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发布时间:2018-04-15 21:34

  本文选题:数字公民 + 数字公民责任 ; 参考:《浙江师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着数字社会的逐步形成,数字公民随之诞生。数字社会同现实社会一样需要公民承担一定的责任,以调控数字社会中人们的数字行为。大学生作为数字社会的主要参与者,一方面,在数字社会实践中会享受到一定的权利;同时,也应该为成为一名负责任的数字公民而努力。 本文从数字社会特点出发,探讨和研究了数字公民责任的意义、内涵和结构,重点提出并分析了数字公民责任的四个维度,即“自我提高与自我控制”、“参与数字社会建设”、“规范数字社会行为”、“维护数字社会秩序”,阐述了每个维度的具体元素,即自我提高与自我控制包括开展数字学习活动、保护自身财产安全、保障个人身心健康;参与数字社会建设包括参与数字社会活动、贡献个人知识才干、帮助他人答疑解惑;规范数字社会行为包括抵制社会反动言论、揭露网络诈骗行为、维护他人产权隐私;维护数字社会秩序包括注重与人交往方式、抵制危害社会行为、遵守数字社会规范。 在分析数字公民责任的内涵和结构的基础上,结合大学生数字公民身份的特殊性,建立了大学生数字公民责任的基本内容。之后,利用德尔菲专家咨询法征求专家对“大学生数字公民责任基本内容”的意见和建议,最终确定了“大学生数字公民责任体系”。依据该体系的基本内容,将责任要素转化成较具代表性的问题构成了“大学生数字公民责任现状的调查问卷”,并在浙江、陕西、上海等地的高校随机发放问卷,共发放400份,回收358份,有效问卷334份。 调查表明:第一,从大学生自我提高与自我控制的责任层面考虑,大学生已经适应并逐渐采用数字化学习方式,基本能够调控好个人的数字化学习过程,时常会对数字设备查杀病毒,网购中也能够做到多方观察冷静对待,但在利用数字设备扩展课堂知识、筛选庞大的网络信息、掌握深入的电脑安全常识以及对自身健康问题的防护方面,还存在很多需要改进的地方。第二,从大学生参与数字社会建设的责任层面考虑,大学生在公平参与数字社会竞争方面表现良好,在诚信参与社会活动方面表现不佳,很少有大学生会主动创作原创作品分享给大家,而且也很少有大学生会主动帮助数字社会中的公民解决困难。第三,从大学生规范数字社会行为的责任层面考虑,大学生在抵制有损民族团结方面表现欠佳,抵制互联网诈骗方面积极主动,未能做到对网络资源版权问题的合理处置,尚不能很好地尊重他人隐私。第四,从大学生维护数字社会秩序的责任层面考虑,大学生基本能够做到在数字社会中文明礼貌地与他人沟通,但遇到破坏社会良好秩序的问题时,尚不能主动向有关部门举报,而且对数字社会法律法规知之甚少。 参照调查结果,本文提出了大学生数字公民责任教育的三条基本途径:其一,提供各种案例供大学生分析,以提高他们的责任意识;其二,模拟实践,提高大学生数字公民责任践履能力;其三,建立责任诊断与修正机制,提升大学生责任素养。
[Abstract]:With the gradual formation of the digital society , the digital citizen is born . The digital society needs citizens to bear certain responsibilities as the real society , so as to regulate the digital behavior of people in the digital society .
At the same time , efforts should also be made to become a responsible digital citizen .

Based on the characteristics of digital society , this paper discusses and studies the meaning , meaning and structure of digital citizen responsibility , puts forward and analyzes four dimensions of digital citizen responsibility , namely , " self - improvement and self - control " , " participation in digital society construction " , " normative digital social behavior " and " maintenance of digital social order " , expounds the specific elements of each dimension , namely , self - improvement and self - control , including the development of digital learning activities , the protection of their own property safety and the protection of individual physical and mental health ;
Participation in digital social construction includes engaging in digital social activities , contributing to personal knowledge and helping others to answer questions ;
The normative and digital social behavior includes resisting social reactionary remarks , exposing the network fraud and safeguarding the privacy of the property rights of others ;
The maintenance of the digital social order includes focusing on ways of interacting with people , resisting social behavior , and abiding by the digital social norms .

On the basis of analyzing the connotation and structure of digital citizen responsibility , combining with the particularity of college students ' digital citizenship , the author has set up the basic contents of digital citizen responsibility of college students .

Second , from the perspective of college students ' participation in digital society construction , college students are not able to actively participate in the digital society competition , but also have few students to actively help the citizens in the digital society to solve the problem .

Referring to the survey results , three basic ways of college students ' digital civic duty education are put forward : Firstly , various cases are provided for the analysis of college students , so as to improve their sense of responsibility ;
Second , the practice of simulation is to improve the ability of college students to practice digital citizenship ;
Third , establish the mechanism of responsibility diagnosis and correction , promote the students ' responsibility accomplishment .



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