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发布时间:2018-04-20 15:31

  本文选题:民办高校 + 国家助学金 ; 参考:《辽宁师范大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:More and more attention has been paid to the problem of education, especially after the expansion of colleges and universities, the number of private colleges and universities has increased dramatically. Since private colleges and universities mainly bear the funds for running a school, the tuition fees continue to rise, which makes some students with poor family economic conditions unable to enjoy the opportunity of higher education. The implementation of the state grant system, for these poor students to create opportunities to study, to provide security. However, due to the different evaluation standards, methods, workflow and implementation methods, the results and effects of the review are deviated, so that some students who really need help do not get real benefits. Through consulting the relevant literature, based on the private colleges and universities themselves, combined with the actual situation of the work, two private colleges and universities in Dalian were selected to visit the field, questionnaire survey, It is found that there are some problems in the process of national grant evaluation in private colleges and universities: the evaluation criteria are vague and single, lack of scientific rationality, the evaluation methods are simple, the individual practices are improper, the evaluation work flow is too rough, and the standardization is poor; The evaluation effect is not good, and some students' relationship is affected, and the self-binding force is decreased. After careful analysis and research, and sorting out the investigation results, this study has put forward some feasible and feasible countermeasures and suggestions: first, to formulate a fine evaluation standard system that combines quantitative and qualitative analysis; second, Adopt multi-dimensional evaluation methods; third, establish standardized and effective evaluation work flow; fourth, adopt effective implementation methods; strengthen the education and management of the aided students.


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