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发布时间:2018-04-10 00:22

  本文选题:美国 切入点:教师教育 出处:《山东师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:教师的质量决定着教育的质量。培养和建立一支高水平的教师队伍是各国不断追求的目标。美国的师范教育在19世纪形成以来,先后经历了师范学校、师范学院、和综合大学教育学院三个历史时期的发展。到20世纪80年代,已形成了一个完全开放的教师培养模式。教师教育改革的重点由重视“量”的增长到重视“质”的提高,不断向教师专业化方向迈进。本文以时间为经度,通过对20世纪80年代以来三个不同历史时期美国教师教育改革背景和发展历程的系统研究,揭示了美国教师教育改革与发展的轨迹,并试图对各个时期的改革成果和经验进行客观的分析和评价。最后总结了美国教师教育的发展趋势,以期对我国当前的教师教育发展能有所帮助。 本文除绪论外共分为五章: 第一章:对20世纪80年代以前美国教师教育改革的传统进行了简单回顾,揭示了美国教师教育一百多年改革和发展的成果。 第二章:从改革的背景、历程及成效三个方面介绍了美国80年代的教师教育改革状况。主要分析了里根政府的改革政策和卡内基小组及霍姆斯小组对教师教育改革的建议,,并对改革的成效进行了总结。 第三章:分析了美国90年代的教师教育出现的新问题以及老布什、克林顿两届政府的教育政策,重点论述了全美教学与美国未来委员会对教师教育改革的建议,并对90年代教师教育改革取得的成功经验进行了总结。 第四章:针对21世纪以来美国教育的新情况,主要研究了布什政府和奥巴马政府对于教师教育改革的政策和措施,并对改革的成效和特点进行了简单的总结和客观的评价。 第五章:分为两个部分,第一部分分析了20世纪80年代以来美国教师教育改革中存在的问题。主要从两个方面进行研究,一是选择性教师证书计划存在的问题,二是教师专业发展学校存在的问题;第二部分对教师教育改革的趋势进行了总结和预测。
[Abstract]:The quality of teachers determines the quality of education, training and the establishment of a high level of teachers is the constant pursuit of the goal of all countries. Since the formation of normal education in the United States in nineteenth Century, has experienced a normal school, normal school, University College of education and comprehensive development of three historical periods. By 1980s, it has formed a completely open teacher training mode. The focus of teacher education reform from the importance of the growth of "quantity" to pay attention to the improvement of "quality" and continue to move to teachers' professional orientation. This paper takes time as the longitude, through three different historical periods of American teacher education reform background and development of the system research since 1980s, reveals American teacher education reform and development, and tries to analyze and evaluate the results of the reform and experience of each period. Finally summed up the American teachers The development trend of education is expected to help the current development of teachers' Education in China.
In addition to the introduction, this article is divided into five chapters.
Chapter one: a brief review of the tradition of teacher education reform before 1980s, revealing the achievements of reform and development of American Teacher Education in the past more than 100 years.
The second chapter: from the background of the reform, the three aspects of development and achievements of the reform of Teacher Education in the United States in 80s. The main analysis of the team that Reagan government's reform policy and the Carnegie and Holmes group on the reform of teacher education, and the effectiveness of the reform are summarized.
The third chapter analyzes the new problems of Teacher Education in the United States in 90s and the Bush, Clinton two government education policy, focus on the future teaching and suggest that all committee of the United States on the reform of teacher education, and the successful experience of the 90s reform of teacher education are summarized.
The fourth chapter: Aiming at the new situation of American education since twenty-first Century, we mainly studied the policies and measures of Bush administration and Obama government for teacher education reform, and made a brief summary and objective evaluation of the effectiveness and characteristics of the reform.
The fifth chapter is divided into two parts, the first part analyzes the American teacher education reform since 1980s. Mainly from two aspects, one is the existence of alternative teacher certification program, two is the professional development of teachers of the school; the second part of the trend of teacher education reform and summarizes the forecast.



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1 李敏;美国教育政策问题研究[D];华东师范大学;2006年




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