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发布时间:2018-04-03 21:45

  本文选题:美国 切入点:大学教师专业发展 出处:《厦门大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:教师是大学存在与提高竞争力的基础,在大学人力资源中占主导地位。大学教师专业发展直接制约大学学术成果与教学的水平,间接制约大学从校外争取社会资源的概率。研究大学教师专业发展,才能够有效地实现大学的真正和谐发展,因为大学自身发展离不开两部分主体即大学生的发展和大学教师的发展,只有将大学与两部分主体有机地和谐统一,方能够使大学得到健康可持续的发展。鉴于美国大学教师专业发展的研究历史悠久、成效明显、成功经验丰富;为应对全球高等教育的新挑战,美国大学于19世纪下半叶就着手探究并逐渐创立了一系列有效促进大学教师发展的成熟模式,并获得一些成功的案例。我国高校教学中心机构的发展才刚刚起步,在某种意义上也许会影响大学教学质量的提升。 本文以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的方法论为指导,采用多学科交叉的视角,综合地应用文献分析、比较研究和历史研究等方法,来探究美国大学教师专业发展。拟达到三个目的:1、将回顾美国大学教师专业发展的历史并归纳各个阶段的基本特征;2、将介绍美国当前大学教师专业发展的基本情况,拟发现美国大学教师专业发展的一些具体运作和成效;3、拟从美国大学教师专业发展的具体操作与成效中得到借鉴,以应用于我国大学教师专业发展。 本文分为五章:第一章绪论,主要包括研究背景、研究目的与意义、研究对象、研究方法及基本思路;第二章文献综述,主要包括大学与教师专业化发展的概念界定、美国大学的基本情况与美国大学教师的职称、国内外教师专业发展研究的现状以及大学教师发展的概念辨析;第三章美国大学教师专业发展的历史演进;第四章,以美国哈佛和美国密歇根两所大学的教师发展机构为例进行个案分析,以点带面地尝试从中归纳出美国大学教师专业发展的特点;第五章,总结美国哈佛和密歇根两所大学的教师发展机构的实践经验,在此基础上得到一些有益于我国大学教师专业发展的启示。
[Abstract]:Teachers are the foundation of the university's existence and competitiveness, and play a dominant role in the university's human resources.The professional development of university teachers directly restricts the academic achievement and teaching level of university, and indirectly restricts the probability of university striving for social resources from outside school.Only by studying the professional development of university teachers can we effectively realize the real harmonious development of the university, because the development of the university itself can not be separated from the development of two parts: the development of college students and the development of university teachers.Only by harmoniously unifying the university and the two parts of the subject can the university develop healthily and sustainably.In view of the long history of research on the professional development of university teachers in the United States, its remarkable achievements and successful experience, and in order to meet the new challenges of higher education around the world,American universities began to explore and gradually create a series of mature models to promote the development of university teachers in the second half of the 19th century, and some successful cases were obtained.The development of teaching centers in colleges and universities in China is just beginning, which may affect the improvement of teaching quality in some sense.Under the guidance of the methodology of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, this paper adopts a multidisciplinary perspective, and comprehensively applies the methods of literature analysis, comparative research and historical research to explore the professional development of college teachers in the United States.To achieve three purposes: 1, we will review the history of the professional development of college teachers in the United States and sum up the basic characteristics of each stage, and will introduce the basic situation of the current professional development of university teachers in the United States.This paper intends to find out some concrete operation and effect of the professional development of American university teachers and to draw lessons from the specific operation and effect of the professional development of American university teachers in order to apply it to the professional development of university teachers in China.This paper is divided into five chapters: the first chapter is the introduction, including the research background, research purpose and significance, research object, research methods and basic ideas; the second chapter literature review, mainly including the definition of the concept of university and teacher professional development.The basic situation of American universities and the titles of American university teachers, the present situation of the research on teachers' professional development at home and abroad and the concept of university teachers' development; the third chapter, the historical evolution of American university teachers' professional development; the fourth chapter,Taking the teacher development institutions of Harvard and Michigan as examples, this paper tries to sum up the characteristics of teachers' professional development in American universities.This paper summarizes the practical experience of the teacher development institutions in Harvard and Michigan universities in the United States, and gets some enlightenments on the basis of which some useful suggestions are obtained for the professional development of university teachers in our country.


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