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发布时间:2018-04-01 04:35

  本文选题:学术不端 切入点:学术问责 出处:《中南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:摘要:2011年西安交通大学的李连生事件又再一次给我国高校学术不端行为的治理敲响了警钟。虽然在2001年北京大学的王铭铭事件之后,教育部、科技部与各高校都出台了一些治理学术不端行为的措施,但是近年来高校的学术不端行为仍是屡禁不止。 学术问责作为被诸多学者近年来研究得最多的治理高校学术不端行为的对策,开始在一次次学术不端行为的治理中崭露头角,但是就目前现状来说,它还是存在着诸多方面的问题与不足。因此笔者从现实的案例出发,针对学术问责在治理高校学术不端行为过程中所表现出的不足,结合问责过程理论对学术问责的过程及程序进行重点分析。 在文献分析法及案例分析法的基础上,笔者主认为高校学术问责的问题在于问责过程各个环节制度建设及程序设定的不完善。因此笔者认为要完善目前我国高校学术不端的学术问责,还原高校学术的公利性的治理对策在于对学术问责的过程进行完善,使学术问责在实际操作过程中能够科学合理,公正客观。
[Abstract]:Abstract: the incident of Li Liansheng of Xi'an Jiaotong University in 2011 once again sounded the alarm bell for the management of academic misconduct in Chinese universities. Although after the incident of Wang Mingming of Peking University in 2001, the Ministry of Education, The Ministry of Science and Technology and various colleges and universities have put forward some measures to control academic misconduct, but in recent years, academic misconduct in colleges and universities is still prohibited. Academic accountability, as a countermeasure to govern academic misconduct in colleges and universities, which has been studied by many scholars in recent years, has begun to emerge in the governance of academic misconduct over and over again. However, as far as the present situation is concerned, It still has many problems and shortcomings. Therefore, the author starts from the actual case, aiming at the deficiency of academic accountability in the process of controlling academic misconduct in colleges and universities. The process and procedure of academic accountability are analyzed based on the theory of accountability process. On the basis of literature analysis and case analysis, The author thinks that the problem of academic accountability in colleges and universities lies in the imperfection of system construction and procedure setting in each link of the process of accountability. Therefore, the author thinks that the academic accountability of colleges and universities in our country should be improved at present. The countermeasures to restore the public interest of academic in colleges and universities lie in perfecting the process of academic accountability so that academic accountability can be scientific, reasonable, fair and objective in the actual operation process.


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