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发布时间:2018-04-09 09:11

  本文选题:大学生 切入点:思想政治教育 出处:《海南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:由于扩招等政策的推行,进入大学校园接受高等教育的学生逐年增多,高等教育从“精英化”走向“大众化”,传统的思想政治教育模式和方法已经不能满足现代教育的需求。此外,科技的发展和网络时代的到来加快了信息流通的速度,打破了原先诸多地域文化交流的界限,大学生们随时都可能接触五花八门的价值观,经常受到各式各样的思想影响。并月,西方资本主义国家正以一种更加隐蔽的方式对我们的青年学生进行资本主义意识形态灌输,主流意识形态教育、大学生政治认同感、思想政治教育的实效性受到挑战。 在上述背景下,本文立足于马克思主义人学理论和马斯洛的需要层次理论、孔子的“因材施教”理论、巴班斯基的“教学最优化原则”、布卢姆的掌握学习理论等各种教育方法理论,提出对大学生思想政治教育实施分层教育,把教育主体分为教师、辅导员、学生干部、先进典型,把教育载体分为课堂教学、组织管理、校园活动、大众传媒,把教育客体分为大一学生、大二学生、大三学生、大四学生,然后以实际调查为依托,根据调查数据分析各年级大学生思想政治教育现状和教育诉求,进而提出思想政治教育实施分层教育的思路和对策。
[Abstract]:Due to the enrollment and the implementation of policies, increasing access to the campus students in higher education, higher education from "elite" to "popular", the ideological and political education mode and the traditional method has been unable to meet the needs of modern education. In addition, the development of science and technology and the advent of the Internet era to speed up the flow of information speed. Breaking the original boundaries of many regional cultural exchanges, the students can contact all kinds of values at any time, often affected by every kind of thought. And, the western capitalist countries are in a more subtle way to our young students of the capitalist ideology inculcation, the mainstream ideology education of College Students' political identity, the effectiveness of the ideological political education is challenged.
Under the above background, this paper is based on Marx's theory and Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, Confucius's theory of "teaching", "Babanski teaching optimization principle, learning theory and other educational methods to master Bloom, proposed to implement stratified education ideological and political education of university students, the education is divided into Teachers. Instructors, student cadres, advanced models, the education carrier is divided into classroom teaching, organization management, campus activities, mass media, the object of education for freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, and then based on the actual investigation, according to the survey data analysis of the demands of the grade of College Students' ideological and political education the status quo and education, and puts forward the ideas and Countermeasures of hierarchical education implementation of the ideological and political education.



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1 崔文志;高校思想政治教育内容的“分层”探析[J];北京教育(高教版);2005年Z1期

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