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发布时间:2018-04-14 22:04

  本文选题:高校 + 德育 ; 参考:《湖南农业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:党的十八大强调要“把立德树人作为教育的根本任务,培养德智体美全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人”。“立德树人”被首次确立为我国教育的根本任务,给高校德育工作带来了新的契机与挑战。当前,高校德育工作面临着最大的挑战就是文化多样化、价值观多元化给大学生所带来的多种意识形态的冲击。所以,如何创新和优化德育方法、手段和途径,巩固德育效果,是我们研究的时代课题。 在高校,学生社团是新时期大学生参与度最高、影响力最大的德育有效载体,发挥着隐性德育的积极作用,是高校德育的重要方法、手段和途径。研究其德育功能从理论意义上讲,有利于弥补高校学生社团德育理论上的不足,完善和丰富高校学生社团德育研究理论体系;从实践意义上讲,有利于增强其德育的吸引力和凝聚力,提高高校德育工作的实效性和针对性。 本研究将从高校德育的视角出发,以如何增强高校学生社团德育功能的实效性为重点,提出能切实促进其德育功能发挥的有效途径。首先,探究高校学生社团三大发展浪潮、德育功能的重要性和基本类型,论证其是高校德育工作的重要有效载体。其次,阐明学生社团的德育内涵、德育特点及五大德育功能,分析其对于大学生全面发展的作用。再次,结合在湖南五所高校进行的实证研究客观数据,进一步总结高校学生社团在德育活动开展中所反映的三大现实矛盾,分析目前学生社团德育功能发挥弱化的四个主要原因,对高校学生社团的德育功能如何在新时期、新变化、新发展中充分发挥作用进行较为系统的探讨。最后,根据马克思主义关于人的自由全面发展理论,运用“立德树人”和“以人为本”的教育理念,分别从确保其德育功能的方向性、巩固其德育活动成效和增强其德育功能的实效性三个方面,提出切实发挥高校学生社团德育功能的有效途径。
[Abstract]:The party's eighteen stressed the need to "the moral education is a fundamental task of education, cultivating socialist builders and successors" all-round development. "Moral education" was first established as the fundamental task of education in our country, has brought new challenges and opportunities for college moral education. The moral education in universities is facing the biggest the challenge is the cultural diversification, value diversification to a variety of ideology of college students caused by the impact. Therefore, how to innovate and optimize the moral education methods, means and ways, strengthen the effect of moral education, is the era subject of our study.
In universities, students associations is a new era of college students to participate in the highest degree of influence, the largest effective carrier of moral education, plays a positive role of the implicit moral education, is an important method of moral education in Colleges and universities, and ways and means of research. Its function of moral education from the perspective of theory, to make up for the lack of student moral education theory in high school, and improve rich college students moral education research theory system; from the practical sense, is conducive to enhancing the moral appeal and cohesion, improve the effectiveness of moral education work and targeted.
This study from the perspective of moral education in Colleges and universities from the perspective of how to enhance the effectiveness of college students moral education function as the key point, put forward the effective way to promote the moral education function. Firstly, explore the College Student Association three wave of development, the importance of the function of moral education and the basic types, the argument is an important and effective carrier of moral education in Colleges and universities to clarify the connotation of moral education. Secondly, students, moral characteristics and five functions of moral education, analyzes the college students' all-round development. Thirdly, combined with the customer makes an empirical study of five universities in Hunan in the view of data, further summarizes the three major contradictions of College Students Associations reflected in the moral education activities carried out in the analysis of the current. Student Association of moral education function of four main reasons for the weakening of the function of moral education of college students associations, how in the new period, new changes, new development, give full play to the role of To investigate systematically. Finally, according to the Marx doctrine on the theory of people's all-round development, the use of "moral education" and "people-oriented" philosophy of education, to ensure the function of moral education from the direction of moral education, consolidate the effectiveness of the activities and strengthen the three aspects of the function of moral education effectiveness, put forward practical and effective approach to the moral education function of college student associations.



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