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发布时间:2018-03-30 07:05

  本文选题:目标教育 切入点:评价 出处:《西安工业大学》2013年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the continuous development of society and economy, college students are facing the severe situation and great challenge of fierce competition and employment pressure. How to cultivate college students into all-round development talents and enhance their core competitiveness in society, It is also an important subject that must be paid attention to and solved in colleges and universities at present. The goal education provides a new research angle and practical method for the current talent training, which can stimulate the students' initiative and enthusiasm in learning, and is the objective need for their development and development. It is the inherent requirement of the law of students' physical and mental growth, and is conducive to the cultivation of students' collectivism, unity and cooperation, the quality of consistent action, and the formation of a good school spirit in colleges and universities. By guiding students to formulate appropriate development goals to correctly position students' life, so that they have a clear direction on the way forward, through hard work can be better adults and talents. Because of the physical and mental growth of college students have stage characteristics, They are faced with different tasks of development at different stages of the university, so they need to be taught by stages of goal education. The goal education is to carry out adult education for students, to become talented and to grow up. In order to carry out the systematic project of target education, schools need to set up a work system of goal education with full staff, whole process and all-round education. It is necessary to take stock and evaluate the effect of target education. The conclusions are as follows: first, evaluation provides a scientific basis for the effective implementation of target education. Can be used to guide and grasp the direction of target education, to build a scientific and reasonable evaluation system is the core of the evaluation of target education, the effective evaluation of target education consists of six elements; The evaluation index system of four levels of class and students; third, in the practice of carrying out the evaluation of the target education, under the guidance of the principles of seeking truth from facts, objectivity and justice, the evaluation subject should be reasonably selected, and the evaluation object should be fully encouraged. Appropriate use of evaluation methods. Fourth, after the evaluation, the effective use of evaluation results.


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