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发布时间:2018-04-20 15:07

  本文选题:科学教育 + 教师培养 ; 参考:《东南大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:As a recognized educational power in the world, the United States has always attached great importance to science education, and its scientific education has always been in the leading position in the world. In addition, in the training of science teachers, the United States has formed its own characteristics, and accumulated a lot of successful experience. In contrast, science education in China starts relatively late, and the training of science teachers is still in the exploratory stage. Although after years of development, the training of science teachers in our country has made some achievements, but compared with the developed countries such as the United States of America, There is still a long way to go in the training of science teachers in China. This paper compares the training of science teachers between China and the United States, and draws lessons from the successful experience of the United States in the training of science teachers, so as to perfect the training of science teachers in our country, in order to cultivate high quality science teachers. To promote the development of science education in China. This paper makes a comparative study on the training of science teachers in China and America from three aspects: professional standards, pre-service training and post-service training. In terms of professional standards, NSTA (2012) and NBPTS (2014) are selected to compare with China's New Curriculum Standard for Junior Middle School Science (2011) and the Professional Standard for Middle School Teachers (2011). It is concluded that the formulation of professional standards of Chinese science teachers should be carried out from three dimensions: professional knowledge, professional skills and professional attitude. In the aspect of pre-service training, the author compares the training mode, the training goal and the curriculum setting, and concludes that the science teachers' pre-service training in our country should enrich the training model, perfect the training goal and optimize the curriculum. In terms of on-the-job training, we compare the four aspects of policies and regulations, training objectives, training models and teachers' qualification certificates, and draw a conclusion that our country's post-service training of science teachers should improve policies and regulations and promote training objectives. Enrich the training model and improve the teacher qualification certificate system.


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