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发布时间:2018-03-28 22:21

  本文选题:大学生 切入点:诚信就业教育 出处:《长春工业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:诚信作为中华民族的传统美德在我国历史源远流长,从古至今一直被视为一个人的立世之本。从古代儒家孔子的“人而无信,不知其可”,到近代张謇先生所题“忠实不欺,力求精进”的校训,再到现代陶行知的“千教万教,教人求真”,这些教育家们承前启后,把“诚信”思想作为道德的重要内容用自己的言行影响着后人,并且将“诚信就业教育”摆在了促进国家发展的突出位置。 在当今社会,“诚信就业教育”更是成为了被广为关注的道德传统,从个人的行为到集体的意志,其中讲诚信都是必不可少的,唯有诚信才能取信于人,才能获得他人的肯定和认可。随着社会的不断发展,高校的不断扩招,使得毕业生供大于求,就业市场出现结构性饱和,社会就业压力不断扩大,大学生就业也被融入了市场经济的大潮中,优胜劣汰的竞争机制同样制约着这个没有硝烟的战场。残酷的竞争现实使一些大学生迷失了道德方向,为了成功就业不择手段,同时也造成了他们在行为上的诚信缺失,这不仅有损大学生的形象,影响学校的社会声誉,同时也无形中提高了人力资源市场中供需双方的成本,这不得不引起全社会的高度重视。 从《开创高校毕业生就业工作新局面》一书中得出结论,即便是被认为具有较高学历、较高素质的研究生群体,其在就业过程中的所表现出来的诚信意识也令人担忧。根据对某高校研究生就业诚信度的调查报告显示:“约有百分之三的研究生在考试过程中有过作弊行为,至少有1/3的学生认为在求职过程中,在自己的简历里夸大其词、避实就虚以求得一份好的工作是很正常的现象”。显然,在全社会大力呼吁求真务实的今天,这种精神领域的造假已是令人无法接受。反映出大学生在就业过程中,诚信作为就业过程中的道德基准就成为了全社会的一大精神准则。 当代大学生作为文化素质较高的社会群体,作为国家未来发展的主导力量,应该起到实践诚信的表率作用。大学生就业过程中存在的很多不诚信现象对我国发展高等教育事业以及社会主义现代化建设事业都造成了不良影响。因此,培养辅导学生讲诚信、懂品德、努力创造和谐的社会氛围,把社会主义荣辱观发扬光大,加强大学生诚信就业意识,已经成为了当前就业导师面临的紧迫课题。本文通过深入的调查研究,对当代大学生在就业过程中表现的现状及其形成原因进行了全面的分析,并结合实际工作经验总结出了如何促进当代大学生诚信就业教育的对策和建议。
[Abstract]:Honesty, as the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, has a long history in our country, and has been regarded as the foundation of a man's life since ancient times. From the Confucian Confucius of ancient times, "Man has no faith, he does not know what he can do," to the question of "faithfulness and no deceiving" put by Mr. Zhang Jian in modern times, The school motto of striving to be diligent, to the modern Tao Xingzhi's "thousands of teachings, teach people to seek truth," these educationalists carry on the past and the future, regard the thought of "honesty" as an important content of morality, and influence future generations with their own words and deeds. And put "honesty and credit employment education" in the prominent position of promoting national development. In today's society, "honesty and credit employment education" has become a moral tradition that has been widely concerned. From individual behavior to collective will, honesty is essential, and only good faith can be trusted by people. With the continuous development of society and the continuous expansion of enrollment in colleges and universities, the supply of graduates exceeds the demand, the job market is structurally saturated, and the pressure on social employment continues to grow. The employment of college students has also been integrated into the tide of market economy. The competitive mechanism of survival of the fittest also restricts this battlefield without smoke. The cruel reality of competition makes some college students lose their moral orientation and do whatever they can to obtain employment successfully. At the same time, it also caused their lack of integrity in their behavior, which not only damaged the image of college students, affected the social reputation of the school, but also increased the cost of both supply and demand in the human resources market. This has to attract the attention of the whole society. From the book "creating a New situation for the Employment of College graduates", we can draw a conclusion that even the group of graduate students who are considered to have higher education and higher quality, According to a survey report on the employment integrity of graduate students in a certain university, "about 3% of the graduate students have cheated during the examination. At least a third of the students think that it is normal for them to exaggerate in their r 茅 sum 茅 in the process of seeking a job, and to avoid reality in order to get a good job. "obviously, today, when the whole society is strongly calling for truth and pragmatism, This kind of fraud in the spiritual field is unacceptable, which reflects that in the process of college students' employment, honesty and credit, as the moral standard in the process of employment, has become a great spiritual criterion of the whole society. As a social group with high cultural quality, contemporary college students are the leading force in the future development of the country. Many dishonesty phenomena existing in the process of college students' employment have had a negative impact on the development of higher education and socialist modernization in our country. Cultivate and coach students to stress honesty, understand moral character, strive to create a harmonious social atmosphere, carry forward the socialist concept of honor and disgrace, and strengthen college students' sense of honesty and employment. It has become an urgent task for current employment mentors. Through in-depth investigation and research, this paper makes a comprehensive analysis of the present situation of contemporary college students' performance in the process of employment and the reasons for their formation. Combined with practical work experience, this paper summarizes the countermeasures and suggestions on how to promote the honesty and credit employment education of contemporary college students.


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