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发布时间:2018-04-20 22:39

  本文选题:民办高等学校 + 网络舆情 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:传统媒体环境下,,舆论来源单一,而作为第四媒体的网络媒体则具有开放度高、信息量大、互动性强的特点。占据中国网民将近30%比重的高等学校学生,是网络舆情的主要生成力量和被影响对象。民办高等学校的学生思想相对活跃,决定其网络舆情具有一定特殊性;而民办高校全新的办学机制与办学模式,也使其无法照搬公办高等学校已有的网络舆情应对经验。 网络舆情是以互联网为传播平台、以现实事件为基础对象、以汇聚不同个体的外在意见所形成的群体性思想趋向,并且不断与现实事件发生有利或有害的相互影响。网络舆情反映民众意愿,科学应对网络舆情可以促进发展、创造和谐,反之则可能激化矛盾、引起动荡。加强网络舆情应对能力的研究,已经成为当今公共管理的重要研究方向之一。目前,对高校网络舆情应对能力的研究,主要集中在舆情预警、监控、发现和处理等方面,而对舆情应对能力的定量研究、评估以及应对能力指标体系的构建则还没有。 本文在学习和借鉴国内外基于自组织原理与混沌理论等研究网络舆情的先进成果基础上,结合公共管理学、政治学、心理学等学科内容,突破传统定性研究模式,确定复合、定量的研究方向,建立网络舆情应对评价指标体系,对网络舆情应对能力进行研究。 首先,探讨当今社会网络舆情的现状、背景和原因,挖掘重视网络舆情管理的深层次涵义以及针对网络舆情应对能力进行研究的重要意义。 其次,针对当前民办高等学校网络舆情与舆情应对的现状进行研究。通过调查问卷的方式以及问卷数据分析,结合民办高校与公办高校之间的对比,剖析现状及形成原因,梳理民办高等学校网络舆情应对的优点、不足以及问题根源。 然后,在充分认识网络舆情应对的重要性和深入分析民办高等学校舆情动向和特点的基础上,对如何应对网络舆情进行研究,包括思想观念、方式方法、机构建设、规章制度、技术手段、人员素质、重点应对、应急预案等方面。 最后,建立民办高等学校网络舆情应对能力评价指标体系。 网络舆情应对能力是民办高等学校的基本能力,也是民办高等学校管理水平与体现,更是评价民办高等学校的有效参考依据。通过建立民办高等学校网络舆情应对能力评价指标体系提升民办高等学校的科学决策水平,进而实现应对网络舆情从被动到主动、从感性到理性的转变。
[Abstract]:In the traditional media environment, public opinion comes from a single source, while the network media, as the fourth medium, has the characteristics of high openness, large amount of information and strong interaction. College students, who account for nearly 30% of Chinese Internet users, are the main generating force and affected object of network public opinion. The students' thoughts of private colleges and universities are relatively active, which determines that their network public opinion has a certain particularity, while the brand-new running mechanism and mode of running schools of private colleges and universities make it impossible to copy the existing experiences of public colleges and universities in response to network public opinion. Network public opinion is based on the Internet as the communication platform, with the real events as the basic object, to gather the external opinions of different individuals to form a group of thought trends, and continue to have a beneficial or harmful interaction with the actual events. Network public opinion reflects the will of the people. Scientific response to network public opinion can promote development and create harmony, otherwise it may intensify contradictions and cause turbulence. Strengthening the research of network public opinion coping ability has become one of the important research directions of public administration nowadays. At present, the research on the coping ability of university network public opinion mainly focuses on the aspects of public opinion warning, monitoring, discovery and processing, while the quantitative research, evaluation and the construction of coping ability index system of public opinion response ability are not yet available. On the basis of studying and drawing lessons from domestic and foreign advanced research achievements of network public opinion based on self-organization principle and chaos theory, this paper combines the contents of public management, political science, psychology and so on, breaks through the traditional qualitative research mode, and determines the compound. Quantitative research direction, set up network public opinion response evaluation index system, research network public opinion coping ability. First of all, it discusses the current situation, background and reasons of social network public opinion, excavates the deep meaning of paying attention to the network public opinion management and the significance of the research on the network public opinion coping ability. Secondly, the current situation of network public opinion and public opinion response in private colleges and universities is studied. Through the way of questionnaire and the analysis of questionnaire data, combined with the comparison between private colleges and public universities, this paper analyzes the present situation and the forming reasons, combs the advantages, shortcomings and root causes of the network public opinion of private colleges and universities. Then, on the basis of fully understanding the importance of network public opinion response and deeply analyzing the trend and characteristics of public opinion in private colleges and universities, this paper studies how to deal with network public opinion, including ideas, ways and methods, institution building, rules and regulations. Technical means, personnel quality, key response, emergency plan and so on. Finally, the evaluation index system of network public opinion coping ability of private colleges and universities is established. The network public opinion coping ability is the basic ability of the private colleges and universities, is also the management level and the embodiment of the private colleges and universities, and is the effective reference basis for evaluating the private colleges and universities. Through the establishment of the evaluation index system of network public opinion coping ability of private colleges and universities, the scientific decision-making level of private colleges and universities can be improved, and then the change of response network public opinion from passive to active, from sensibility to rationality is realized.


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1 韩松洋;周五湖;范宸西;;网络舆情在国外政治选举中的作用及应对能力分析[J];党史博采(理论);2013年09期




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