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发布时间:2018-04-05 09:35

  本文选题:新兴媒体 切入点:价值取向 出处:《河北师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:在信息经济和新技术革命地推动下,新兴媒体地发展已经进入一个新时代。在这个时代,传播的主体、客体、技术、内容、形式及信息数量、速度、传播观念等都发生了革命性变化,几乎所有的人类社会生活都受到新兴媒体全面而深刻地影响。然而,新兴媒体迅速发展催生出巨大的虚拟空间在与现实社会的融合中,在一些领域引发了诸多的矛盾与问题。“90后”大学生作为使用新兴媒体的主要群体,对新兴媒体的依赖性和信任度颇高,所以,新兴媒体对“90后”大学生的思想产生了全方位的影响。如何优化新兴媒体的价值取向,促进“90后”大学生思想健康成长营造良好氛围,是当前研究领域的一项新课题。 本文采取理论分析与实证研究相结合的方法,在对新兴媒体价值取向现状、新兴媒体价值取向对“90后”大学生思想影响研究的基础上,探讨优化新兴媒体价值取向以促进“90后”大学生思想健康成长的对策。 论文除引言和结论外,主要包含四个部分。 第一部分对新兴媒体、价值取向、“90后”大学生等相关理论进行了论述。新兴媒体主要指以互联网、数字技术等为基础的新兴媒介形式;价值取向在本文界定为人们基于对某种事物以及自己与这一事物相关需求和利益的认识而进行的价值选择,是一种观念活动;“90后”大学生是出生在上世纪九十年代,沐浴着改革开放的春风,伴随着经济全球化和信息社会成长,,具有鲜明独特的时代特征的新一代青年。 第二部分分析了当前我国新兴媒体价值取向的现状。概而言之,主要有两种表现形态:一是大部分新兴媒体特别是主流的新兴媒体作为社会主义精神文明建设的重要载体与工具,贯彻马克思主义传媒价值观,积极宣传社会主义主流意识形态,弘扬民族精神和时代精神,注重承担社会责任。二是某些新兴媒体不加辨别地传播西方消极思想和文化,片面追求经济效益和商业价值,忽视社会责任,追求感性,迎合受众,淡化理性追求等。 第三部分分析了新兴媒体价值取向对“90后”大学生思想的影响。主要包含三个方面的内容:一是新兴媒体的无所不在和新兴媒体传播内容的无所不包使其对“90后”大学生思想产生了广泛的影响。二是新兴媒体在引领“90后”树立正确的价值观念方面起到了积极地促进作用,使其开阔了全球视野,激发了爱国情感;丰富了认知方式,提高了创新意识;丰富了文娱生活,促进了心理健康;开辟了德育途径,提升了道德素质。三是某些新兴媒体传播的负面信息,也对“90后”大学生的思想产生了不良地影响。比如,淡化意识形态宣传,导致西方消极思想渗透加剧;道德引导偏差,导致道德价值观偏差;良莠不齐的传播信息,导致行为失范;过度追求商业化和娱乐化,导致审美价值观偏差等。 第四部分探讨了优化新兴媒体价值取向促进“90后”大学生思想健康成长的对策。包括加强新兴媒体的管理、加强新兴媒体的自我规范、加强新兴媒体队伍建设、提高“90后”大学生媒介素养等策略,从而使新兴媒体成为引领“90后”大学生思想健康成长的重要平台。 新兴媒体以其自身特别的信息传播方式使当今的传播环境改变,这种改变对“90后”大学生思想的影响直接而重要。因此,如何优化新兴媒体价值取向,是在新兴媒体环境下做好“90后”大学生思想政治教育工作的关键。
[Abstract]:In the information economy and the new technology revolution, new media development has entered a new era. In this era, the spread of the main content, object, technology, quantity, form and speed of information, the concept of communication has undergone a revolutionary change, almost all of the human social life are comprehensive and new media profound influence. However, the rapid development of new media has spawned a huge virtual space in the fusion and social reality, in some areas caused many conflicts and problems. "90" students as the main groups to use new media, the new media dependence and trust degree is high, so the impact of the whole range of thought of new media for the "90" students. How to optimize the value orientation of new media, to promote the "90" College Students' thinking and healthy growth and create a good atmosphere, is the current research field A new subject.
This paper adopts the method of theoretical analysis and empirical research, the status quo on the value orientation of new media, new media value orientation of "90" ideological influence on the optimization of new media value orientation to promote the "90" College Students' thinking and healthy development countermeasures.
In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the paper mainly contains four parts.
The first part of the value of new media, orientation, "90" students and other related theories are discussed. New media mainly refers to the Internet, new media based digital technology; choose the understanding of value orientation in this paper is defined as people based on some things and things associated with the needs and interests of the the value is a concept; "90" students were born in the last century in 90s, bathed in the spring breeze of reform and opening, along with the economic globalization and the information society, has its distinctive characteristics unique to a new generation of youth.
The second part analyzes the current situation of new media value orientation in our country. In general, there are two main forms: one is the majority of emerging media, especially the mainstream new media as an important carrier and tool for the construction of socialist spiritual civilization, carry out Marx's media values, actively promote the socialist mainstream ideology, carry forward the national spirit and the spirit of the times two, pay attention to social responsibility. Some new media without discrimination of negative thoughts and the spread of western culture, the one-sided pursuit of economic benefits and commercial value, neglect of social responsibility, the pursuit of emotional, to cater to the audience, dilute the rational pursuit.
The third part analyzes the impact of new media value orientation of "90" College Students' ideology. Mainly includes three aspects: one is the Everything is contained therein. new media and new media in the dissemination of the contents of the omnipresent which has great influence on "90" College Students' thinking. Two is a new media set of values to the right the active role in leading the "90", which broadens the global vision, inspire patriotic emotion; enrich the cognitive style, improve the consciousness of innovation; to enrich the cultural life, promote mental health; open up ways of moral education, enhance the moral quality. The three is some emerging media negative information, also have a bad effect on the "90" College Students' thoughts. For example, ideological propaganda, lead to increased penetration of Western negative thoughts; moral guidance deviation caused by the The deviation of moral values; the dissemination of information between the good and the bad results in the anomie of the behavior; the excessive pursuit of commercialization and entertainment leads to the deviation of the aesthetic values.
The fourth part discusses the optimization of new media value orientation to promote the healthy growth of university students' thought 90. Including the strengthening of new media management, strengthen new media self-regulation, strengthen new media team construction, improve the "90" College Students' media literacy strategy, so that the new media become an important platform for leading the "90" College Students' ideological healthy growth.
New media in their own special way of information dissemination makes today's communication environment change, the effect of change of "90" students thought important. Therefore, how to optimize the new media value orientation, is to do the "90" students thought the key political education work in the new media environment.



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