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发布时间:2018-04-16 20:14

  本文选题:思想政治教育 + 大学生 ; 参考:《渤海大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:新世纪以来,,大学生社团迅速发展,大学生社团活动在提升学生思想道德素质、培养创新精神、活跃校园文化生活以及服务社会等方面发挥了重要作用,成为思想政治教育的有效载体。从思想政治教育的视角研究加强大学生社团建设,是新时期进一步提高思想政治教育实效性的需要,是促进大学生社团健康发展的需要。对于深入贯彻落实党的十八大提出的“把立德树人作为教育的根本任务,培养德智体美全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人”具有重要意义。 本文立足于思想政治教育的视角,紧密结合大学生思想政治教育及大学生社团发展建设的实际,在对思想政治教育与大学生社团的内涵、相互关系、大学生社团的类型、特征、功能进行阐述之后,深入分析了大学生社团建设中存在的问题及原因。有针对性的提出了进一步加强和改进社团建设应该遵循的原则、完善的内容及对策。全文共由四个部分组成:第一部分,对相关概念进行了界定,阐述了大学生社团的类型及特征。第二部分,论述了思想政治教育与社团的关系及大学生社团的育人功能。第三部分,从思想政治教育的视角,客观的分析了社团建设存在的主要问题及产生问题的原因。第四部分,探索了从思想政治教育的视角,大学生社团建设的原则及内容。从进一步提高认识加强对社团的领导;建立健全社团制度推进科学化管理;创建精品社团、提高社团活动质量;加强社团队伍建设、提升管理水平;增加经费物质投入、完善设施保障;拓展社团育人渠道、构建长效机制等六个方面,提出了进一步加强和改进大学生社团建设的对策。
[Abstract]:Since the new century, college students' associations have developed rapidly. The activities of college students' associations have played an important role in improving students' ideological and moral quality, cultivating innovative spirit, enlivening campus cultural life and serving the society.To become an effective carrier of ideological and political education.From the perspective of ideological and political education, it is necessary to further improve the effectiveness of ideological and political education and to promote the healthy development of college students' associations.It is of great significance to carry out the basic task of education and to train the socialist constructors and successors for the all-round development of morality, intelligence, body and beauty as proposed by the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.Based on the angle of view of ideological and political education and the reality of college students' ideological and political education and the development and construction of college students' associations, this paper discusses the connotation, relationship, types and characteristics of ideological and political education and college students' associations.After the function is expounded, the problems and reasons in the construction of college students' associations are analyzed.This paper puts forward the principles, contents and countermeasures to further strengthen and improve the construction of mass organizations.This paper consists of four parts: the first part defines the related concepts and expounds the types and characteristics of college students' associations.The second part discusses the relationship between ideological and political education and associations and the educational function of college students' associations.The third part, from the perspective of ideological and political education, objectively analyzes the main problems in the construction of associations and the causes of the problems.The fourth part explores the principles and contents of college students'association construction from the perspective of ideological and political education.From further enhancing the understanding and strengthening the leadership of the community, establishing and perfecting the social association system to promote scientific management, establishing the fine society, improving the quality of the community activities, strengthening the construction of the mass organization team, improving the management level, increasing the funds and material input,This paper puts forward the countermeasures of further strengthening and improving the construction of college students' associations in six aspects, such as perfecting the facilities, expanding the channels of educating people and constructing the long-term mechanism.


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