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发布时间:2018-03-31 04:23

  本文选题:虚拟组织 切入点:协同理论 出处:《合肥工业大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:As a flat network organization, virtual organization not only has strong market adaptability and rapid response ability, but also a learning organization form of dynamic integration and utilization of resources. Especially in the era of knowledge economy, with the rapid development of science and technology, human capital has become an important force in social development. As a place of gathering talents and shouldering the task of transferring talents to the society, the management of faculty in colleges and universities has become an important subject. Based on this kind of collaborative thought, the author innovatively introduces the synergy index into the research topic of faculty management. We usually think that the index of high importance should also be higher in terms of the degree of satisfaction, and the degree of cooperation and cooperation should be measured from the two dimensions of the importance and satisfaction of the management index of the teaching staff. Only in this way can we realize the coordination between the goals of each system and the whole goal, and it is also the guarantee of realizing the cooperative development within the system as a whole and optimizing the allocation of resources to the maximum extent. Based on the theory of collaboration, the present situation and degree of faculty management in virtual organization colleges are discussed, and the quality of teachers is discussed from the point of view of the management of teachers in virtual organization colleges and universities. The author selects Anhui Institute of Business Administration to carry on the empirical analysis to this research, collects the related data through the questionnaire distribution. And calculate the faculty management synergy degree of Anhui Institute of Business and Industry, 0.4424, in a medium state of synergy, and Anhui Institute of Industrial and Commercial Administration of the status quo of the management of teachers, but also verify the effectiveness of this study.


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