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发布时间:2018-04-08 08:36

  本文选题:民族高校 切入点:大学生就业 出处:《延边大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:在现代社会,就业率的高低是衡量一个社会发展水平的重要指标。在我国,就业问题始终是我国政府所关注的问题之一。胡锦涛在党的十八大报告当中指出:就业是民生之本。要贯彻劳动者自主就业、市场调节就业、政府促进就业和鼓励创业的方针,实施就业优先战略和更加积极的就业政策。引导劳动者转变就业观念,鼓励多渠道多形式就业,促进创业带动就业,做好以高校毕业生为重点的青年就业工作和农村转移劳动力、城镇困难人员、退役军人就业工作。对于就业压力日益严峻的中国人才市场来说,大学生作为一个特殊的群体,大学生就业将遭遇到多方面的挑战与挤压。1977年,国家恢复了停止10年的全国高等院校招生考试以来,在往后的20多年的时间里,中国有1000多万名普通高校的本专科毕业生和近60万名研究生陆续走上工作岗位。但是,国家于1999年实行了高等院校的扩招和全国范围内高等院校的扩建之后,随之带来高素质人才的涌现的同时,大学生就业难的问题也随之浮现。虽然近些年党政机关以及学校和社会多方的不懈努力下,情况有所好转,但形势还是比较严峻,特别是在金融危机的背景之下大学生的就业难问题面临了更大的挑战。 延边作为少数民族自治州,地处西部大开发省份--吉林,是东三省沟通海内外的重要窗口,在联结亚、欧、美海陆运输格局中居于重要的枢纽地位。而延边大学作为一所具有鲜明民族特色的综合性大学,是延边州唯一一所高等院校,也是延边州经济社会发展的主要人才培养基地。1996年,经原国家教委批准,原延边大学、延边医学院、延边农学院、延边师范高等专科学校、吉林艺术学院延边分院和延边科技大学合并,发展成为“211工程”重点建设大学。学校现有全日制在校学生22573人,其中本科生17,000余人,博士、硕士生3600余人,每年为社会输出将近5000余名优秀毕业生。但是因为延边州整体经济落后,就业岗位少,缺乏对优秀人才热吸引力,导致延边大学毕业生就业难,人才流失,严重阻碍延边地区的经济发展。 本文根据延边大学大学生的实际情况,通过对延边大学毕业生就业情况的研究,分析民族地区高校毕业生的就业状况。同时,在此基础上,以马克思主义哲学观点为理论指导,分析研究延边大学大学生就业难的主客观因素。最后,根据分析结果,以马克思主义哲学原理为依托,从毕业生本身角度、高校就业服务角度、政府扶持就业角度等多方面提出对策和建议。
[Abstract]:In modern society, the employment rate is an important indicator to measure the level of social development.In our country, the employment problem has always been one of the concerns of our government.Hu Jintao pointed out in the report of the 18 th Party Congress: employment is the foundation of people's livelihood.It is necessary to implement the policy of self-employment of workers, adjustment of employment by the market, promotion of employment and encouragement of entrepreneurship by the government, and implementation of employment priority strategy and more active employment policy.We should guide workers to change their concept of employment, encourage multiple channels and forms of employment, promote entrepreneurship and promote employment, and do a good job in the employment of young people with emphasis on college graduates and the transfer of labor in rural areas, urban difficulties, and retired servicemen.As a special group, the employment of college students in China, which is under increasingly severe employment pressure, will be challenged and squeezed in many ways. In 1977, the state resumed the national examination of enrollment in colleges and universities for 10 years.In the next 20 years, China has more than 10 million college graduates and nearly 600000 graduate students on the job.However, after the country carried out the expansion of colleges and universities in 1999 and the expansion of colleges and universities throughout the country, the emergence of high-quality talents, at the same time, the problem of difficult employment of college students also emerged.Despite the unremitting efforts of the Party and government organs, schools and society in recent years, the situation is still relatively grim, especially under the background of the financial crisis, the employment of college students is facing a greater challenge.Yanbian, as an autonomous prefecture of minority nationalities, is located in Jilin province, a province of great development in the west. It is an important window for the three eastern provinces to communicate at home and abroad, and plays an important role in connecting Asia, Europe and the United States in the pattern of sea and land transportation.Yanbian University, as a comprehensive university with distinct national characteristics, is the only university in Yanbian prefecture and the main talent training base for the economic and social development of Yanbian Prefecture. In 1996, with the approval of the former State Education Commission, the former Yanbian University,Yanbian Medical College, Yanbian Agricultural College, Yanbian Teachers College, Yanbian Branch of Jilin Academy of Art and Yanbian University of Science and Technology merged and developed into the "211 Project" key construction university.The school now has 22573 full-time students, including more than 17000 undergraduate students, more than 3600 doctoral and master degree students, and nearly 5000 outstanding graduates each year.But because the whole economy of Yanbian prefecture is backward, the employment position is few, the lack of hot attraction to the outstanding talented person, causes the Yanbian university graduate employment difficulty, the talented person drain, seriously impedes the Yanbian area's economic development.According to the actual situation of Yanbian university students, this paper analyzes the employment situation of Yanbian university graduates through the study of the employment situation of Yanbian university graduates.At the same time, under the guidance of Marxist philosophy, this paper analyzes and studies the subjective and objective factors of the difficulty in obtaining employment for undergraduates in Yanbian University.Finally, according to the analysis results, based on the Marxist philosophy principle, from the perspective of graduates themselves, the employment service angle of colleges and universities, the angle of government support employment, and so on, the author puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions.


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