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发布时间:2018-04-18 17:04

  本文选题:网络交往 + 大学生 ; 参考:《山东师范大学》2015年硕士论文

【摘要】:个人的生存和发展离不开社会交往活动的展开,交往为人类个体物质和精神需要的满足提供了条件,同时,交往方式也深刻影响着个体的认知结构、思维方式和生活模式。人类社会的表现形态随着人类交往方式的嬗变发生着历史变迁,从人的依赖、物的依赖到信息依赖的交往方式的发展中,人类社会在生产方式、发展模式、传播结构、文化环境等方面发生着翻天覆地的变化。网络交往是随计算机网络技术的发展而出现的交往方式,它逐渐实现着人类长久以来对速度更快、容量更大、形式更丰富、联系更便捷、沟通更顺畅的普遍交往的美好设想,使世界范围内的数字地球村逐步形成,为促进社会的全面进步和个人的全面发展提供了前所未有的时代沃土。这是最好的时代,也是最坏的时代。网络红利裹挟着网络风险扑面而来,冲击着人类已有的生存经验,使人类面临着新的历史条件下的发展困境。具有虚拟性、平等性、全球性和多元性等特点的网络交往将人们引入了不同于现实生活的网络世界,拓展了人类生活世界的边界。网络信息场中多元文化并存,不同意识形态之间的交锋异常激烈。当代大学生是伴随网络发展成长起来的一代,他们对于网络新生事物的接受度高,学习、生活对网络的依赖程度深,网络交往的信息环境对他们的思想观点、价值观念、行为习惯的影响力大。在当前条件下,做好大学生的思想政治教育工作必须要深入网络交往迅速发展的时代语境,,适应网络信息环境和交往方式,转变工作方式方法,充分运用网络信息平台增强主体间互动,牢牢把握住引导网络舆论的话语权。要充分发挥价值引领作用,加强大学生网络道德教育和网络法律法规教育,增进大学生对网络的辩证认识,使他们学会在网络交往中实现更优的生存状态,促进大学生的健康成才,营造良好的网络文化环境。 本文主要采用文献研究法、理论与实际相结合以及分析与综合相统一的研究方法,对网络交往语境下大学生思想政治教育的相关问题进行了探讨,全文共分为四个部分。第一部分首先阐述了网络交往的本质内涵,指出交往是人的基本存在方式,网络交往方式是时代发展的产物,塑造着信息时代的文化景观和社会风貌。分析了网络交往与传统交往方式相比的突出特点,即虚拟性、全球性、平等性、多元性等,最后落脚于考察当代大学生的网络交往现状;第二部分基于以上对网络交往的定位和评价,指出网络交往构成的生活图景已经是开展大学生思想政治教育重要的话语语境,其中机遇与挑战并存。网络交往丰富了大学生的信息获取渠道,打破了大学校园较为封闭的文化环境,增强了与社会的互动。网络交往的平台为思想政治教育的开展开拓了隐性渗透的广阔阵地,为教育者与受教育者主体间的沟通交流、增进理解提供了良好的交往条件。同时,网络交往创造了多元并存、鱼龙混杂的网络信息场,传统思想政治教育的话语权被削弱。个性化、自主性的网络交往方式对大学生的集体主义价值观形成冲击。此外,过度沉迷于网络世界不利于大学生的成长成才,需要思想政治教育工作者加强关注和引导;第三部分从大学生自我管理水平不高、思想政治教育工作对网络交往发展重视不足、网络环境监管系统尚不完善三个角度,探讨了网络交往语境下大学生思想政治教育实效性不高、威信力下降的原因,找寻导致思想政治教育“网络失语”的根源;第四部分从大学生、思想政治教育工作自身、网络环境监管三个方面对症下药,探索提高大学生思想政治教育实效性,促进网络交往规范化和网络环境有序化的有效路径,提出了网络交往语境下加强大学生思想政治教育的几点建议。
[Abstract]:Personal survival and development cannot do without the social interaction activities, provide the conditions for human communication, individual material and spirit to meet the needs of communication at the same time, also has a profound impact on the individual cognitive structure, thinking mode and the mode of life. Human society forms with the evolution of human communication the change of history, from the development of dependence, dependence on things to rely on information communication way, human society in the mode of production, mode of development, the structure of communication, a change of culture turn the world upside down environment. Network communication appears with the development of computer network technology, the way of communication, it gradually realize human for a long time to speed faster, bigger, richer forms of contact, more convenient, better idea of general communication communication more smoothly, so that the digital earth village in the world gradually formed, in order to promote Provides the era of all-round development of hitherto unknown fertile soil comprehensive progress of the society and the individual. This is the best of times, it was the worst of times. Dividend coerced network risk Pumianerlai, the impact of existing human survival experience, makes human facing the dilemma of development under the new historical conditions. With the virtual nature, equality that is global and diverse network communication people into real life is different from the network in the world, expanding the world of human life in the field of information network. The boundaries of multicultural coexistence, battle between different ideologies is fierce. With the network development of contemporary college students is a generation growing up, they for the new network things to accept a high degree of learning, life, the dependence of the network, values of network communication, information environment on their ideas, habits, and influential. Under the current conditions, the context of the era of College Students Ideological and political education work must be further rapid development of network communication, to adapt to the environment of network information and communication mode, method of shift work, make full use of network information platform to strengthen the subject interaction, firmly grasp the guidance of network media discourse. To give full play to the leading role of value, strengthen college students network moral education and the laws and regulations of network education, the improvement of the students dialectical understanding of the network, so that they learn to achieve better living conditions in the network communication, to promote their healthy development, to create a good network environment.
This paper mainly adopts the literature research method, combining theory with practice and analysis of research methods and unified comprehensive phase, discussed issues related to network communication in the context of the ideological and political education, the thesis is divided into four parts. The first part describes the essential connotation of network communication, points out that communication is a basic way of human existence the network communication is the product of the times, shaping the culture of the information age and social landscape style. Then analyzes the characteristics of network communication in contrast to traditional communication mode, namely virtual, global, equality, diversity and so on, and finally settled on the study of contemporary college students' network communication status; the second part positioning and evaluation the network communication based on network communication, pointed out that the picture of life which is to carry out the discourse context of Ideological and political education important, among them the opportunity Andchallenge. Network communication can enrich students' access to information, to break the relatively closed campus cultural environment, enhance the interaction with the society. The network communication platform for the ideological and political education to develop a broad position of tacit penetration, as educators and educatees of communication, enhance mutual understanding provides good communication conditions. At the same time, network communication has created diversified network information field, the traditional ideological and political education of dragons and fishes jumbled together, the discourse has been weakened. Personalized, form the impact of network communication on the autonomy of students collective values. In addition, over indulge in the network world is not conducive to the growth of College students and the ideological and political educators need to strengthen attention and guidance; the third part from the self management level of college students is not high, the work of Ideological and political education on network communication The development of the lack of attention, supervision system in the network environment is not perfect in three aspects, discusses the network communication in the context of the effectiveness of Ideological and political education is not high, the reason the authority to force down, find the root causes the ideological and political education "Aphasia"; the fourth part from the university students, the ideological and political education work, three aspects of the Internet an antidote against the disease environment supervision improve the ideological and political education, to explore the effective way to promote college students, network communication, standardized and orderly network environment, puts forward some suggestions on strengthening the ideological and political education in the context of network communication.



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