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发布时间:2018-04-04 21:08

  本文选题:多样化 切入点:高校分类 出处:《东北财经大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:从1999年高校扩招以来,我国高校在数量、办学形式和规模上发生了巨大的变化。新的变化带来了新的机遇,但也产生了新的问题。不合理的高校分类引发了办学模式混乱、资源配置不足和浪费并存及毕业生就业困难等诸多问题。从统计学角度分析,高校分类的目的是提供一套实施高等教育统计、比较及分析的标准框架。所以高校分类是一个具有现实和理论研究意义的基础性问题。 欧盟委员会认为欧洲高等教育的优势在于高校的多样化,对多样化的理解是未来进一步发展欧洲高等教育系统的基础。2005年,欧盟委员会出资开发了欧洲高校分类工具(U-Map),从高校知识进程、创造和产生过程及欧洲高等教育最新政策三个角度考虑建立了描述欧洲高校现状的分类框架。U-Map通过教学概况、学生概况、科研投入、知识转化、国际化导向和地区参与六大维度,23个具体指标呈现了欧洲高校的基本面貌。 虽然U-Map的设计有促进欧洲高等教育一体化这一背景,但U-Map项目组也指出可以利用U-Map来研究具体国家的高校分类问题。我国正处于高校大规模扩张和多样化发展的阶段,但我国在自下而上研究高校分类问题上还处于探索阶段,没有公认的分类体系。U-Map不分等级、不做评价、多维度多指标描述的分类思想可以为我们研究中国高校分类问题提供一个新的视角。 本文主要是对欧洲高校分类工具(U-Map)进行系统剖析,通过分析国内现有高校分类方法,找出目前我国高校分类存在的问题。在U-Map分类思想基础上,构建一个属于我国自己的高校分类体系。全文共分七章: 第一章绪论。主要介绍选题说明,文献综述和论文结构。 第二章U-Map的介绍。对U-Map分类进行全面梳理,主要介绍其发展历程、设计原则、分类框架和结果等内容。 第三章U-Map的探析。从核心内容和分类体系分析两个层面对U-Map作进一步探析,指出U-Map分类具有多维度多指标描述、用户导向、事后分类、在线工具使用、开放性和动态性的特征。 第四章中国高校分类现状分析。介绍我国的高校分类现状、存在的局限及改进的方向等。 第五章中国高校分类体系的构建——基于U-Map的分析。借鉴U-Map的分类框架,结合我国高校多样化发展的现状特征,构建包括教学情况、学生情况、科学研究、社会服务和高校资产五个方面18项指标的我国高校分类体系。 第六章中国高校分类结果——以辽宁省56所高校为例。基于56所辽宁省高校数据,采用统计学上的四分位数方法,得到现阶段辽宁省高校分类结果并对结果进行简要分析。 第七章总结和展望。 高校分类是一个时做时新的问题。尽可能满足各个利益群体对多样化的需求,使用多维度多指标的分类视角,尊重高校自身开展的教育规律,保持和促进高校的多样化是日后研究我国高校分类问题的发展方向和总体趋势。 本文的创新点主要是借鉴U-Map分类思想,对我国高校分类问题进行实践研究。目前国内对U-Map的研究主要是对其分类思想和框架进行解读和引进。本文在对U-Map进行系统剖析的基础上,尝试将U-Map的分类思想和我国高等教育发展的现状特征结合,构建一个比较全面的高校分类体系,并依据辽宁省高校数据进行实证分析。 本文的不足之处是只选用辽宁省的56所高校样本数据,得到我国高校分类结果,样本数据偏少可能影响分类结果的可靠性。但相信随着我国高校层面的数据公开化,分类维度、指标和结果都可以进行调整改进,使分类结果更加可信和有意义。
[Abstract]:Since the expansion of colleges and universities in 1999 , there has been a great change in the number , form and scale of colleges and universities . New changes have brought new opportunities , but also new problems have arisen .

The European Commission believes that the advantages of European higher education lies in the diversity of universities and the understanding of diversity is the basis for further development of the European higher education system in the future . In 2005 , the European Commission invested in the development of the classification framework for the current situation of European universities .

Although U - Map is designed to promote the integration of higher education in Europe , the U - Map project team also points out that U - Map can be used to study the classification of universities in specific countries . Our country is in the stage of large - scale expansion and diversification of universities . However , our country is still in the exploration stage in the bottom - up study and has no recognized classification system .

This paper systematically analyzes the classification tools of universities in Europe ( U - Map ) , and finds out the existing problems in the classification of colleges and universities in our country by analyzing the classification methods of existing universities in China . On the basis of U - Map classification , a classification system of colleges and universities belongs to our country .

The first chapter introduces the introduction of topic description , literature review and paper structure .

The second chapter introduces the U - Map classification , mainly introduces its development course , design principle , classification framework and results .

In chapter 3 , the U - Map is analyzed , and the U - Map is further analyzed from the core content and classification system . It is pointed out that the U - Map classification has many characteristics of multi - dimension , multi - index description , user - oriented , post - classification , online tool usage , openness and dynamics .

Chapter four analyzes the present situation of the classification of Chinese universities , introduces the present situation of classification , the limitation and the direction of improvement .

The fifth chapter is based on the analysis of U - Map . Based on the classification framework of U - Map , this paper constructs the classification system of China ' s colleges , which includes teaching situation , student ' s situation , scientific research , social service and five aspects of university assets .

In chapter 6 , the classification result of Chinese universities is taken as an example in 56 colleges and universities in Liaoning province . Based on the data of 56 colleges and universities in Liaoning province , the results of the classification of colleges and universities in Liaoning province are obtained and the results are analyzed briefly .

Chapter 7 summarizes and prospects .

The classification of colleges and universities is a new problem when it is one time . As far as possible , the demand for diversification is met , the classification angle of multi - dimension multi - index is used , respect for the educational law of the university itself , the maintenance and promotion of the diversification of colleges and universities are the development direction and overall trend of the university classification problem in the future .

Based on the systematic analysis of U - Map , this paper attempts to combine the classification thought of U - Map and the present characteristics of the development of higher education in China , and construct a more comprehensive classification system of higher education , and carry out an empirical analysis according to the university data in Liaoning province .

The deficiency of this paper is that only 56 college sample data of Liaoning province are selected to get the classification result in our country . The sample data is less likely to affect the reliability of the classification result . However , it is believed that the classification dimension , index and result can be adjusted and improved with the data openness , classification dimension , index and result in the university level of our country , so that the classification result is more reliable and meaningful .



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