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发布时间:2018-04-12 09:35

  本文选题:高校课堂教学 + 评价体系 ; 参考:《西北大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:高等教育在规模快速扩张,迈入大众化的同时,教育质量越来越成为人们关注的焦点。课堂教学作为高校教学活动的主要组织形式,传授给学生系统的科学文化知识和专业技能,培养学生的思维能力,是确保教育质量的关键。而客观公正的课堂教学评价不仅能调动教师教学工作的积极性,促进教师专业发展,还能促使学生更积极、主动的学习,对课堂教学具有改善、激励、鉴定等作用,是提高课堂教学水平的重要手段。因此在高等教育质量备受争议的今天,研究课堂教学评价体系及方法十分必要和重要。 本文运用调查研究法和主成分分析法,借助于Excel统计分析软件,在系统梳理国内外有关课堂教学评价研究历史和现状的基础上,通过搜集68所不同类型和层次高校的课堂教学评价量表或方案,从评价主体、评价组织、评价方法、评价内容、评价结果等几个方面对其现状进行系统的分析,从分析结果来看目前高校课堂教学评价存在着以下几方面突出问题:一是缺乏外部评价机制的引入;二是评价指标体系设计对定性定量关系处理不当;三是评价要素关注教师行为忽视学生行为;四是指标体系的构建缺乏科学论证,学科针对性不强;五是评价结果的回馈机制不健全。 针对目前高校课堂教学评价体系及方法存在的问题,本文通过对课堂教学的本质、课堂教学在人才培养中的作用、课堂教学的要素和有效教学等理论分析,结合对现行课堂教学评价的反思,从教师行为、学生行为、课堂结构、师生关系、教学效率五个方面,对课堂教学评价的内容进行了重构;并提出了以听课面谈、教师反思、学生评价、毕业生和社会成员评价为主的多元化的评价方法。最后从树立多元化的评价观,构建完善的课堂教学评价制度,采取多元化的课堂教学评价方法三个方面,提出了完善课堂教学评价体系的路径。
[Abstract]:With the rapid expansion and popularization of higher education, the quality of higher education has become the focus of more and more attention.Classroom teaching is the main organizational form of teaching activities in colleges and universities. The key to ensure the quality of education is to impart to students systematic scientific and cultural knowledge and professional skills and to cultivate students' thinking ability.The objective and fair evaluation of classroom teaching can not only arouse the enthusiasm of teachers' teaching work and promote the professional development of teachers, but also promote students to study more actively and actively, which can improve, motivate and identify the classroom teaching.It is an important means to improve the level of classroom teaching.Therefore, it is necessary and important to study the evaluation system and methods of classroom teaching at a time when the quality of higher education is controversial.In this paper, by means of the method of investigation and principal component analysis, and with the help of Excel software, this paper systematically reviews the history and present situation of classroom teaching evaluation at home and abroad.Through collecting the classroom teaching evaluation scale or scheme of 68 colleges and universities of different types and levels, this paper makes a systematic analysis of its present situation from the aspects of evaluation subject, evaluation organization, evaluation method, evaluation content, evaluation result and so on.From the analysis results, there are some outstanding problems in the evaluation of classroom teaching in colleges and universities in the following aspects: the first is the lack of external evaluation mechanism, the other is the improper handling of the qualitative and quantitative relationship by the design of the evaluation index system;Third, the evaluation elements pay attention to teachers' behavior and ignore students' behavior; fourth, the construction of index system is lack of scientific proof, and the discipline is not targeted; fifthly, the feedback mechanism of evaluation results is not perfect.In view of the problems existing in the evaluation system and methods of classroom teaching in colleges and universities, this paper analyzes the essence of classroom teaching, the role of classroom teaching in the cultivation of talents, the elements of classroom teaching and effective teaching, etc.This paper reconstructs the contents of classroom teaching evaluation from five aspects: teacher's behavior, student's behavior, classroom structure, teacher-student relationship and teaching efficiency, and puts forward that the content of classroom teaching evaluation should be revisited by listening to the class and reflecting on the teacher's reflection.Student evaluation, graduates and social members of the evaluation of the main diversity of evaluation methods.Finally, the author puts forward the way to perfect the evaluation system of classroom teaching from three aspects: setting up a diversified evaluation view, constructing a perfect evaluation system of classroom teaching and adopting diversified methods of classroom teaching evaluation.


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