生的价值选择造成了很大的影响,其中形态多样、争议性大的网络非主流文化对大学生价值选择造成的影响更是引人注目。一些网络非主流文化极具创造力,开阔了大学生的眼界,拓宽了他们的知识面,促进了他们观念的更新,是他们了解社会、了解同辈群体的一个良好渠道。而诸如网络暴力、网络色情、网络粗俗流行语等网络非主流文化的出现,打破了信息闭塞时代主流价值观教育的优势地位,对大学生的价值选择过程造成了一定冲击,对传统的价值教育形成了新的挑战,如何消除网络非主流文化对大学生价值选择的负面影响,在对网络非主流文化的研究中成为一项重要的任务,也是摆在思想政治教育面前的一项紧迫的课题。 本文在现有的网络非主流文化研究和大学生价值选择研究的基础上,将两者结合起来,力图探明网络非主流文化对大学生价值选择的影响,,得出科学合理的结论。在第一章中,笔者通过参阅文献书籍和在网络上的长期观察,深化对校园网络非主流文化的了解,总结归纳出网络非主流文化的内涵,探索出网络非主流文化的特征可分为匿名性、自由性和开放性等一般属性,以及颠覆性、草根性和批判性等独特属性。明晰大学生价值选择的含义,认为价值选择的过程可分为价值认知阶段、价值认同阶段和价值选择阶段。而影响价值选择的因素主要有社会因素、网络因素和大学生自身因素。在第二章中,分析网络非主流文化对大学生价值选择的影响。首先探明网络非主流文化渗入大学生生活的途径主要有游戏渗入、视频渗入、文字渗入和图片渗入这四种,而对大学生影响较大的网络非主流文化类型有网络暴力、网络色情、网络粗俗流行语、网络恶搞、网络颓废文学和网络搞怪图片等,网络非主流文化对大学生在价值选择客体、价值选择标准、价值选择目标和价值选择手段上产生了较大的影响,之所以会产生这些影响,是因为大学生价值选择能力不强、网络文化建设不足、价值教育不完善和教育者自身存在的一些问题所致。在最后一章,主要通过增强教育者应对网络非主流文化的能力、提升大学生在网络信息社会的价值选择能力、完善价值教育的方法和内容以及净化校园网络环境四个方面的对策措施来消除网络非主流文化对大学生的负面影响。
[Abstract]:In the process of growing up, college students will come into contact with many different things and phenomena, and make corresponding value choices among them. The process of value selection of college students is a dynamic and systematic process, including the choice of value objects. The formation of value standard, the choice of value means and the choice of value goal, etc. Whether their value choice is correct or not is related to whether they can successfully become talents, and whether the socialist construction cause can be realized smoothly. The emergence of network is related to the formation of value standard, the choice of value means and the choice of value goal. It has a great influence on the value choice of college students, among which the diverse forms and the controversial network non-mainstream culture have more striking effects on the value choice of college students. Some of the network non-mainstream cultures are extremely creative. It broadens the horizons of college students, broadens their knowledge, promotes the renewal of their concepts, and is a good channel for them to understand society and their peers. The emergence of network non-mainstream culture, such as network vulgar buzzwords, has broken the dominant position of mainstream value education in the era of information obliteration, has caused a certain impact on the value selection process of college students, and has formed a new challenge to the traditional value education. How to eliminate the negative influence of network non-mainstream culture on the value choice of college students has become an important task in the research of network non-mainstream culture, and it is also an urgent subject in front of ideological and political education. On the basis of the existing research on network non-mainstream culture and the study of college students' value choice, this paper tries to find out the influence of network non-mainstream culture on the value choice of college students. In the first chapter, the author summarizes the connotation of the non-mainstream culture of the campus network by referring to the literature books and long-term observation on the network, and deepening the understanding of the non-mainstream culture of the campus network. The characteristics of network non-mainstream culture can be divided into general attributes, such as anonymity, freedom and openness, as well as subversive, grassroots and critical attributes. The process of value selection can be divided into three stages: value cognition stage, value identity stage and value choice stage. The main factors influencing value selection are social factors, network factors and college students' own factors. This paper analyzes the influence of network non-mainstream culture on college students' value choice. Firstly, it is found that the main ways of network non-mainstream culture infiltrating into college students' life are game infiltration, video infiltration, text infiltration and picture infiltration. However, the types of network non-mainstream culture which have a great influence on college students are network violence, network pornography, network vulgar buzzwords, network parody, network decadent literature and network eccentricity, etc. Network non-mainstream culture is the object of value choice for college students. The criteria of value selection, the target of value selection and the means of value selection have had a great influence on them. The reason for these influences is that the ability of value selection of college students is not strong, and the construction of network culture is insufficient. In the last chapter, by strengthening the ability of educators to deal with the non-mainstream culture of the network, we can enhance the ability of value choice of college students in the network information society. The methods and contents of value education and the countermeasures of purifying the campus network environment are put forward to eliminate the negative influence of non-mainstream network culture on college students.


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