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发布时间:2018-04-11 16:03

  本文选题:免费师范生 + 就业 ; 参考:《东北师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:教育大计,,教师为本。我国高等师范教育免费制度中止了近十年后,终于在2007年回归。2007年5月9日,教育部、财政部、人事部及中央编办联合发布了《教育部直属师范大学师范生免费教育实施办法(试行)》,决定从2007年秋季起,在教育部直属六所师范大学实行师范生免费教育,该政策对免费师范生就业作了基本阐述。2010年5月26日又发布了《教育部直属师范大学免费师范毕业生就业实施办法》,对免费师范生就业进行了更具针对性的规范。国家和地方两个层面的政策规定便构成了免费师范生就业政策。如今,首届免费师范生已走向工作岗位近两年,其工作状况也即免费师范生就业政策的实施效果成为各界关注的焦点。因此,对免费师范生就业政策进行研究具有重要意义。 本文分为四个部分。第一部分介绍免费师范生就业政策的基本信息,首先了解政策是在怎样的背景下出台的,然后对政策内容作简要解析,从而对政策有了基本认识和初步判断;第二部分主要通过对免费师范生的问卷及访谈调查,了解政策实施的现状,发现政策存在文本语言表述模糊、准入及退出机制不健全、跨省就业规定较为混乱、毕业生继续教育需求没有得到满足、编制问题没有得到完全解决和服务农村教育工作没有落实等问题;第三部分从政策制定相对随意、政策资源投入不足和政策监督机制缺失三个方面分析了政策存在问题的原因,为解决问题提供参考;第四部分则针对政策存在的问题提出完善政策的建议,认为首先要完善政策文本,其次要建立政策激励机制,同时强化地方政府职责,最后必须完善政策监督机制。
[Abstract]:A teacher is the master of education.After nearly a decade of suspension of the free system of higher normal education in China, it finally returned in 2007. On May 9, 2007, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance,The Ministry of personnel and the Central editorial Office jointly issued the "measures on the implementation of Free Education for normal University students directly under the Ministry of Education", and decided to implement free education for normal students in six normal universities directly under the Ministry of Education from the autumn of 2007.On May 26, 2010, the "measures for the Employment of Free normal University graduates of the Ministry of Education" was published, and the employment of free normal students was regulated more pertinently.National and local levels of policy provisions constitute a free normal students employment policy.Now, the first free normal students have been working for nearly two years, their working conditions, that is, the effect of the implementation of the free normal students employment policy has become the focus of attention.Therefore, it is of great significance to study the employment policy of free normal students.This paper is divided into four parts.The first part introduces the basic information of the employment policy of free normal school students, first of all, to understand the policy under what kind of background, and then to make a brief analysis of the policy content, so as to have a basic understanding and preliminary judgment of the policy;The second part mainly through the questionnaire and the interview investigation to the free normal school student, understands the policy implementation present situation, discovers the policy exists the text language to express vaguely, the admittance and the withdrawal mechanism is not perfect, the inter-provincial employment stipulation is relatively chaotic.The needs of the graduates for continuing education have not been met, the problems of preparation have not been completely solved and the work of serving rural education has not been implemented. The third part is relatively arbitrary in terms of policy formulation.This paper analyzes the reasons for the problems in the policy from the three aspects of insufficient input of policy resources and the lack of policy supervision mechanism, and provides references for solving the problems. The fourth part puts forward some suggestions to improve the policy.First of all, we should perfect the policy text, secondly, we should establish the policy incentive mechanism, at the same time strengthen the local government responsibility, finally must consummate the policy supervision mechanism.


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