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发布时间:2018-04-03 14:18

  本文选题:高校社团 切入点:大学生 出处:《中北大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:大学生是祖国的未来、民族的希望,是我国特色社会主义事业蓬勃发展的中坚力量,也是助推“中国梦’实现的重要群体。然而,大学生这一特殊群体正面临着一大困境——就业困境。大学生之所以不能实现有效就业是因为用人单位基本都要有工作经验的,或者有过兼职或社会实践的。然而我们发现,在大学校园内,社团活动成为大学生校园文化活动的重要组成部分,是大学德育的重要途径,也是大学生素质教育的重要载体,是高等学校一道亮丽的风景线,它不仅丰富了大学生的生活,而且为大学生健康发展提供了课堂以外的活动机会,提供了锻炼自己能力、发挥自身特长、展现自己才干的机会。因此,利用高校社团这一载体来培养大学生科学系统的职业规划及综合能力,从而使大学生在激烈的就业角逐中获得理想职位,最终最大化的实现人生价值。 本文尝试从大学生社团入手帮助大学生适应现代社会,提高就业能力。笔者根据发现问题-研究问题-分析问题-解决问题的原则,将该课题分为五大部分。第一部分是绪论。在本章节中,笔者概述了中外学者对高校社团及高校社团在培养大学生就业能力方面的研究成果,而且还提出了本课题研究的理论意义与实践意义。同时,笔者对本课题所运用的调查问卷研究法和文献研究法进行了具体说明,并将本课题的创新点也做了具体的阐述。第二部分主要是对社团内涵、高校社团内涵及大学生就业困境等问题进行了论述和分析,在此章节中,笔者具体分析了大学生面临就业的具体困境及其成因。笔者认为,我们只有科学全面的分析大学生就业困境出现的成因,才可以采取更加有效、更加科学的对策,破解大学生就业困境,使其找到自己在社会发展的真正位置,进而释放大学生应有的“正能量”,助力社会健康和谐发展。在本文的第三部分中,笔者从大学生、高校、社会三个角度论述了高校社团建设的意义。第四部分是全文的核心部分,在这章节里,笔者通过对中北大学的大学生进行调查问卷分析,总结出目前高校社团在培育大学生就业方面存在的几个问题,并且深入探究了导致这些问题出现的原因。在本课题的第五章节中,笔者从提升大学生就业能力、破解大学生就业困境的角度对大学生社团提出了几点对策:更新观念,提高认识;创新途径,增强成效;建立队伍,加强指导;健全机制,促进发展。通过本文研究,,笔者希望教育工作者应当不断探索、不断努力、使大学生社团活动不断繁荣和毕业生就业工作的顺利展开相得益彰,促进大学生的全面成长成才。
[Abstract]:College students are the future of the motherland, the hope of the nation, the backbone of the vigorous development of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and also the important group to promote the realization of "Chinese Dream".However, this special group of college students is facing a big dilemma-employment dilemma.The reason why college students can not achieve effective employment is because employers basically have work experience, or have part-time or social practice.However, we find that in the university campus, community activities become an important part of the campus cultural activities of college students, an important way of moral education in universities, an important carrier of quality education for college students, and a beautiful landscape for colleges and universities.It not only enriches the life of college students, but also provides students with the opportunity to exercise their own abilities, develop their own specialties and show their talents.Therefore, the use of the carrier of university associations to cultivate the scientific system of college students career planning and comprehensive ability, so that college students in the fierce competition for employment in the ideal position, and ultimately maximize the value of life.This paper tries to help college students adapt to modern society and improve their employability.According to the principle of problem finding, research, analysis and problem solving, the author divides the subject into five parts.The first part is the introduction.In this chapter, the author summarizes the research achievements of Chinese and foreign scholars on the cultivation of college students' employability, and puts forward the theoretical and practical significance of the research.At the same time, the author explains the questionnaire research method and the literature research method, and expounds the innovation of this subject.The second part mainly discusses and analyzes the connotation of association, the connotation of university community and the employment dilemma of college students. In this chapter, the author concretely analyzes the concrete predicament and its causes of college students' employment.The author believes that only by analyzing the causes of the employment dilemma of college students scientifically and comprehensively can we take more effective and scientific countermeasures to solve the employment dilemma of college students and make them find their real position in the social development.Then the university students should be released "positive energy" to help the healthy and harmonious development of society.In the third part, the author discusses the significance of college community construction from the perspectives of college students, universities and society.The fourth part is the core part of the full text, in this chapter, the author through the questionnaire analysis of the university students in Central North University, summed up the current university associations in the cultivation of employment of college students in several problems,And deeply explore the causes of these problems.In the fifth chapter of this topic, the author puts forward some countermeasures to the college students' associations from the angle of improving the employment ability of the college students and solving the employment predicament of the college students: renewing the concept, improving the understanding, innovating the ways, enhancing the effectiveness, establishing the team, and so on.Strengthen guidance; improve mechanisms to promote development.Through the study of this paper, the author hopes that the educators should make continuous exploration and efforts to make the college students' community activities flourish and graduates' employment work to the best of each other, and to promote the all-round growth of college students.


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