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发布时间:2018-04-03 17:14

  本文选题:大学生休闲 切入点:马克思 出处:《北京邮电大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:大学生作为特殊群体具有求知欲旺盛、充满活力、勇于尝试的特点,从而大学生休闲内容及方式比较丰富多样。但由于大学生处于生理成熟而心理不成熟的阶段,缺乏及时科学的教育介入与引导,产生了无法合理配置自由时间、休闲认知偏差、休闲主体性消弥、休闲道德失范等踬xK,严重影响了大学生身心健康以及自身的全面发展。所以关于大学生休闲的研究对于大学生的自我实现、社会的安定和谐、人文教育的复兴都有重大意义。 本文立足于历史唯物主义的立场,以马克思主义哲学的视角,运用含有休闲意蕴的马克思相关理论对关于大学生休闲的一系列问题进行了论述。马克思将休闲的本质内涵从意识领域拓展到实践活动中,休闲不再是无所事事、游手好闲,不再是对学习的摆脱,而是一种自我提升的“学习”,是对休闲异化的克服以及对学习异化的扬弃。本文首先基于各学科对休闲含义的考察、休闲的特征及判别依据,对大学生休闲的含义进行了阐述。其次,分析了当前大学生休闲所存在的问题,揭示了问题实质是消费物质化、休闲工具化,剖析了问题根源是消费主义和功利主义的蔓延、渗透所导致的休闲的异化。最后,针对当前大学生休闲现状,提出了引导大学生合理休闲的对策,探讨大学生实现休闲和学习统一的路径。
[Abstract]:As a special group, college students have the characteristics of strong desire for knowledge, full of vitality and courage to try.However, because college students are in the stage of physiological maturity and psychological immaturity and lack of timely and scientific education intervention and guidance, they can not reasonably allocate free time, leisure cognitive bias, leisure subjectivity elimination.The stumbling of leisure morality seriously affects the physical and mental health of college students and their all-round development.Therefore, the research on college students' leisure is of great significance to college students' self-realization, social stability and harmony, and the revival of humanistic education.Based on the standpoint of historical materialism and from the perspective of Marxist philosophy, this paper discusses a series of problems about college students' leisure by using the relevant Marxist theory which contains the meaning of leisure.Marx extended the essential connotation of leisure from the field of consciousness to practical activities. Leisure is no longer idleness, idleness, or getting rid of learning, but a kind of self-improvement "learning".It is the overcoming of leisure alienation and the sublation of learning alienation.Firstly, based on the investigation of the meaning of leisure, the characteristics of leisure and the basis of discrimination, this paper expounds the meaning of leisure for college students.Secondly, it analyzes the existing problems of college students' leisure, reveals that the essence of the problem is consumption materialization, leisure tools, and analyzes the root of the problem is the spread of consumerism and utilitarianism, and the alienation of leisure caused by infiltration.Finally, aiming at the present situation of college students' leisure, the author puts forward some countermeasures to guide them to relax reasonably, and probes into the way for college students to realize the unity of leisure and study.


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