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发布时间:2018-04-15 16:30

  本文选题:当代大学生 + 心理承受力 ; 参考:《西安科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:在竞争日益激烈的当代社会,大学生作为我国未来的建设者和接班人,他们面临着就业压力、学习压力、经济压力、人际压力、竞争压力等多重挑战,他们在自我管理、求职择业、人际沟通、环境适应、角色转变、生涯发展、恋爱情感、心理调节等方面反映出来的问题和困惑日益突出。不少大学生在遇到挫折时,,往往不能冷静思考,积极主动地寻求解决问题的途径与方法。由于缺少和缺乏抗挫折能力,他们容易产生委屈、埋怨、固执、冷漠、畏难、逃避甚至出现攻击报复等负面情绪,严重影响了他们的身心健康。这种状况令人担忧,发人深省。加强大学生心理承受力教育力度,全面提高大学生的综合素质,是摆在高等学校教育工作者面前的一项重要而紧迫的课题。 本文首先阐述了选题的研究背景及意义、国内外研究现状以及本论文内容框架和方法;接着分析了压力与心理承受力、当代大学生心理承受力的相关理论概念以及大学生心理承受力教育的意义、内容;进而对于当代大学生心理承受力进行了分析,主要包括当前大学生心理问题与困惑、当代大学生常见挫折反应;基于上述分析,对当代大学生心理承受力进行了调查,分别详述了调查问卷的编制、调查过程分析、研究结果、分析与讨论,着重分析了心理耐挫力状况、应对方式特点、大学生应对方式的差异显著性检验结果、相关分析;通过以上分析,提出了大学生心理承受力的教育对策,主要包括提高认识,确立大学生全面发展教育理念、加强大学生道德教育,培养良好的意志品质、引导大学生形成正确的挫折认知、引导大学生实施合理的自我调节、家庭、社会和学校合力共建大学生挫折承受力教育系统。
[Abstract]:In the increasingly competitive contemporary society, college students, as future builders and successors of our country, are facing many challenges, such as employment pressure, learning pressure, economic pressure, interpersonal pressure, competitive pressure and so on. They are managing themselves.The problems and puzzles reflected in job-hunting, interpersonal communication, environmental adaptation, role change, career development, love emotion, psychological adjustment and so on are increasingly prominent.Many college students are unable to think calmly when they encounter setbacks, and actively seek ways and methods to solve the problems.Due to the lack and lack of the ability to resist setbacks, they are prone to produce grievances, complaints, stubbornness, apathy, fear of difficulties, escape or even attack revenge and other negative emotions, which seriously affect their physical and mental health.This situation is worrying and thought-provoking.It is an important and urgent task for the educators in colleges and universities to strengthen the education of psychological tolerance of college students and to improve the comprehensive quality of college students in an all-round way.This paper first describes the research background and significance of the topic, domestic and foreign research status, as well as the content of this paper framework and methods, and then analyzes the pressure and psychological tolerance,The related theoretical concepts of contemporary college students' psychological tolerance, the significance and content of college students' psychological tolerance education, and the analysis of contemporary college students' psychological tolerance, mainly including the current psychological problems and puzzles of college students,Based on the above analysis, the psychological tolerance of contemporary college students is investigated, including the compilation of questionnaire, the analysis of investigation process, the research results, the analysis and discussion of the questionnaire.Through the above analysis, the author puts forward the educational countermeasures of college students' psychological endurance, mainly including raising awareness, and analyzing the characteristics of psychological resilience, the characteristics of coping styles, the significant test results of the differences of coping styles of college students, and the relevant analysis, and through the above analysis, the author puts forward the educational countermeasures of college students' psychological tolerance.To establish the concept of all-round development of education for college students, to strengthen moral education of college students, to cultivate good will quality, to guide students to form correct cognition of frustration, to guide college students to carry out reasonable self-regulation and family,The society and the school work together to build the education system of college students'frustration tolerance.


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