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发布时间:2018-04-13 22:37

  本文选题:高等学校 + 教师学风 ; 参考:《兰州大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:学风是一所大学精神面貌和文化底蕴的集中体现,是高等学校的立校之本和发展之魄,可以毫不夸张地说,学风是衡量高校办学水平的一个重要标志。优良的学风既有助于培养高素质人才,保证教育教学质量,维持学校的生存与发展,也有助于促进师生的学习成长、共同进步。长期以来,我国政府一直把高校学风建设作为一项系统工作来抓,采取了一系列切实可行的措施。与此同时,各高校也在国家相关方针政策的指引下,极为重视学风建设,积极配合,开展了形式多样的促进学风建设的活动。 谈及学风,我们可能会很自然地联想到学生。国内诸多学者也不约而同地把目光放在以学生为对象的学习态度和学习风气的研究上,重点关注学生学风中映射出来的问题,所提出的应对之策亦是针对学生而言的。而对作为人世楷模、学识风范、学生心灵导师的高校教师的学风状况的研究却相对较少。事实上,高校教师学风建设状况如何对社会发展和文明进步更是发挥着至关重要的作用。 翻阅中国教育史,我们可以发现我国尊师重教的传统由来已久。“天地君亲师”的口号便是最好的佐证,古人把教师放在同“天地君亲”同等重要的地位之上。教育家荀子在其《大略》篇中写道:“国将兴,必贵师而重傅;贵师而重傅,则法存。国将衰,必贱师而轻傅,贱师而轻傅,则人有快,人又快,则法度坏”,在他看来,对教师重要性的正确认识和尊崇关系到一个国家的兴衰存亡和法制的存废。 众所周知,高校教师对社会产生影响的方式主要有两种:一是通过自身的行为直接对社会产生影响;二是通过培养的学生影响社会的发展。由于教师承担着教书育人、为国家培养人才的重任,因此,其一言一行、一举一动都会影响到学生,都可能成为学生学习的典范。“其身正,不令而行;其身不正,虽令不从”,所以,高校教师不但要做学生学术道路上的引路人,而且要做“人师”,成为学生高尚品德修养方面的楷模。总体来说,当前我国高校教师学风方面的主流是好的,但也存在不尽如人意的地方,违反良好学风建设的行为时有发生。 之所以会出现这种状况,可将其归结为高校对教师学风建设的管理不到位;学术科研评价机制和职称评定办法有缺陷;学术不端行为惩罚机制不健全;市场经济和其他社会不良风气的影响;学术期刊没有发挥好监督作用和教师自身觉悟不高,思想认识不到位等因素。并在此基础上,提出了加强高校教师学风建设的措施,包括构建学区建设工作体系,建立健全学风建设机构;切实改进评价考核导向,形成客观科学的评价制度;规范学术不端行为调查程序,严肃处理学术不端行为;发挥学术期刊的监督作用以及提高教师的道德修养,自觉抵制外界诱惑。
[Abstract]:The style of study is a concentrated embodiment of the spirit and culture of a university. It is the foundation of the establishment and development of a university. It is no exaggeration to say that the style of study is an important symbol to measure the level of running a university.A fine style of study is not only helpful to cultivate high-quality talents, guarantee the quality of education and teaching, maintain the survival and development of the school, but also help to promote the learning and growth of teachers and students and common progress.For a long time, the government of our country has taken a series of practical measures on the construction of the style of study in colleges and universities as a systematic work.At the same time, under the guidance of the relevant national principles and policies, colleges and universities attach great importance to the construction of style of study, actively cooperate with each other, and carry out various activities to promote the construction of style of study.When it comes to style of study, we may naturally think of students.Many domestic scholars also focus on the study of students' learning attitude and learning atmosphere, focusing on the problems reflected in the students' style of study, and the countermeasures proposed are also aimed at students.However, there are few researches on the academic style of college teachers as role models, learning styles and mentors of students.As a matter of fact, the construction of college teachers' style of study plays an important role in the development of society and the progress of civilization.Looking through the history of Chinese education, we can find that the tradition of respecting teachers and attaching importance to education has a long history.The slogan "the King of Heaven and the Master" is the best proof. The ancients put the teacher on the same important position as the "King of Heaven".Xunzi, an educator, wrote in his Great outline: "when a country is about to flourish, it must be valued by its teachers, but by its teachers, it will survive by law."In his opinion, the correct understanding and respect of the importance of teachers is related to the rise and fall of a country and the preservation or abolition of the rule of law.As we all know, there are two main ways for college teachers to influence the society: one is to directly influence the society through their own behavior; the other is to influence the development of society through the cultivation of students.As teachers bear the responsibility of teaching and educating people and cultivating talents for the country, all their words and deeds will affect the students and they may become the models for students to learn."his body is upright, not ordered, and his body is not right, though he does not follow." therefore, college teachers should not only be the guide to the students' academic path, but also be "human teachers", and become models of students' noble moral cultivation.Generally speaking, the current mainstream of the style of study of college teachers in China is good, but there are also unsatisfactory places, the behavior of violating the construction of good style of study occurs from time to time.The reason for this situation can be attributed to the inadequate management of the construction of teachers' style of study in colleges and universities, the defects of the evaluation mechanism of academic scientific research and the evaluation method of professional title, the unsound punishment mechanism of academic misconduct, and the deficiency of the punishment mechanism of academic misconduct.The influence of market economy and other bad social ethos, the failure of academic journals to play a supervisory role, the low awareness of teachers themselves, the lack of ideological understanding and so on.On the basis of this, the paper puts forward some measures to strengthen the construction of academic style of university teachers, including constructing the work system of school district construction, establishing and perfecting the construction organization of the style of study, improving the guidance of evaluation and assessment and forming an objective and scientific evaluation system.Standardizing the investigation procedure of academic misconduct, dealing with academic misconduct seriously, giving full play to the supervisory role of academic journals and improving teachers' moral cultivation, and consciously resisting the external temptation.


中国期刊全文数据库 前10条

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中国硕士学位论文全文数据库 前1条

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