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发布时间:2018-04-18 16:09

  本文选题:教师教育 + 尼日利亚 ; 参考:《哈尔滨师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文着重描述了尼日利亚教师教育训的状况。尼日利亚全称为尼日利亚联邦共和国,位于非洲西部,由36个州组成,首都位于阿布贾。尼日利亚有超过500个民族,其中三个最大的民族是豪萨、约鲁巴和伊博。十九世纪末至二十世纪初尼日利亚位于英国殖民的统治之下。英国人建立了行政机构和法律,同时也承认非洲传统的酋长的地位。尼日利亚于1960年独立。被称为“非洲的巨人”的尼日利亚是非洲人口最多和世界人口第七多的国家。从人口统计学的角度看这个国家一半是生活在南部和中部地区的基督教徒一般是穆斯林。国家的官方语言是英语。教师教育在尼日利亚和在西方教育中是一样古老的。 在本文中讨论了基督教传教士和殖民政府间的关系;殖民地时期教师教育的出现;尼日利亚教师教育的成就和弱点是本研究关注的中心。通过分析尼日利亚教育体系中的教师教育以及独立后的新教育体系中的教师教育,研究尼日利亚教师教育的特点和不足之处,结合国际教师教育发展现状,为尼日利亚教师教育提出改革发展建议。 发展建议包括:解决拖欠教师工资的问题;调整和强化政府教育政策;为教师专业的人制订激励机制。
[Abstract]:Nigeria is known as the Federal Republic of Nigeria , which is located in the western part of Africa and consists of 36 states , the capital of which is located in Abuja . Nigeria has more than 500 nationalities . Three of the largest ethnic groups are Hausa , Yoruba and Ibo . Nigeria is the most populous and seventh - largest country in Africa in the late nineteenth century . The official language of the country is English . Teachers ' education is just as old in Nigeria and in Western education .

The relationship between the Christian missionaries and the colonial government is discussed in this paper .
The emergence of teacher education in colonial period ;
The achievements and weaknesses of Nigerian teacher education are the focus of this research . Through the analysis of the teacher education in the Nigerian educational system and the teacher education in the new educational system after independence , the characteristics and shortcomings of the Nigerian teacher education are studied , and the reform and development suggestions are put forward for the teachers ' education in Nigeria in the light of the present situation of the development of international teachers ' education .

The development proposals include : addressing the problem of arrears of teachers ' salaries ;
To adjust and strengthen the Government ' s educational policy ;
Develop incentives for teachers professionals .



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3 楼世洲;彭自力;;尼日利亚职业技术教育体制改革的分析[J];比较教育研究;2010年04期

4 楼世洲;宁业勤;;尼日利亚高等教育就业政策分析[J];比较教育研究;2008年11期

5 熊淳;魏体丽;;非洲基础教育均衡发展的困境初探——以尼日利亚初等教育均衡发展之路为例[J];河北师范大学学报(教育科学版);2012年08期




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