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发布时间:2018-04-20 17:41

  本文选题:大学生 + 就业观 ; 参考:《辽宁师范大学》2009年硕士论文

【摘要】: 随着中国高等教育的不断发展,高校培养的大学毕业生人数逐年增加。一方面,这为中国各项事业的建设提供了源源不断的生力军,推动了改革开放和小康社会建设的稳步前进;另一方面,相对于逐年膨胀的毕业生人数,社会所提供的新增就业岗位日益有限,这也加剧了大学生的就业竞争。大学生就业成为难题是由多方面因素造成的,如高校课程设置和人才培养模式的不完善、社会上人才高消费的片面用人理念、各地区之间劳动力需求不平衡等等,但笔者认为大学生自身没有树立正确的就业观也是不容忽视的重要原因。 本文以思想政治教育原理为依托,运用文献法、比较法、分析与综合法,旨在引导大学生树立正确的就业观,主要包括引言和正文两个部分。引言部分主要阐述选题的缘由,总结国内外关于就业观问题的研究现状,提出本文研究的新意。正文部分共分三个章节: 第一章诠释正确就业观的内涵,阐述树立正确就业观对社会及大学生发展的意义。正确的就业观,是以科学发展观为指导,实事求是,将国家、社会利益和个人利益相结合的就业观。只有树立正确的就业观,才能更好地帮助大学生就业,使大学生在为国家和社会发展贡献力量的同时,实现人生理想和人生价值。 第二章首先总结当代大学生就业观现状正反两方面表现,即:一方面以国家和社会利益为重,不计名利为社会主义建设默默奉献力量;另一方面片面看重工作环境和待遇、盲目追求物质享受。其次,针对大学生就业观中存在的问题,从中国现阶段国情、社会主义市场经济大环境、多元文化背景下消极价值观渗透、中国传统文化中消极思想影响四个方面,分析产生的原因。最后指出,只有树立正确的就业观,才能帮助大学生更好地克服以上消极观念,发扬奋进精神。 第三章主要针对当代大学生就业观中存在的问题,提出教育引导大学生树立正确就业观的方法和途径:首先,中央和地方应出台相应的就业措施,提供政策支持;其次,学校应加强国情教育、马克思主义理论和思想道德教育、就业及创业教育并提供就业指导;再次,新闻媒体应加强舆论宣传,引导大众转变观念,形成社会合力;最后,大学生个人应加强自我教育,树立正确就业观。 大学生作为具备较高素质和理论修养的群体,能够把自身的知识、技能转化为现实的物质生产力,是建设社会主义的宝贵人才资源。但这种转化需要通过就业来实现,在没找到工作之前,大学生自身很难创造社会财富,只能以一种潜在生产力形式存在。大学生要实现人生理想、人生价值,也必须通过就业来完成。通过本文论述,就业观对大学生的就业行为有重要指导作用,在目前严峻的就业形势下,只有教育引导大学生树立正确的就业观,才能更好地帮助大学生走出就业困境,为社会主义建设贡献力量。
[Abstract]:With the development of higher education in China, the number of college graduates is increasing year by year. On the one hand, this has provided a steady stream of fresh troops for the construction of various undertakings in China and promoted the steady progress of reform and opening up and the construction of a well-off society; on the other hand, relative to the number of graduates who have expanded year by year, The new jobs provided by the society are increasingly limited, which also intensifies the employment competition of college students. The employment problem of college students is caused by many factors, such as the imperfect curriculum and talent training mode, the one-sided employment concept of high consumption of talents in society, the imbalance of labor demand among different regions, and so on. However, the author believes that the college students themselves do not set up a correct view of employment is also an important reason that can not be ignored. Based on the principles of ideological and political education, this paper uses the methods of literature, comparison, analysis and synthesis to guide college students to set up a correct view of employment, which includes two parts: introduction and text. The preface mainly explains the reason of choosing the topic, summarizes the domestic and foreign research status of the employment concept, and puts forward the new ideas of this paper. The body is divided into three chapters: The first chapter interprets the connotation of the correct view of employment and expounds the significance of setting up the correct view of employment for the development of society and college students. The correct view of employment is based on the scientific development view, seeking truth from facts and combining national, social and personal interests. Only by setting up a correct view of employment can we better help college students obtain employment and realize their ideal and value of life while contributing to the development of our country and society. The second chapter summarizes the positive and negative aspects of the present situation of college students' view of employment, that is, on the one hand, focusing on the interests of the country and society, regardless of fame and fortune, quietly dedicated to socialist construction; on the other hand, one-sided emphasis on the work environment and treatment. Blind pursuit of material enjoyment. Secondly, in view of the problems existing in college students' view of employment, from the current situation of China, the great environment of socialist market economy, the permeation of negative values under the multicultural background, the influence of negative thoughts in Chinese traditional culture, Analyze the causes. Finally, it is pointed out that only by setting up a correct view of employment can college students overcome the above negative ideas better and carry forward the spirit of endeavor. The third chapter mainly aims at the problems existing in the contemporary college students' view of employment, and puts forward the methods and ways to guide the college students to establish a correct view of employment: first, the central and local governments should issue corresponding employment measures to provide policy support; secondly, Schools should strengthen education on national conditions, Marxist theory and ideological and moral education, employment and entrepreneurship education and provide employment guidance; thirdly, the news media should strengthen public opinion and propaganda, guide the public to change their concepts, and form social forces; finally, College students should strengthen their self-education and set up a correct view of employment. As a group with high quality and theoretical accomplishment, college students can transform their own knowledge and skills into practical material productivity, which is a valuable talent resource for building socialism. However, this transformation needs to be achieved through employment. Until they find a job, it is very difficult for college students to create social wealth, and can only exist in a form of potential productivity. In order to realize the ideal of life and the value of life, college students must also obtain employment. This paper discusses that the employment concept has an important guiding role in the employment behavior of college students. Under the severe employment situation at present, only when the education guides the college students to establish the correct employment view, can they better help them out of the employment predicament. Contribute to socialist construction.


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