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发布时间:2018-04-08 23:20

  本文选题:大学生 切入点:社团活动 出处:《东北师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:目前,谈论积极青少年的词汇正在兴起,而且将逐渐取代长期以来存在人们脑海里的所谓青春期动荡和青少年问题行为的信念。在理论上,青少年被认为是具有积极发展的可能性(Roth,Brooks-Gunn,Murray,Foster,1998)。更确切地说,青少年更多的被看作是有待发展的资源(RothBrooks-Gunn,2003)。在这样的情况下,受发展的经验观和行动观的影响,国内外研究者越来越关注活动经验在青少年积极发展中的作用,国外的实证研究和理论研究都较为丰富,但国内从2009年才开始有人涉及活动经验与青少年积极发展方面的研究,实证研究与理论研究都较为薄弱。对于大学生来说,社团是他们校园生活的主要活动载体,对积极品格的塑造具有重要作用,本研究将以我国大一年级学生为主要对象,探索促进我国大学生积极发展的社团活动经验。 1.研究一:首先对Hansen和Larson等人编制的《The Youth Experience Survey2.0》进行翻译,,随后根据吉林省某大学社团总体情况,以及查阅文献、调研和咨询其他高校社团情况,将社团分为体育类、艺术类、学术类、公益类、职能类等五类,并在每类社团中随机抽取了10人左右进行了访谈,通过整理访谈结果对《The Youth Experience Survey2.0》在我国高校适用性方面的不足做以弥补。接下来以此为基础编制了《大学生社团活动经验调查问卷》。经过对321名被试的初测和859名被试的正式测试,通过探索性因素分析与验证性因素分析,确定了大学生社团活动经验调查问卷的五个维度,分别为同一性经验、主动性经验、基本技能经验、团队合作经验和与成年人的联系经验。问卷的各项指标较好,且各题目与所归属的维度的相关系数较高,具有良好的内部一致性。因此,该问卷可以作为评价大学生社团活动经验的有效工具。 2.研究二:使用《大学生积极发展问卷》对大一年级1000名被试分别在上学期开学初和下学期中旬进行追踪施测,并于大一下学期中旬发放《大学生社团活动经验调查问卷》,考察社团活动经验与大学生积极发展水平的关系。研究发现,社团活动经验可以直接有效预测大学生积极发展的水平,也就是说,随着社团活动经验的增加,大学生积极发展水平会逐步提升。同时也发现,积极发展水平高的大学生能够更主动地参与社团活动,获得更多的社团活动经验。 3.研究三:以研究二为基础,进一步分析了社团活动类型与社团活动参与程度对大学生获得社团活动经验的影响。结果发现,在社团活动类型方面:艺术类社团和职能类社团比学术类社团获得更多的同一性经验和主动性经验,艺术类社团和职能类社团比体育类社团获得更多的主动性经验,职能类社团比公益类社团获得更多的主动性经验,其他类型的社团对活动经验的获得影响差异不显著;在社团活动参与程度方面:参与热情越积极,获得的社团活动经验越多;社团成员关系越亲密,获得的社团活动经验越多;对社团活动内容和策划越了解,获得的社团活动经验越多;在社团活动担任的角色越重要,获得的社团活动经验越多。
[Abstract]:At present, talk about the positive youth vocabulary is on the rise, and will gradually replace the long existing in the head of adolescent turmoil and so-called adolescent problem behavior beliefs. In theory, teenagers are thought to have the possibility of positive development (Roth, Brooks-Gunn, Murray, Foster, 1998). More precisely, more young people as to development resources (RothBrooks-Gunn, 2003). In this case, influenced by the experience of the development concept and action view, researchers are increasingly concerned about the role of experience in the positive development of young people at home and abroad, empirical research and theoretical studies abroad are relatively rich, but the domestic started from 2009 people involved in the research activities and experience the positive development of teenagers, empirical research and theoretical studies are relatively weak. For college students, community is the main living their campus life Moving carrier plays an important role in shaping positive character. This study will take our freshmen as the main object, and explore the experience of promoting the active development of college students in China.
A 1. study: firstly, translation of Hansen and Larson compiled, then according to the overall situation of a university community in Jilin Province, as well as literature, research and consulting other community colleges and universities, the community is divided into sports, arts, academic, public functions, such as the five class, and in each kind of community in a random sample of 10 people were interviewed by the interview results of in China's colleges and universities for the insufficient to make up for the next. As a basis for the preparation of the "university student association activities experience questionnaire. After the 321 subjects were surveyed and 859 the formal test, through exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, identified five dimensions of College Students' extracurricular activities experience questionnaire, respectively, for the same experience, driving experience, The basic skills and experience, team work experience and contact with adults experience. The indicators were better, and the correlation coefficient of each subject and belongs to the high dimension, good internal consistency. Therefore, the questionnaire can be used as an effective tool to evaluate college students' extracurricular activities experience.
Study two: use the < 2. students of the first grade development questionnaire > 1000 subjects respectively in the early and mid semester semester tracking survey, and in the mid semester issued < the college society activities experience questionnaire >, study experience in club activities and the university students to actively develop the relationship between the levels of study. That experience in club activities can directly predict the positive development of College Students' level, that is to say, with increasing experience in club activities, students will gradually improve development level. It is also found that the positive development of high level college students can actively participate in community activities, to gain more experience in club activities.
Study three: 3. to study the basis of further analysis of the types of community activities and club activities involved in the degree of influence on college students to gain experience in club activities. The results showed that the types of association activities: art community and functional associations than academic associations with more experience and initiative experience and artistic associations. And the function of community sports club than to obtain more initiative than experience, community public welfare organization function to obtain more initiative experience, other types of community activity experience influence the difference was not significant; participation in community activities: participation enthusiasm is positive, get more experience in club activities; the members of the association the more intimate relationship, get more experience in club activities; more understanding of community activities and planning activities, get more experience in the community; The more important the role is, the more experience you have to gain.



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