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发布时间:2018-03-31 05:36

  本文选题:高等学校 切入点:科技创新 出处:《福建农林大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:为实现2020年建成创新型国家的目标,并使科技发展成为经济社会发展的有力支撑,“十一五”期间福建省加大了科技经费的投入力度并出台了多项支持政策,科技创新工作取得了较大的进展。高等学校是国家创新体系的中坚力量,为此需要综合运用定性或定量方法对高等学校科技创新绩效进行有效、客观的评价,不仅可以帮助科研管理部门对高等学校的科技创新活动状况进行更加客观、公正的考核,还可以为提高高等学校科技创新绩效提供决策依据,促使高等学校为福建省的区域经济发展作出应有的贡献。但高等学校科技创新绩效的实现是一个从投入到产生效益的复杂过程,需将科技创新成果的产出与转化这两个方面结合起来对高等学校科技创新绩效进行研究。此外,高等学校的科技创新绩效往往还会受到除投入、产出指标外的外部环境因素影响,因此,对高等学校科技创新所进行的绩效评价应当更具备综合性。 本研究在归纳和总结国内外对高等学校科技创新绩效评价研究成果的基础上,首先对高等学校创新绩效评价的相关概念和理论基础进行简要地阐述,在此基础上论证了高等学校创新绩效评价的必要性,随后结合福建在海峡西岸经济区建设中的特殊地位,在建立福建省高等学校科技创新绩效评价指标体系过程中首次将环境变量纳入指标体系,拟采用主成分分析和数据包络分析法作为主要分析方法,以福建省18所高等学校科技创新绩效的统计数据为样本,首先分析科技创新要素投入到成果产出的效率,根据结论分析科技成果的转化效率。同时将外部环境因素纳入成果转化的框架,,在此过程中,发现福建省高等学校科技创新成果产出的纯技术效率情况比较理想,说明高等学校依托自身的人才、技术和信息平台等优势,有着较强的总体科技实力、创新能力和综合竞争力,但是代表组织管理水平的综合效率较低,具体体现为规模效率的低下,普遍存在不同程度的投入的相对过剩,而且投入和产出结构不尽合理的问题。这与目前福建省高等学校科技创新成果的转化工作总体情况并不如人意有相当的关系。根据所发现的影响科技创新产出的因素,对应提出了注重科技成果的可转化性,完善科技成果的转化政策;加强产学研合作,提高科技成果转化率;加强科技创新研究团队的建设,提升科技创新的基础能力等三条提高福建省高等学校科技创新绩效的相关对策。
[Abstract]:In order to achieve the goal of building an innovative country by 2020 and to make the development of science and technology a strong support for economic and social development, Fujian Province increased its investment in science and technology funds and issued several supporting policies during the 11th Five-Year Plan period. Great progress has been made in the work of scientific and technological innovation. Colleges and universities are the backbone of the national innovation system. Therefore, it is necessary to comprehensively use qualitative or quantitative methods to evaluate the scientific and technological innovation performance of colleges and universities effectively and objectively. It can not only help the scientific research management departments to carry out more objective and fair assessment on the status of scientific and technological innovation activities in colleges and universities, but also provide a basis for making decisions to improve the performance of scientific and technological innovation in colleges and universities. Promoting colleges and universities to make their due contribution to the regional economic development of Fujian Province, but the realization of scientific and technological innovation performance of colleges and universities is a complex process from input to benefit. It is necessary to combine the two aspects of the output and transformation of scientific and technological innovation achievements to study the scientific and technological innovation performance of colleges and universities. Therefore, the performance evaluation of scientific and technological innovation in colleges and universities should be more comprehensive. On the basis of summarizing and summarizing the research results of the performance evaluation of scientific and technological innovation at home and abroad, this study first briefly expounds the related concepts and theoretical basis of the performance evaluation of innovation in institutions of higher learning. On this basis, it demonstrates the necessity of evaluation of innovative performance of colleges and universities, and then combines the special position of Fujian in the construction of economic zone in the west coast of Taiwan Strait. In the process of establishing the performance evaluation index system of scientific and technological innovation in Fujian Province, environmental variables are included in the index system for the first time. Principal component Analysis (PCA) and data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) are used as the main analysis methods. Taking the statistical data of scientific and technological innovation performance of 18 colleges and universities in Fujian Province as a sample, the paper first analyzes the efficiency of scientific and technological innovation factors' input to the output. According to the conclusion, this paper analyzes the transformation efficiency of scientific and technological achievements. At the same time, the external environmental factors are brought into the framework of the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. In the process, it is found that the pure technical efficiency of scientific and technological innovation achievements in Fujian Province is ideal. It shows that colleges and universities, relying on their own talents, technology and information platform, have strong overall scientific and technological strength, innovation ability and comprehensive competitiveness, but the comprehensive efficiency of representing the level of organization management is relatively low. This is reflected in the low efficiency of scale and the relative excess of input to varying degrees. Moreover, the structure of input and output is not reasonable. This is related to the overall situation of the transformation of scientific and technological innovation achievements in colleges and universities in Fujian Province. According to the factors found to affect the output of science and technology innovation, Accordingly, it puts forward the following points: pay attention to the transferability of scientific and technological achievements, perfect the policy of transforming scientific and technological achievements, strengthen the cooperation between industry, university and research, increase the conversion rate of scientific and technological achievements, strengthen the construction of scientific and technological innovation research team, There are three countermeasures to improve the performance of scientific and technological innovation in colleges and universities in Fujian province, such as improving the basic ability of scientific and technological innovation.


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