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发布时间:2018-03-29 22:04

  本文选题:书院制 切入点:教师角色 出处:《苏州大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:书院制产生时日不久,亟须要理论上的辩论、探讨与指导。书院制的理念是以人为本,以育人为最终目的。鉴于此,,根据过程角色理论,本研究聚焦当代大学中的书院,对书院制下教师角色的探讨围绕着书院制下教师的真实工作状态而展开,从师生互动关系的角度出发研究教师角色。追溯历史、考察现实是得出书院制下高校教师角色的思路。 通过对书院制产生的两个源头——我国古代书院和西方住宿学院制的梳理,清理宋代书院中教师的角色和剑桥大学中的教师角色,再分别选取两位典型朱熹和罗素的特质和作为教师的角色内涵,分析归纳书院制背景下的教师角色的十个相互关联的历史内涵,包括“兼爱天下、造福人类”价值观念的倡导者、高尚品行的追求者和践行者、自己研究学科内的专家、踏实笃行的实践家、拥有广博的知识“杂学家”、尊重学生人格的立异者、关爱学生的朋友、宽容的争鸣家、具有反思精神的批判家、提倡独立思考的启迪家,并分析了中国古代书院及西方住宿学院制下对教师角色产生影响的因素有制度因素、师生交往方式因素、生活环境因素、东西方文化、东西方共通的教学理念和价值观。 通过对西安交通大学的本科书院的调查走访,调查教师工作的实际状态、学生对教师的角色期望和教师自身的角色期望,了解到书院存在如下问题:笼统的制度不敌细致的现实;理念与执行之间存在深深鸿沟;虽然取得一定成绩的闪光点,但仍存在大片的黑暗;生活与学习的变相割裂;对老师热爱与厌恶并存;书院教师肩上负担沉重;师生关系全部依赖教师个人;师生地位的不平等;学生的合理期望得不到满足;教师难以凭借自己突出困境;学生忠诚度低;学生幸福感较高,表明书院取得一定成绩。通过总结分析,得出现实书院中对教师角色有德业管理师、学业规划师、学业保障员的角色期望。 结合以上两方面研究成果,进行进一步地分析,针对调查得到的现状分析书院制度下高校教师的角色冲突,提出建立专业化、多元化的教师发展道路、建立多元的评价视角和激励制度的对策。此研究致力于书院制下高校教师重新定位自己的角色,更好地为学生提供指导。
[Abstract]:It is urgent to have a theoretical debate, discussion and guidance. The idea of college system is people-oriented and its ultimate goal is to educate people. In view of this, according to the theory of process role, this study focuses on the academies in contemporary universities. The discussion of the teachers' role under the college system revolves around the real working state of the teachers under the college system, and studies the teacher's role from the angle of the interaction between teachers and students. Tracing back the history, investigating the reality is the train of thought of the university teacher's role under the college system. By combing the two sources of the academy system, the ancient academy of our country and the western residential college system, the roles of teachers in the academies of the Song Dynasty and Cambridge University are cleared up. Then select the characteristics of two typical Zhu Xi and Russell and the connotation of the role of teachers, and analyze the ten interrelated historical connotations of teachers' roles under the background of college system, including "love the world". Advocates of "values for the benefit of mankind", pursuers and practitioners of noble conduct, experts in their own research disciplines, practical practitioners with a wide range of knowledge, "miscellaneous scientists", and innovators who respect the personality of students, Caring for students' friends, tolerant contenders, introspecting critics, advocating independent thinking, and analyzing the influence of ancient Chinese academies and western residential colleges on the role of teachers under the system of institutional factors. Teachers and students contact way factor, living environment factor, east and west culture, the common teaching idea and values of east and west. Through the investigation and interview of the undergraduate College of Xi'an Jiaotong University, the actual situation of teachers' work, the students' expectation of teachers' roles and the teachers' own role expectations are investigated. It is understood that the academy has the following problems: the general system is no match for the meticulous reality; there is a deep gap between the idea and the implementation; although there are some achievements of the bright spot, but there is still a lot of darkness, life and learning are separated in disguise; Love and loathing of teachers coexist; College teachers have a heavy burden on their shoulders; teacher-student relations depend on the teacher personally; the status of teachers and students is not equal; students' reasonable expectations are not satisfied; teachers are difficult to rely on their own outstanding difficulties; students' loyalty is low; By summing up and analyzing, it is concluded that the roles of teachers in colleges include the roles of teachers, academic planners and academic security personnel. Combined with the above two aspects of research results, further analysis, according to the investigation of the current situation of college teachers under the role of conflict, proposed to establish a professional, diversified way of teacher development, This study aims at repositioning the role of college teachers under the college system and providing better guidance for students.


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