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发布时间:2018-04-02 11:09

  本文选题:思想政治教育 切入点:大学生 出处:《天津师范大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:作为民族生命力、凝聚力、创造力的不竭源泉,文化愈来愈体现为一种价值和方向,一种精神和信仰,为个人全面发展、民族兴旺发达以及社会稳定进步,提供充足的精神动力和力量支持。文化自信是基于文化自觉基础上的对本民族文化价值的充分肯定和高度认同,对外来文化的高度包容。面对全球化局势下日益加剧的文化交融、冲突的国际形势和社会转型时期文化建设滞后性的国内形势,如何正确看待本民族文化、先进文化和外来文化,进一步增强文化自觉和文化自信,是历史必然趋势和时代发展要求。大学生作为国家的未来和民族的希望,应当自觉主动投身社会主义文化建设,增强文化甄别能力和文化创新能力,在汲取中外文化的精华中不断前行,为增强文化软实力、实现民族复兴贡献力量。 本文首先对文化自信相关概念进行界定,在厘清文化、文化自信的概念与特征的基础上,概括出大学生文化自信的内涵与基本要求,并提出思想政治教育视域中大学生文化自信教育的内涵与重要性。其次,通过问卷调查和文献资料法,考察了当代大学生文化自信现状,并根据文化自信的基本要求,从认知、价值观、践行三个层面指出大学生文化自信存在的问题,从内容、方法、要素结构、过程四个方面分析大学生文化自信教育存在的问题。再次,从哲学根基、教育模式和环境机制出发,检视大学生文化自信教育存在问题的原因。最后,针对大学生文化自信教育中存在的问题提出解决对策,即转变教育理念、文化自信教育内容的整体构建和创新文化自信教育模式。
[Abstract]:As an inexhaustible source of national vitality, cohesion and creativity, culture is increasingly reflected in a value and direction, a spirit and a belief for the all-round development of the individual, the prosperity of the nation and the steady progress of society, Providing sufficient spiritual motivation and strength support. Cultural self-confidence is a full affirmation and high recognition of the cultural values of the nation based on cultural consciousness. In the face of the increasingly intensified cultural blending under the situation of globalization, the international situation of conflict and the lagging domestic situation of cultural construction in the period of social transformation, how to correctly treat our national culture, Advanced culture and foreign culture, to further enhance cultural consciousness and cultural self-confidence, are the inevitable trend of history and the requirements of the development of the times. College students, as the future of the country and the hope of the nation, should consciously and actively participate in the construction of socialist culture. To strengthen the ability of cultural discrimination and cultural innovation, to continue to draw the essence of Chinese and foreign cultures, to strengthen the soft power of culture and to achieve national rejuvenation. This paper first defines the related concepts of cultural self-confidence, on the basis of clarifying the concepts and characteristics of culture and cultural self-confidence, summarizes the connotation and basic requirements of college students' cultural self-confidence. Secondly, through the method of questionnaire and literature, the present situation of college students' cultural self-confidence is investigated, and according to the basic requirements of cultural self-confidence, the author analyzes the significance of the cultural self-confidence education in the ideological and political education field. The author points out the problems existing in college students' cultural self-confidence from four aspects: content, method, structure and process. Thirdly, it analyzes the problems in the education of college students' cultural self-confidence from four aspects: the content, the method, the structure of elements and the process. Starting from the educational model and environmental mechanism, this paper examines the causes of the problems in the education of college students' cultural self-confidence. Finally, it puts forward solutions to the problems existing in the education of college students' cultural self-confidence, that is, to change the educational concept. The overall construction of cultural confidence education content and innovation of cultural confidence education model.


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