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发布时间:2018-04-17 16:42

  本文选题:大学生 + 考证 ; 参考:《东北财经大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:我国高等教育发展迅速,大学教育向大众化发展以及各行各业施行“持证上岗”的制度,致使高校扩招后就业难度增加。“最难就业年”到来的更使得许多大学生充满就业危机。为此,自上世纪90年代后期开始,我国高校校园里就出现了“考证热”现象。时至今日,大学生考证之风愈演愈烈,考证已经成为大学生学习、生活期间的一个重要部分。相关数据调研表明,多数大学生考证的原因是为就业做准备,想通过更多的证书来证明自己的价值。而现实情况是在招聘时,用人单位更加看重大学生的综合能力。学术界普遍把用人单位所要求的综合能力称为就业能力。那大学生考证是否能够提高大学生的就业能力呢?于是本文把大学生考证与就业能力之间的关系作为研究重点。同时本文构建了相对完善的大学生就业能力指标体系和大学生就业能力的量表,作为衡量大学生就业能力的依据。 本文以大连三所院校的大学生为研究对象,采用实证研究的方法,对大学生考证和就业能力的关系进行了研究,分别探讨了大学生证书的数量、证书的类型、选择证书的依据、考证的方式及考证的时间安排与大学生就业能力之问的关系。主要结论如下: (1)大学生考证的数量与其就业能力不存在相关关系。 (2)大学生考证的类型与其就业能力存在相关关系,但回归分析不显著,所以大学生考证的类型不能作为解释大学生就业能力的因素。 (3)大学生选择证书的依据与其就业能力存在显著的相关关系,其中选择“依据职业规划,选择目标岗位需要的证书”的大学生,其就业能力自评分值最高;选择“别人考什么,自己考什么”的大学生,其就业能力自评分值最低。 (4)大学生考证的方式与其就业能力存在显著的相关关系,其中选择“有详实的学习计划,按计划自己学习”的大学生,其就业能力分值最高;选择“考前突击复习”的大学生,其就业能力自评分值最低。 (5)大学生考证的时间安排与其就业能力存在显著的相关关系,其中选择“合理安排时间用于考证和社会实践”的大学生,其就业能力分值最高;选择“课余时间全部用于考证”的大学生,其就业能力分值最低。
[Abstract]:The rapid development of higher education in China, the popularization of university education and the implementation of the system of "licensed employment" in various professions have increased the difficulty of obtaining employment after the expansion of university enrollment.The arrival of the most difficult year of Employment makes many college students full of employment crisis.Therefore, since the late 1990s, there has been a phenomenon of "textual research fever" on the campus of colleges and universities in China.Nowadays, the trend of college students' textual research has become more and more intense, and it has become an important part of college students' study and life.Research shows that most college students are prepared for employment and want to prove their worth through more certificates.The reality is that when recruiting, employers pay more attention to the comprehensive ability of college students.The comprehensive ability that the unit of choose and employ persons requires is generally referred to as employment ability in academic circles.Can college students' textual research improve the employability of college students?So this paper focuses on the relationship between college students' textual research and employability.At the same time, this paper constructs a relatively perfect index system of college students' employability and a scale of college students' employability, which can be used as the basis for measuring college students' employability.This paper takes the students of three universities in Dalian as the object of study, adopts the method of empirical research, studies the relationship between college students' textual research and employability, probes into the quantity of certificates, the types of certificates, and the basis of selecting certificates, respectively.The relationship between the way of textual research and the time arrangement of textual research and the employment ability of college students.The main conclusions are as follows:1) there is no correlation between the number of college students and their employability.2) there is a correlation between the types of college students' textual research and their employability, but the regression analysis is not significant, so the types of college students' textual research can not be used as the factors to explain the employability of college students.(3) there is a significant correlation between the basis of college students' choice of certificate and their employability. Among them, the college students who choose "according to the occupation plan, choose the certificate needed for the target position" have the highest self-evaluation value of their employability, and choose "what other people take the exam,"What does oneself take an examination of "the university student, its employability self-evaluation value is lowest."(4) there is a significant correlation between the mode of textual research of college students and their employability. Among them, those who choose the students who have detailed study plans and study according to the plan have the highest score of employability, and those who choose "review before the examination" have the highest score of employability.Its employability self-evaluation value is the lowest.(5) there is a significant correlation between the time arrangement of college students' textual research and their employability. Among them, the college students who choose "reasonable arrangement of time for textual research and social practice" have the highest score of employability;The college students who choose "after-school time for textual research" have the lowest score of employability.


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