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发布时间:2018-04-08 16:26

  本文选题:大学生寝室文化 切入点:高校思想政治教育 出处:《沈阳航空航天大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着高等教育体制改革的推进,高校后勤服务社会化步伐的加快,使大学生寝室成为学生日常学习和生活的重要场所,大学期间学生有百分之五十的时间是在寝室中度过的。因此,大学生寝室文化建设的研究是校园文化建设的重要环节,是校园文化建设研究中的一个新的课题。大学生寝室文化建设是优化高校德育环境的需要,是促进高等教育改革深入发展的需要,是加强社会主义精神文明建设的需要,是推进社会主义文化强国建设的需要。加强大学生寝室文化建设不但对校园文化建设是一个有力的推动,同时对搞好大学生思想政治教育起到积极的促进作用。作为大学校园文化建设的重要内容之一,寝室文化建设不仅对大学生的思想素质、道德素质、心理素质等有着潜移默化的影响,而且对大学生养成良好的生活习惯、学习习惯、行为习惯和形成健康向上的世界观、人生观、价值观具有重要的意义。 自高校扩大招生以来,学生数量不断增加,管理范围不断扩大,高校后勤管理工作面临了新的挑战,采用传统的管理模式已经远远不能满足现在发展的需要。所以,把寝室文化建设引入后勤管理工作中,发挥寝室文化的导向作用,加强思想政治教育工作,促进学生身心健康全面发展,研究大学生寝室文化建设,成为一项重要的工作。 本文共分为5章:首先,论文对国内外大学生寝室文化建设的研究情况进行了综述;其次,论述了大学生寝室文化的相关理论及必要性;再次,通过文献分析、问卷调查、个案访谈的方法对大学生寝室文化建设进行研究,找出存在的问题;最后,,提出相应的对策,以促进大学生寝室文化建设的发展。
[Abstract]:With the reform of higher education system and the acceleration of the socialization of logistics service in colleges and universities, the dormitory has become an important place for students to study and live in their daily life. During the college period, 50% of the students spent their time in the dormitory.Therefore, the study of college students' dormitory culture construction is an important link in the campus culture construction and a new topic in the campus culture construction research.The construction of college students' dormitory culture is the need to optimize the moral education environment of colleges and universities, to promote the deepening development of higher education reform, to strengthen the construction of socialist spiritual civilization, and to promote the construction of socialist cultural power.Strengthening the cultural construction of college students' dormitory is not only a powerful impetus to the construction of campus culture, but also plays an active role in promoting the ideological and political education of college students.As one of the important contents of campus culture construction, dormitory culture construction not only has a subtle influence on college students' ideological quality, moral quality and psychological quality, but also forms good living habits and study habits for college students.Behavior habits and the formation of a healthy world outlook, outlook on life, values have important significance.Since the expansion of enrollment in colleges and universities, the number of students has been increasing and the scope of management has been expanding. The logistics management of colleges and universities is facing new challenges. The traditional management mode has been far from meeting the needs of the present development.Therefore, the construction of dormitory culture should be introduced into the work of logistics management, play a leading role in dormitory culture, strengthen ideological and political education, promote the overall development of students' physical and mental health, and study the construction of dormitory culture for college students.Become an important task.This paper is divided into five chapters: first, the paper summarizes the domestic and foreign college students' dormitory culture construction; secondly, discusses the related theory and necessity of college students' dormitory culture; thirdly, through literature analysis, questionnaire survey,The method of case interview is to study the cultural construction of college students' dormitory and find out the existing problems. Finally, the corresponding countermeasures are put forward to promote the development of the cultural construction of college students' dormitory.


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