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发布时间:2018-04-13 21:45

  本文选题:社会服务 + 能力 ; 参考:《云南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着经济社会的发展和进步,高校逐渐由社会的边缘进入社会的中心,催生知识经济的到来。高校具有人才培养、科学研究、社会服务、文化传承四大职能,社会服务职能最早产生于国外,我国从20世纪80年代开始对高校社会服务进行研究。30多年来,我国社会发生了巨大的变化,现代大学也如雨后春笋般涌现,国民素质大幅度提高,经济发展迅速,作为杰出人才和先进知识延续与创新聚集地的高校已经成为社会发展过程中不可替代的组成部分,针对高校社会服务能力的研究也越来越必要。 本论文综合运用文献分析法、调查法、比较分析法等多种研究方法,从理论角度对高校社会服务进行了较为系统的研究。实践上,本论文以昆明医科大学为例,在广泛搜集资料的基础上对昆明医科大学社会服务的内容、特点进行了研究和凝析,设计相关问卷在昆明医科大学机关、学院、直属附属医院随机抽取管理部门人员、研究生、本科实习生、学校教师及直属附属医院医护人员进行调查,梳理出增强昆明医科大学社会服务能力存在的外部环境问题有服务社会的运行机制不完善、法律法规不健全、财政政策支持不够和内部问题:服务意识淡薄;相关政策不完善;服务队伍不健全;服务内容、形式单一;与政府和企业联系不紧密;服务质量不高、成效不大。针对存在问题结合调查问卷结果梳理出昆明医科大学社会服务存在问题的五个原因是学校的社会服务意识较弱;学校面向社会的办学针对性不强;学校与企业合作程度不高,社会服务能力弱;学校与社会联系不紧密;学校资源的开放性较差。 在此基础上统计分析问卷调查结果,结合学校实际提出增强昆明医科大学社会服务能力的五个有效对策:完善配套政策与服务机制,强化服务意识;增强办学的社会性拓宽服务口径;增强人才培养的适应性满足社会对人才的需求;积极搭建服务平台创新服务形式,促进科研成果转化;密切校政企合作,增强社会联系性。最终为增强昆明医科大学社会服务能力提供依据,为其他医学院校等高校的社会服务能力研究发挥借鉴作用。
[Abstract]:With the development and progress of economy and society, colleges and universities gradually enter the center of the society from the edge of society, and give birth to the arrival of knowledge economy.Colleges and universities have four functions: talent training, scientific research, social service and cultural inheritance. The function of social service was first developed in foreign countries. In the 1980s, our country began to study the social service of colleges and universities for more than 30 years.Great changes have taken place in our society, modern universities have sprung up, the quality of the people has been greatly improved, and the economy is developing rapidly.As a gathering place of outstanding talents and advanced knowledge, colleges and universities have become an irreplaceable part in the process of social development, and it is more and more necessary to study the social service ability of colleges and universities.This paper makes a systematic research on the social service of colleges and universities from the angle of theory by comprehensive use of literature analysis, investigation, comparative analysis and other research methods.In practice, this paper takes Kunming Medical University as an example, studies and condenses the contents and characteristics of social service in Kunming Medical University on the basis of extensive data collection, designs relevant questionnaires in Kunming Medical University.Random selection of personnel of management departments, graduate students, undergraduate interns, school teachers and medical and nursing personnel of directly affiliated hospitals for investigation,The external environmental problems of strengthening the ability of social service in Kunming Medical University are: imperfect operating mechanism, imperfect laws and regulations, insufficient financial policy support and internal problems: weak service consciousness; imperfect related policies;The service team is not perfect, the service content, the form is single, the connection with the government and the enterprise is not close, the service quality is not high, the effect is not very good.In view of the existing problems and the results of the questionnaire, five reasons for the problems in social service of Kunming Medical University are summarized: the social service consciousness of the school is weak, the school is not oriented to the society, the cooperation between the school and the enterprise is not high.The ability of social service is weak; school is not closely connected with society; the openness of school resources is poor.On the basis of the statistical analysis of the questionnaire survey results, combined with the actual situation of the school, five effective countermeasures to enhance the social service capacity of Kunming Medical University are put forward: perfecting the supporting policies and service mechanism, strengthening the service consciousness;Strengthen the sociality of running a school broaden the scope of service; enhance the adaptability of talent training to meet the needs of the society; actively build a service platform to create service forms to promote the transformation of scientific research results; close cooperation between schools and enterprises to enhance social ties.Finally, it provides the basis for strengthening the social service ability of Kunming Medical University, and plays a reference role in the study of the social service ability of other medical colleges and universities.


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