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发布时间:2018-04-08 09:11

  本文选题:薪酬体系 切入点:优化 出处:《广西大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:薪酬体系作为高等院校发展战略的重要组成部分,在吸引、稳定、激励人才方面起到了关键的作用。其改革是高校内部管理体制改革的关键和难点,也是整个社会较为敏感的热点问题。目前,我国高校职工的收入分配为“双轨制”,即由国家工资和各高校的校内津贴两大部分构成。国家工资部分按照国家规定发放,校内津贴则按照教职工所聘岗位及业绩进行发放。但同其他发达国家高校的激励手段相比,我国高校还较为逊色。为了培养更优秀的下一代,实现中华民族的伟大复兴,对我国高校教师薪酬体系的优化研究就成为了迫切的需要。 本文以薪酬理论和激励相关理论为理论基础,借鉴国外高等学校薪酬体系先进的经验和理念,对J学院的薪酬体系进行了优化。首先,J学院作为一所独立建制的成人高校制定了转制升本快速发展的战略目标。为充分发挥教职工的积极性、创造性并吸引院外高层次人才加入学院的师资队伍,学院决定对薪酬体系进行优化。然后,为纠正现有薪酬体系的各种弊端,J学院需重新做合理的岗位设置与岗位分析并进行在岗人员全员竞聘工作,实行绩效工资制度。最后,为了加强激励效果,还设计了以下多项激励政策如:教职工奖励制度、学术带头人选聘及给予优厚待遇、高层次人才引进办法、支持教师在校外企业实践锻炼及市场运作房等其它福利。科学地建立起一整套较为全面、公平有效、激励性佳、调控合理、具有市场竞争力的现代高校薪酬体系,为]学院建设有特色有竞争力的管理学院的战略目标提供了强有力的人才保障和智力支持。
[Abstract]:As an important part of the development strategy of colleges and universities, salary system plays a key role in attracting, stabilizing and encouraging talents.Its reform is a key and difficult point in the reform of internal management system in colleges and universities, and is also a more sensitive hot issue in the whole society.At present, the income of staff and workers in colleges and universities in our country is divided into "double track system", which consists of two parts: state wages and university subsidies.State wages are paid in accordance with state regulations, and school allowances are paid in accordance with the positions and achievements of faculty.However, compared with other developed countries, colleges and universities in our country are still inferior.In order to cultivate the better next generation and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, it is urgent to study the optimization of the salary system of teachers in colleges and universities in our country.On the basis of salary theory and incentive theory, this paper optimizes the salary system of J college by referring to the advanced experiences and ideas of the compensation system of foreign institutions of higher learning.Firstly, as an independent adult college, college J has formulated the strategic goal of rapid development.In order to give full play to the enthusiasm of teaching staff, creativity and attract high-level talents outside the college to join the faculty, the college decided to optimize the salary system.Then, in order to correct all kinds of malpractices of the existing salary system, J college should re-establish and analyze the position, compete for the full staff in the post, and carry out the performance pay system.Finally, in order to enhance the incentive effect, the following incentive policies have been designed, such as: the staff incentive system, the selection and employment of academic leaders and the preferential treatment, and the introduction of high-level talents.Support teachers in the practice of outside-school enterprise training and other benefits such as market operation room.Scientifically set up a set of comprehensive, fair and effective, good incentive, reasonable regulation and control, with market competitiveness of modern colleges and universities pay system,It provides a strong talent guarantee and intellectual support for the strategic goal of building a unique and competitive management college.


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3 李远贵;激励在高校教师管理中的重要意义及操作[J];黑龙江高教研究;2005年09期




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